# The structure sheaf $\OO$ (Wednesday, September 01) ## Ringed spaces are finer than topological spaces :::{.example title="Polynomial rings"} Let $k = \bar k$ be algebraically closed, then \[ \spec k[x] = \ts{ \gens{x-a} \st a\in k}\union \gens{0} .\] Similarly, \[ \spec k[x, y] = \ts{ \gens{x-a, y-b} \st a,b\in k} \union \ts{\gens{f} \st f\in k[x,y] \text{ irreducible}} \union \gens{0} .\] Note that both have non-closed, generic points $\eta = \gens{0}$. ::: :::{.example title="Distinct ringed spaces which are homeomorphic"} Consider $X \da \spec \ZZpadic$ and $Y\da \spec \CC\powerseries{t}$, then \[ X = \ts{\gens p, \gens 0},\qquad Y = \ts{ \gens t, \gens 0 } .\] Both are two point spaces, with exactly one open/generic point $\gens 0$ and one closed point ($\gens p$ and $\gens t$ respectively). These spaces are isomorphic as topological spaces (i.e. there is a homeomorphism between them), but later we'll see that they can be distinguished as ringed spaces. ::: ## Properties of $V$ :::{.remark} Recall that for $A\in\CRing$, we defined $\spec A$ to have closed sets of the form \[ V(I) = \ts{p \in \spec(A) \st p\contains I} \qquad \forall I\normal A .\] ::: :::{.lemma title="$V$ sends finite products to unions"} \[ V(IJ) = V(I) \union V(J) ,\] ::: :::{.corollary title="Primeness of ideals in terms of ideals (and not just elements)"} If a prime ideal $p$ contains $IJ$ then $p\contains I$ or $p\contains J$. ::: :::{.proof title="of lemma"} $\impliedby$: If $I \subseteq P$ or $J \subseteq P$, then $IJ \subseteq I$ and $IJ \subseteq J$, so $IJ \subset p$. $\implies$: Suppose $IJ \subset p$ but $J \not\subset p$, so pick $j\in J \sm p$. Then for all $i\in I$, we have $ij\in IJ \subseteq p$, forcing $i\in p$. ::: :::{.lemma title="$V$ sends arbitrary sums to intersections"} An arbitrary intersection satisfies \[ V\qty{ \sum_{i\in J} I_i} = \Intersect_{i\in J} V(I_i) .\] ::: :::{.proof title="of lemma"} $\implies$: For $p\in \spec(A)$, we want to show that $p \contains \sum I_i$ iff $p \contains I_i$ for all $i$, so $I_i \subseteq \sum I_i \subset P$. $\impliedby$: Ideals are additive groups, regardless of whether or not they're prime! ::: :::{.proof title="of proposition"} \envlist - $\emptyset$ is closed, since $\emptyset = V(A)$ - $X$ is closed, since $X = V(0)$ and $O$ is contained in every prime ideal. - Closure under finite unions: by induction, it's enough to show that $V(I) \union V(J)$ is closed. This follows from the 1st lemma above. - Closure under arbitrary unions: this follows from the 2nd lemma. ::: :::{.proposition title="$V(I) = V(\sqrt I)$"} \[ V(I) = V(\sqrt I) .\] ::: :::{.proof title="?"} The proof is simple: prime ideals are radical. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Note that \[ \spec \ZZ = \ts{\gens 0} \union \ts{ \gens{p} \st p\normal \ZZ \text{ is prime}} .\] In general, maximal ideals are always closed points, and $\gens 0$ is not a closed point. This is homeomorphic to e.g. \[ \spec \QQbar[t] = \ts{\gens 0} \union \ts{\gens{t-a} \st a\in \QQbar} ,\] since both are comprised of countably many closed points and a single open point. ::: ## Localization and the structure sheaf :::{.definition title="Localization"} Suppose $p \subseteq A$ is a prime ideal, then the **localization** of $A$ at $p$, is defined as \[ A_p \da A\primelocalize{p} \da \ts{ {a\over f} \st a, f\in A,\, f\not\in p}\modiso \\ \\ \quad {a\over f} \sim {b\over g}\iff \exists \, h\in A \text{ s.t. } h(ag-bf)=0 .\] This makes the elements of $p^c$ invertible, and is a local ring with residue field $\kappa = \ff(A/p)$ and maximal ideal $pA_p$. Ideals of $A_p$ biject with ideals of $A$ contained in $p$. ::: :::{.remark} Idea: $A_p$ should look like germs of functions at the point $p$. Note that localizing at the ideal $p$ is like deleting $\cl_X(V(p))$, which is also useful. We now want to construct a sheaf $\OO = \OO_{\spec A}$ which has stalks $A_p$. We'll construct something that's obviously a sheaf, at the cost of needing to work hard to prove things about it! ::: :::{.definition title="Structure sheaf"} For $U\in \spec(A)$ open, so $U = V(I)^c$, define the **structure sheaf of $X$** as the sheaf given \[ \OO(U) \da \ts{ s:U \to \Disjoint{p\in U} A_p \st s(p) \in A_p, \text{ and } s \text{ is locally a fraction}} .\] Here *locally a fraction* means that for all $p\in U$ there is an open $p\in V \subseteq U$ and elements $a, f\in A$ such that 1. $f\not\in Q$ for any $Q\in V$ and 2. $s(Q) = a/f$ for all $Q \in V$. Restriction is defined for $V \subseteq U$ as honest function restriction on $\OO(U) \to \OO(V)$. ::: :::{.remark} Note that this is sheafifying the presheaf that sends $U = D_f$ for $f\in A$ to the ring $A_f$. ::: :::{.example title="Structure sheaf of a field"} Let $k \in \Field$ and $X\da \spec(k) = \ts{\gens 0}$. Then $\OO_X$ is determined by \[ \globsec{X; \OO_X} = \ts{s: \spec k \to k \st \text{ conditions above} } = k ,\] since the conditions are vacuous here. ::: :::{.example title="Structure sheaf of formal power series rings"} Let $X = \spec \CC\powerseries{t} = \ts{ \gens 0, \gens t}$. Then \[ \OO_X(X) = \CC\powerseries{t}\qquad \OO_X(\gens 0) = \CC\functionfield{t} .\] :::