# Appendix ## Notation - $\ff(R)$ denotes the fraction field (or field of quotients) of $R$. - $R\localize{S}$ is the ring $R$ localized at the multiplicative set $S \subseteq R$, i.e. the subset of the fraction field $\ff(R)$ with denominators only in $S$. This differs from the usual notation $S\inv R$. - $\ZZpadic$ is the $p\dash$adic integers, i.e. the ring $R=\ZZ$ completed at the ideal $\gens{p}$. This differs from the usual notation $\ZZ_p$. - $R\fps{t}$ is the topological ring of formal power series in $t$, i.e. infinite sums $\sum_{i\geq 0} r_i t^i$ with the $t\dash$adic topology. - $R\fls{t}$ is the topological ring of formal Laurent series, i.e. half-infinite sums $\sum_{i\geq -N} r_i t^i$. - Note that $R \fls{t} = R\fps{t}\localize{S}$ where $S = \ts{1, x, x^2,\cdots}$. If $R$ is a field, $R\fls{t} = \ff(R\fps{t})$. - If $A$ is a ring, then $\OO_A \da \OO_{\spec A}$ by abuse of notation. - $\AA^n \da \AA^{n}\slice R \da \Spec R[x_1,\cdots, x_n], \PP^n\da \PP^n\slice R \da \Proj R[x_0,\cdots, x_n]$, where the ring $R$ is sometimes dropped from the notation. - If $\cat C$ is a category and $x,y\in \cat C$ are objects, $\cat C(x, y) \da \Hom_{\cat C}(x, y)$. So for example, $\Sch(X, Y) \da \Hom_{\Sch}(X, Y)$. Hom sets are sometimes written as $\Mor_{\cat C}(x, y)$. ## Facts :::{.remark} Some useful facts: - The equalizer diagram for a sheaf $\mcf$: \begin{tikzcd} \cofinal \ar[r] & \mcf(U) \stackar{3}[r] & \displaystyle\prod_{i\in I} \mcf(U_{i}) \stackar{5}[r] & \displaystyle\prod_{i < j \in I} \mcf(U_{ij}) \cdots \end{tikzcd} - The inverse image / pushforward ("direct image") adjunction: \[ \adjunction{f_*}{f\inv}{\Sh(X)}{\Sh(Y)} \implies \Sh(X)(f\inv \mcg, \mcf) \iso \Sh(Y)(\mcg, f_* \mcf) .\] :::