# Lecture 7 (Thursday February 04) ## Lagrangian Floer Homology :::{.remark} Recall that we had a symplectic manifold $(M^{2n}, \omega)$ with $L_0, L_1 \subset M$ two Lagrangians. We wanted to do something like Morse theory on $\Path(L_0, L_1)$. ![image_2021-02-16-22-21-44](figures/image_2021-02-16-22-21-44.png) What ingredients do we need? - Something to replace $-df$: $\alpha$ - Something to replace the vector field \( -\gradient \): we defined a metric $g^\Path$ using $\alpha$ To define \( \alpha \) we needed to look at \[ T_{ \gamma} \Path = \ts{ \xi: I\to TM \st \xi(s) \in T_{\gamma(s)}M } ,\] which is like a collection of tangent vectors along \( \gamma \) giving a way to deform the path. Since \( \alpha\in \Omega^1(\Path) \), for any \( \gamma \) it induces a map \[ T_{ \gamma} M &\mapsvia{\alpha} \RR \\ \xi &\mapsto \alpha_{ \gamma} (\xi) \da \int_0^1 \omega( \dot{ \gamma}, \xi)\ds .\] ::: :::{.observation} \( \alpha_{ \gamma} = 0 \iff \gamma \) is constant, which happens if and only if \( \gamma\in L_0 \intersect L_1 \). This corresponds to critical points of the functional yielding intersection points of the Lagrangians. ::: :::{.remark} We wanted to define the gradient, for which we needed a metric on $\Path$. We did this by lifting a metric from $M$. Pick an almost complex structure $J$ compatible with \( \omega \), then this yields a Riemannian metric defined by \( g(v, w) = \omega(v, Jw) \). Then we can define \[ g^\Path_{\gamma}(\xi, \eta) \da \int_0^1 g( \xi(s), \eta(s) )\ds .\] We used this to compute the vector field \( -\grad_{\gamma} J \cdot{\gamma}(s) \). What are its trajectories? These are paths of paths $u(s, t) \da u_t(s)$ such that \( \dd{}{t} u_t(s) = J \dd{}{s} u_t \). We thus get an equation \[ \dd{u}{t}(s, t) = J \dd{u}{s}(s, t) .\] ::: :::{.remark} For $x, y \in L_0 \intersect L_1$ trajectories connecting $x$ to $y$, we'll write this as \[ \mathcal{M}(x, y) \da \ts{ u(s, t) :[0,1] \cross \RR\to M \substack{ u(0, t) \in L_0 \\ u(1, t) \in L_1 \\ u(s, t) \converges{t\to - \infty }\to x \\ u(s, t) \converges{t\to \infty }\to y \\ \dd{u}{t} = J \dd{u}{s} } } .\] We can modify this PDE to make things look familiar: multiply both sides with $J$ to obtain \[ J \dd{u}{t} = J^2 \dd{u}{s} \implies J \dd{u}{t} = - \dd{u}{s} \implies \dd{u}{s} + J \dd{u}{t} = 0 ,\] which is the Cauchy-Riemann equation. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Check that this equation can be written as $J\, du = du \circ i$ where $i$ is the standard complex structure on $\CC \supseteq [0, 1] \cross \RR$, so $du$ commutes with $i$ and $J$. ::: :::{.definition title="$J\dash$holomorphic or Pseudoholomorphic Discs"} If $J\, du = du \circ i$, then $u$ is called a **$J\dash$holomorphic disc** or a **pseudoholomorphic disc**. ::: :::{.remark} Schematically, the situation is the following: ![image_2021-02-16-23-22-40](figures/image_2021-02-16-23-22-40.png) Using the Riemann mapping theorem, the strip on the left-hand side is biholomorphic to $\DD \subseteq \CC$ with $\pm i$ removed: ![image_2021-02-16-23-23-43](figures/image_2021-02-16-23-23-43.png) Due to the limit conditions at infinity in the strip, we can extend $u$ to a $J\dash$holomorphic map from the entire disc by sending $i\mapsto y$ and $-i\mapsto x$. ::: :::{.remark} In Morse homology, we have an $\RR$ action on the moduli space of trajectories, and that also shows up here. Here $\RR \actson \mathcal{M}(x, y)$ by $u(s, t) \mapsvia{c} u_c(s, t) \da u(s, t+c)$, noting that translating the strip from above still yields a solution. ::: :::{.definition title="?"} We define \[ \hat{\mathcal{M}}(x, y) \da \mathcal{M}(x, y) / \RR .\] ::: :::{.definition title="?"} We'll define \[ CF(L_1, L_2) \da \bigoplus_{x\in L_0 \intersect L_1} \ZZ/2\ZZ \gens{ x } \\ \\ \bd x \da \sum_{y\in L_0 \intersect L_1} \# \hat{\mathcal{M}}(x, y) y .\] ::: :::{.remark} When is the intersection count \( \# \hat{\mathcal{M}}(x, y) \) well-defined? In Morse homology, we have two conditions: 1. \( (f, g) \) is Morse-Smale, to ensure that the moduli spaces are smooth manifolds (using Sard's theorem) 2. \( \ind(x) - \ind(y) = 1 \), ensuring \( \mathcal{M}(x, y) \) is 1-dimensional 3. Compactness of \( \hat{\mathcal{M}}(x, y) \) when 1 and 2 hold. These were enough to guarantee that \( \hat{ \mathcal{M}} (x, y)\) was a smooth compact 0-dimensional manifold, which allowed for point counts. In Lagrangian Floer homology, we have the following replacements: **For 2 (indices)**: Recall that the index in Morse homology was the dimension of the negative eigenspace of the Hessian, but we're in infinite dimensions here. So we won't have a well-defined index, but we'll have something that can replace the *difference* of indices: the **Maslov index** $\mu(x, y)$, the expected dimension of \( \mathcal{M}(x, y) \). To actually have this be the dimension will require some conditions, so it's not always true. This will be the index of some elliptic operator defined using the Cauchy-Riemann equations. **For 1 (transversality)**: We'll need some version of transversality, which will imply that for a generic $J$ that \( \mathcal{M}(x, y) \) is smooth. **For 3 (compactness)**: We'll use **Gromov compactness** and some extra topological assumptions, which will imply that \( \hat{ \mathcal{M}}(x, y), \mathcal{M}(x, y) \) are both compact. Taken together, these will make the point-count well-defined. ::: :::{.remark} In order for this to be a chain complex, we'll need \( \bd^2 = 0 \). We'll look at when \( \mu(x, y) = 2 \), and we'll compactify \( \hat{ \mathcal{M}}(x, y) \) in order to show this holds. Gromov's compactness will give us \[ \bd \closure{ \mathcal{M}(x, y) } = \Union_{\mu(x,z) = \mu(z, y) = 1} \mathcal{M}(x, z) \cross \mathcal{M}(z, y) ,\] much like the *broken trajectories* from Morse homology. Here we'll need to add in broken $J\dash$holomorphic discs: ![image_2021-02-16-23-45-04](figures/image_2021-02-16-23-45-04.png) Using the same argument as in Morse homology, we can obtain $\bd^2 = 0$. ::: :::{.theorem title="Floer"} Suppose $(M^{2n}, \omega)$ is a compact symplectic manifold with Lagrangians $L_0, L_1$ such that 1. $L_0 \transverse L_1$ 2. $\pi_2(M) = \pi_2(M, L_0) = \pi_2(M, L_1) = 0$, which are topological conditions on embedded spheres with boundaries mapped to the $L_i$. Under these assumptions, $\bd^2 = 0$ and the homology \[ HF(L_0, L_1) \da H_*( CF(L_0, L_1), \bd) \da \ker \bd / \im \bd \] is an invariant of $(M, L_0, L_1)$ up to **Hamiltonian isotopies** of $L_0, L_1$. ::: :::{.definition title="Symplectomorphism"} A **symplectomorphism** is a diffeomorphism \( \psi: M_1 \to M_2 \) such \( \psi^* \omega_1 = \omega_2 \). ::: :::{.definition title="Hamiltonian Vector Fields"} A **Hamiltonian vector field** is a vector field $V$ such that \[ \iota_V \omega\da \omega(V, \wait) \in \Omega^1 \] is exact, and thus equal to $df$ for some functional $f\in C^{\infty }(M, \RR)$. Note that if one has a functional $f$, one can find a symplectic form \( \omega \) such that this holds, so $V$ is sometimes denoted $V_f$ to show this dependence. ::: :::{.example title="?"} $\RR^{2n}$ with the standard symplectic form $\sum_{i=1}^n dx_i \wedge dy_i$, we have \( V_f = \dd{f}{y_1}, \cdots, \dd{f}{y_n}, - \dd{f}{x_1}, \cdots, -\dd{f}{x_n} \) for any $f:\RR^{2n} \to \RR$. Note that we can have time-dependent vector fields (i.e. one parameter families) as well. ::: :::{.definition title="Hamiltonian Isotopies"} A **Hamiltonian isotopy** is a family \( \psi_t \) of diffeomorphisms of $M$ such that \( \psi_t \) is the flow of a 1-parameter family of Hamiltonian vector fields $V_t$, so taking the derivative of $V$ yields this function. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that if \( \psi_t \) is a Hamiltonian isotopy, then $\psi_t^* \omega = \omega$ and is thus a symplectomorphism as well. ::: :::{.remark} Goal: use this as an invariant of closed 3-manifolds in the form of **Lagrangian Floer homology**, defined by Osvath-Szabo. Note that Floer's theorem requires topological assumptions which make the homology well-defined, but we don't have these available in the HF setup. In particular, the assumptions on $\pi_2$ won't hold. :::