# Tuesday, March 09 :::{.remark} Recall that we were working with a diagram for $S^1 \cross S^2$: ![image_2021-03-09-11-14-10](figures/image_2021-03-09-11-14-10.png) Here we have \( \bd x = 2y = 0 \) since we're working mod 2, and \( \bd y = 0 \), so we have \[ \hat{\HF}(H_1) = {\ker \bd \over \im \bd} = { \gens{ x, y }\over 1} = (\ZZ/2)^{\oplus 2} .\] However, with a different diagram, we get a different result: ![image_2021-03-09-11-15-46](figures/image_2021-03-09-11-15-46.png) Here $\hat{\HF}(H_2) = 0$. To prevent this, we'll have some class of *admissible* diagrams. ::: :::{.definition title="Periodic Domains"} A 2-chain \( P = \sum_{i=1}^m a_i D_i \) is called a **periodic domain** if and only if 1. The local multiplicity of $P$ at $z$ is zero, i.e. $n_z(P) = 0$, and 2. $\bd P$ is a linear combination of \( \alpha, \beta \). ::: :::{.remark} Note that for (2), the boundary could involve 1-chains, so this condition avoids corners on \( \bd P \). The local picture is the following: ![image_2021-03-09-11-19-12](figures/image_2021-03-09-11-19-12.png) ::: :::{.example title="?"} In this picture, $P = nD_1$ will be a periodic domain for any $n$; ![image_2021-03-09-11-20-54](figures/image_2021-03-09-11-20-54.png) ::: :::{.example title="?"} Labeling the first picture, we have ![image_2021-03-09-11-21-32](figures/image_2021-03-09-11-21-32.png) We should have $n_1 + n_2 = 0$, so any $P = n(D_1 - D_2)$ will be a periodic domain. Checking the boundary yields \( \bd P = n \alpha \pm n \beta \). In fact there is single "generator" for the periodic domains here: ![image_2021-03-09-11-23-43](figures/image_2021-03-09-11-23-43.png) ::: :::{.definition title="Weakly Admissible Diagrams"} A Heegaard diagram $H = ( \Sigma, \alpha, \beta, z)$ is called **weakly admissible** if any periodic domain $P$ has both positive and negative coefficients. ::: :::{.example title="?"} $H_1$ from above is weakly admissible, but $H_2$ is not. ::: :::{.remark} For any Whitney disc \( \varphi\in \pi_2(x, x) \) with $n_z( \varphi) = 0$, $D( \varphi)$ is a periodic domain. For any periodic domain $P$, we can associate a homology class $H(P) \in H_2(M)$. Writing \[ \bd P = \sum_{i=1}^g a_i \alpha_i + \sum_{i=1}^g b_i \beta_i \mapsvia{H} H(P) \da [ P + \sum_{i=1}^g a_i A_i + \sum_{i=1}^g b_i B_i] .\] using that each \( \alpha_i \) is the boundary of some disc $A_i$ in one handlebody, and \( \beta_i = \bd B_i \) similarly. Noting that $P$ is a boundary, this amounts to adding a number of discs to get a closed nontrivial cycle. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that if $H(P) =0$ the $P=0$, and that $H$ is a bijection. ::: :::{.remark} Let $P = \sum_{i=1}^m n_i D_i$ be a 2-chain that satisfies condition 2, so \( \bd P = \sum_{i=1}^m a_i \alpha_i + \sum_{i=1}^m b_i \beta_i \). Then we can obtain a periodic domain: \[ P_0 \da P - n_z(P) \qty{ \sum_{i=1}^m D_i } \da P - n_z(P) [ \Sigma ] .\] ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that if $g>2$, then \[ \pi_2(x, x) &\mapsvia{\sim} \ZZ \oplus H_2(M)\\ P = P_0 + n_z(P)[ \Sigma ] &\mapsto (n_z(P), H(P_0)) .\] Alternatively, given \( \varphi\in n_z( \varphi) S \) where $S$ is the positive generator of $\pi_2( \Sym^g( \Sigma ) ) \freeprod \varphi_0$ (i.e. the hyperelliptic involution) where \( D(\phi_0)\) is a periodic domain. > Use that for $g\geq 2$ there is a bijection between Whitney discs and domains, and domains of Whitney discs are domains satisfying condition (2) above. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that for a closed 3-manifold $M\in \QHS^3$, $H_2(M; \ZZ) = 0$. ::: :::{.corollary title="?"} If $H_2(M) =0$ (e.g. if $M \in \QHS^3$) then any Heegard diagram is weakly admissible. ::: :::{.remark} This is because $H_2(M) = 0$ means there are no periodic domains. ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} If $H$ is weakly admissible, then for any \( x, y \in \TT_{ \alpha} \intersect \TT_{ \beta} \) there are *finitely* many Whitney discs \( \varphi\in \pi_2(x, y) \) with \( D( \varphi) \geq 0 \). ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Any Heegard diagram can be made admissible using finitely many isotopies. ::: :::{.example title="?"} For $g=1$, we have \( \Sym^1( \Sigma) = \Sigma \). We'll use this in what follows. ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} For any \( x, y\in \alpha \intersect \beta \), the 0-dimensional moduli space of holomorphic disks connecting $x$ to $y$ correspond to orientation-preserving immersions of the following form which satisfy: ![image_2021-03-09-12-06-12](figures/image_2021-03-09-12-06-12.png) 1. \( u(e_1) \subseteq \beta, u(e_2) \subseteq \alpha, u(-i) = x, u(i) = y \). 2. There are $\pi/2$ radian corners at $x, y$, but these are smooth immersions at other boundary points. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Prove this lemma using the Riemann mapping theorem. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Consider the following example: ![image_2021-03-09-12-09-05](figures/image_2021-03-09-12-09-05.png) List all of the bigons in this picture that will contribute to the differential. :::