# Monday, February 01 :::{.remark} Last time \( \ul{\RR} \) on a manifold $M$ has a resolution by vector bundles: \[ 0 \to \ul{\RR} \injects \Omega^1 \mapsvia{d} \Omega^2 \mapsvia{d} \cdots .\] This is an exact sequence of sheaves of any smooth manifold, since locally $d \omega = 0 \implies \omega = d \alpha$ (by the *Poincaré $d \dash$lemma*). We also want to know that \( \Omega^k \) is an acyclic sheaf on a smooth manifold. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Let $X\in Top$ and \( \mathcal{F}\in \Sh(\Ab)_{/X} \). We say \( \mathcal{F} \) is **flasque** if and only if for all $U \supseteq V$ the map \( \mathcal{F}(U) \mapsvia{\rho_{UV}} \mathcal{F}(V) \) is surjective. Show that \( \mathcal{F} \) is acyclic, i.e. $H^i(X; \mathcal{F}) = 0$. This can also be generalized with a POU. ::: :::{.example title="?"} The function $1/x\in \OO(\RR\smz)$, but doesn't extend to a continuous map on $\RR$. So the restriction map is not surjective. ::: :::{.remark} Any vector bundle on a smooth manifold is acyclic. Using the fact that \( \Omega^k \) is acyclic and the above resolution of $\ul{\RR}$, we can write $H^k(X; \RR) = \ker(d_k) / \im d_{k-1} \da H^k_{dR}(X; \RR)$. ::: :::{.remark} Now letting $X \in \Mfd_\CC$, recalling that \( \Omega^p \) was the sheaf of holomorphic \( p \dash \)forms. Locally these are of the form $\sum_{\abs{I} = p} f_I(\vector{z}) dz^I$ where $f_I(\vector{z})$ is holomorphic. There is a resolution \[ 0 \mapsvia{} \Omega^p \mapsvia{} A^{p, 0} ,\] where in $A^{p, 0}$ we allowed also $f_I$ are *smooth*. These are the same as bundles, but we view sections differently. The first allows only holomorphic sections, whereas the latter allows smooth sections. What can you apply to a smooth $(p, 0)$ form to check if it's holomorphic? ::: :::{.example title="?"} For $p=0$, we have \[ 0 \to \OO \to A^{0, 0} .\] where we have the sheaf of holomorphic functions mapping to the sheaf of smooth functions. We essentially want a version of checking the Cauchy-Riemann equations. ::: :::{.definition title="$\del$ and $\delbar$ operators"} Let \( \omega\in A^{p, q}(X) \) where \[ d \omega = \sum \dd{f_I}{z_j} dz^j \wedge dz^I \wedge d\bar{z}^J + \sum_j \dd{f_I}{\bar{z}_j} d\bar{z}^j \wedge dz^I d\bar{z}^J\da \del + \bar{\del} \] with $\abs I = p, \abs J = q$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} The function $f(z) = z\bar{z} \in A^{0, 0}(\CC)$ is smooth, and $df = \bar{z} dz + z d\bar{z}$. This can be checked by writing $z^j = x^j + iy^j$ and $\bar z^j = x^j - iy_j$, and $\dd{}{\bar z} g = 0$ if and only if $g$ is holomorphic. Here we get $\del \omega \in A^{p+1, q}(X)$ and $\bar{\del} \in A^{p, q+1}(X)$, and we can write $d(z \bar z) = \del(z\bar z) + \delbar(z\bar z)$. ::: :::{.definition title="Cauchy-Riemann Equations"} Recall the Cauchy-Riemann equations: \( \omega \) is a holomorphic $(p, 0) \dash$form on $\CC^n$ if and only if $\delbar \omega = 0$. ::: :::{.remark} Thus to extend the previous resolution, we should take \[ 0 \to \Omega^p \injects A^{p, 0} \mapsvia{\delbar} A^{p, 1} \mapsvia{\delbar} A^{p, 2} \to \cdots .\] The fact that this is exact is called the *Poincaré \( \delbar \dash \)lemma*. ::: :::{.remark} There are no bump functions in the holomorphic world, and since \( \Omega^p \) is a holomorphic bundle, it may not be acyclic. However, the $A^{p, q}$ *are* acyclic (since they are smooth vector bundles and thus admit POUs), and we obtain \[ H^q(X; \Omega^p) = \ker( \delbar_q) / \im(\delbar_{q-1}) .\] Note the similarity to $H_{\dR}$, using $\delbar$ instead of $d$. This is called **Dolbeault cohomology**, and yields invariants of complex manifolds: the **Hodge numbers** $h^{p, q}(X) \da \dim_\CC H^q(X; \Omega^p)$. These are analogies: Smooth | Complex | -----------|---------| $\ul{\RR}$ | $\Omega^p$ | $\Omega^k$ | $A^{p, q}$ | Betti numbers $\beta_k$ | Hodge numbers $h^{p, q}$ | Note the slight overloading of terminology here! ::: :::{.theorem title="Properties of Singular Cohomology"} Let $X\in \Top$, then $H_{\sing}^i(X; \ZZ)$ satisfies the following properties: - Functoriality: given $f\in \Hom_\Top(X, Y)$, there is a pullback $f^*: H^i(Y; \ZZ) \to H^i(X; \ZZ)$. - The cap product: a pairing \[ H^i(X; \ZZ) \tensor_\ZZ H_j(X; \ZZ) &\to H_{j-i}(X; \ZZ) \\ \varphi\tensor \sigma &\mapsto \varphi\qty{\ro{\sigma}{\Delta_{0, \cdots, j}}} \ro{ \sigma}{\Delta_{i, \cdots, j}} .\] This makes $H_*$ a module over $H^*$. - There is a ring structure induced by the cup product: \[ H^i(X; \RR) \cross H^j(X; \RR)\to H^{i+j}(X; \RR) && \alpha\cup \beta &= (-1)^{ij} \beta \cup \alpha .\] - Poincaré Duality: If $X$ is an oriented manifold, there exists a fundamental class $[X] \in H_{n}(X; \ZZ) \cong \ZZ$ and $(\wait)\cap X: H^i \to H_{n-i}$ is an isomorphism. ::: :::{.remark} Let $M \subset X$ be a submanifold where $X$ is a smooth oriented $n\dash$manifold. Then $M \injects X$ induces a pushforward $H_n(M; \ZZ) \mapsvia{\iota_*} H_n(X; \ZZ)$ where \( \sigma \mapsto \iota \circ \sigma \). Using Poincaré duality, we'll identify $H_{\dim M}(X; \ZZ) \to H^{\codim M}(X; \ZZ)$ and identify $[M] = PD( \iota_*( [M]))$. In this case, if $M\transverse N$ then $[M] \cap [N] = [M \cap N]$, i.e. the cap product is given by intersecting submanifolds. ::: :::{.warnings} This can't always be done! There are counterexamples where homology classes can't be represented by submanifolds. :::