# Thursday, March 18 ## $\Spinc$ Structures and Invariance :::{.remark} Recall that given a Heegard diagram \( ( \Sigma, \alpha, \beta, z ) \) gives an equivalence relation \[ x \sim y \iff \eps(x, y) = 0 \in H_1(M) \equalsbecause{\PD} H^2(M) .\] This yields a decomposition of $\hat{\CF}$ into a direct sum over equivalence classes of subcomplexes defined by $\Spinc$ structures. Note that the differential will preserve each direct summand. We defined $\Spinc(M)$ as the set of nowhere vanishing vector fields on $M$ modulo being homotopic outside finitely many 3-balls in $M$. We had a map \[ \TT_{ \alpha} \intersect \TT_{\beta} \mapsvia{s_z} \Spinc(M) ,\] recalling that the left-hand side are the generators of $\hat{\CF}$. We took a self-indexing Morse function on $M$, took the inverse image of $3/2$ to get the Heegard surface, and each intersection point $x_i$ gave a flow line from an index 2 critical point to an index 1 critical point passing through $x_i$: ![Trajectories of negative gradient flow](figures/image_2021-03-18-11-19-00.png) We proceeded by cancelling adjacent flow lines (at the level of vector fields), and then modifying $\gamma_z$ (the flow line passing through the basepoint $z$ connecting the index 0 to the index 3) to get a nowhere vanishing vector field. We then took a trivialization $\tau: TM \to M \cross\RR^3$ defined a map \[ \Spinc(M) &\mapsvia{\gamma^ \tau} H^2(M) \\ s = [v] &\mapsto f_v^*( \alpha) .\] where \( \alpha \) is the volume form of $S^2$ and \[ f_v: M &\to S^2 \\ x &\mapsto \hat{v_x} \da { v_x \over \norm{v_x} } .\] Note that \( \delta^\tau \) a priori depends on \( \tau \), but \[ \delta(s_1, s_2) = \delta^{ \tau}(s_1) - \delta^{ \tau}(s_2) \in H^2(M) ,\] and the difference is independent of \( \tau \). ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} For $x, y\in \TT_{ \alpha} \intersect \TT_{ \beta}$, defining $s_1 - s_2 = \delta(s_1, s_2) \in H^2(M)$, we have \[ s_z(y) - s_z(x) = \PD[\eps(x, y) ] .\] As corollaries, 1. If $x\sim y$ then $s_z(y) = s_z(x)$, and 2. If $x\not\sim y$ then the above equation holds. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Prove this! *Hint, take the Poincaré dual of the link below to get the formula:* \[ s_z(y) - s_z(x) = \PD[ \gamma_y \union (- \gamma_x)] .\] *This implies that the two vector fields are equal everywhere outside of a tubular neighborhood of the link. Then show that \( [ \gamma_x \union (-\gamma_x) = [ \eps(x, y) ] \).* ::: :::{.remark} We thus have \[ \hat{\CF}( \Sigma, \alpha, \beta, z) = \bigoplus _{\mfs \in \Spinc(M)} \hat{\CF}( \Sigma, \alpha, \beta, z, \mfs) .\] ::: :::{.remark} We have several properties of $\Spinc$ structures. There is a map \[ J: \Spinc(M) &\to \Spinc(M) \\ s = [v] &\mapsto \conj{s} \da [-v] .\] There is also a first Chern class \[ c_1: \Spinc(M) &\to H^2(M) \\ s &\mapsto s - \conj{s} ,\] i.e. $c_1(s) = \delta(s, \conj{s})$. ::: :::{.theorem title="Topological Invariance"} The association \[ ( \Sigma, \alpha, \beta, z), J \leadsto \hat{\HF} ( \Sigma, \alpha, \beta, z) \] does not depend on the choice of Heegard diagram or the almost complex structure $J$, so this yields a well-defined invariant of $M$ which we'll denote \( \hat{\HF}(M) \) for \( M\in \Mfd^3(\RR) \). ::: :::{.remark} There are few things to discuss: 1. The almost complex structure $J$: 2. Isotopies 3. Handle slides 4. Stabilization Remarks on these: 1. This involves a standard argument from Lagrangian Floer homology. 2. There are two cases: - If the isotopy doesn't create a new intersection, we have a 1-to-1 correspondence between generators for any two choices, and changing $J$ to $J'$ will give a correspondence between the differentials. This just involves picking a diffeomorphism that maps \( \alpha \) circles to \( \alpha' \) circles, and so on. So this reduces to showing 1. - If is *does* create new intersection points, there are again standard arguments in Lagrangian Floer homology for this. 3. This involves the following situation, which induces a map ![image_2021-03-18-11-51-38](figures/image_2021-03-18-11-51-38.png) For an appropriate choice of $J$ on \( \Sigma \connectsum T^2 \), the map $f$ above will induce a chain homotopy equivalence \[ \tilde f: \hat{\CF} (\Sigma, \alpha, \beta, z) \mapsvia{\sim} \hat{\CF} (\Sigma \connectsum T^2, \alpha', \beta', z) .\] 4. What's the picture? ![image_2021-03-18-11-56-59](figures/image_2021-03-18-11-56-59.png) This will yield a map \[ (\Sigma, \alpha, {\color{blue} \beta}, z) \leadsto (\Sigma, \alpha, {\color{green} \gamma}, z) .\] For \( i = 1, \cdots, g-1 \), we'll have \( \gamma_i \) isotopic to \( \beta_i \), and for \( i=g \), \( \gamma_g \) is obtained by sliding \( \beta_g \) over \( \beta_{g-1} \). We'll combine these into the same diagram with different colors to compare them, yielding a **Heegard triple**: \[ (\Sigma, {\color{red} \alpha}, {\color{blue} \beta}, { \color{green} \gamma}, z) .\] We can think of this as three separate diagrams: \[ (\Sigma, {\color{red} \alpha}, {\color{blue} \beta}, z) &\leadsto M\\ (\Sigma, {\color{blue} \beta}, { \color{green} \gamma}, z) &\leadsto ? \\ (\Sigma, {\color{red} \alpha}, { \color{green} \gamma}, z) &\leadsto M .\] What does the middle one represent? ![Heegard diagram](figures/image_2021-03-18-12-02-39.png) Here this is a diagram for \( (S^1 \cross S^2)^{\connectsum 2} \). Note that we draw \( \gamma_i \) such that it intersects \( \beta_i \) in two transverse intersection points to make sure the diagram is admissible. ::: :::{.remark} Give a Heegard triple \( ( \Sigma, \alpha, \beta, \gamma, z \), pick three intersection points \[ x &\in \TT_{ \alpha} \intersect \TT_{ \beta} \\ y &\in \TT_{ \beta} \intersect \TT_{ \gamma} \\ w &\in \TT_{ \gamma} \intersect \TT_{ \alpha} .\] We can use **Whitney triangles** to connect $x,y,w$: ![image_2021-03-18-12-23-07](figures/image_2021-03-18-12-23-07.png) We then define \( \pi_2(x,y,z) \) to be the homotopy class of Whitney triangles connecting $x,y,w$. We can similarly define \( \mcm( \psi ) \) to be the moduli space of $J\dash$holomorphic representatives of \( \psi\in \pi_2(x,y,w) \), along with a chain map \[ f_{\alpha \beta \gamma}: \hat{\CF}(\Sigma, \alpha, \beta, z) \tensor \hat{\CF}(\Sigma, \beta, \gamma z) &\to \hat{\CF}(\Sigma, \alpha, \gamma, z) \\ x\tensor y &\mapsto \sum_{ w \in \TT_{ \alpha} \intersect\TT_{ \beta}} \sum_{\substack{ \psi\in \pi_2(x,y,w) \\ \mu( \psi) = 0 \\ n_z( \psi) = 0 }} \# \mcm( \psi) \cdot w .\] ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} \( f_{ \alpha \beta \gamma} \) is a chain map. ::: :::{.remark} Next time: we'll show how to get a chain homotopy equivalence from the first tensor term above to the codomain. We'll also see surgery exact triangles. :::