# Friday, February 12 :::{.remark} Last time: the splitting principle. Suppose we have \( \bundle{E} = L_1 \oplus \cdots \oplus L_r \) and let $x_i \da c_i(L_i)$. Then $c_k(\bundle{E})$ is the degree $2k$ part of \( \prod_{i=1}^r (1 + x_i ) \) where each $x_i$ is in degree $2$. This is equal to $e_k(x_1, \cdots, x_r)$ where $e_k$ is the $k$th elementary symmetric polynomial. ::: :::{.example title="?"} For example, - $e_1 = x_1 + \cdots x_r$. - $e_2 = x_1 x_2 + x_1 x_3 + \cdots = \sum_{i < j} x_i x_j$ - $e_3 = \sum_{i 0}(X; \OO) = 0$, but $H^0(X; \OO)$ is the space of all holomorphic functions on $\CC$, making $\dim_\CC h^0(X; \OO)$ infinite. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Take $X = \PP^1$ with $\OO$ as above, $h^0(\PP^1; \OO) = 1$ since $\PP^1$ is compact and the maximum modulus principle applies, so the only global holomorphic functions are constant. We can write $\PP^1 = \CC_1 \union \CC_2$ as a cover and $h^i(\CC, \OO) = 0$, so this is an acyclic cover and we can use it to compute $h^1(\PP^1; \OO)$ using Čech cohomology. We have - $C^0(\PP^1; \OO) = \OO(\CC_1) \oplus \OO(\CC_2)$ - $C^1(\PP^1; \OO) = \OO(\CC_1 \intersect\CC_2) = \OO(\CC\units)$. - The boundary map is given by \[ \del_0: C^0 &\to C^1 \\ ( f(z), g(z) ) &\mapsto g(1/z) - f(z) \] and there are no triple intersections. Is every holomorphic function on $\CC\units$ of the form $g(1/z) - f(z)$ with $f,g$ holomorphic on $\CC$. The answer is yes, by Laurent expansion, and thus $h^1 = 0$. We can thus compute $\chi(\PP^1; \OO) = 1-0 = 1$. :::