# Friday, March 19 :::{.remark} Recall Serre duality: let $C\in \Mfd_\CC(\cpt,\oriented)$ and $L\to C \in \Bun(\Hol)$. Then \[ h^1(L) = h^0(L\dual \tensor K_C) .\] We also have Riemann-Roch, a very important tool: \[ h^0(L) - h^1(L) = \deg L + 1 - g(C) ,\] where $\deg L = \int_C c_1(L)$, which is also equal to \( \deg [ \ts{ s = 0 }] = \deg(\div s) \). Note that $c_1$ is the most important Chern class to know, thanks to the splitting principle. How was it defined? There are several definitions: 1. $L$ defines an element of \[ H^1(C, \OO\units) &= \ts{ t_{UV}: U \intersect V \to \CC\units \st t_{UV} t_{UW}\inv t_{VW} = 1 } / \bd \ts{ h_u: U\to \CC\units } \\ &= \ker \bd^1 / \im \bd^0 \] in Čech cohomology. By definition \( \bd \ts{ h_U \st U\in \mathcal{U} } = \ts{ h_u h_v\inv \st U, V \in \mathcal{U} } \), where $\bd^2 = 1$ since \[ (h_U h_V)\inv \qty{h_U h_W \inv }\inv (h_V h_W \inv) = 1 && \text{on } U \intersect V \intersect W .\] By assigning $L$ to its transition functions, we get a map $L\to H^1$. We have the exponential exact sequence: \[ 0 \to \constantsheaf{\ZZ} \to \OO \mapsvia{\exp} \OO\units \to 1 ,\] which induces a map \[ H^1(C, \OO\units) &\to H^2(C, \ZZ) \\ L &\mapsto c_1(L) .\] 2. $L$ defines an element $\Fr L \in \Prinbun(\CC\units)$ (which only works for line bundles), which is defined by \( \Fr L = L \sm s_0 \) where $s_0$ is the zero section of $L$. By topology, we get a classifying map \[ C \mapsvia{\phi_L} B\CC\units = \CP^\infty = (\CC^{\infty} \smz) / \CC\units .\] There is a universal $c_1\in H^2(\CP^{\infty}; \ZZ)$, so we take the pullback to define $c_1(L) \da \phi_L^*(c_1)$. We can use that there is a cell decomposition \( \CP^{\infty } = \CC^0 \union \CC^1 \union \CC^2 \union \cdots \), and so there is a unique generator in its $H^2$. 3. Consider a smooth section $s\in C^{\infty }(L)$, then we can define $c_1(L) \da [ \ts{ s = 0 } ]$ by taking the fundamental class, assuming that $s$ is transverse to the zero section $s_z$ of $L$. Here we view the zero set as an oriented submanifold. See picture: in this case $[\ts{ s = 0 } ] = [p] - [q] + [r]$. \todo[inline]{Add picture.} ::: :::{.remark} Applying Serre duality to the left-hand side in Riemann-Roch yields the dimension of the space of holomorphic sections of some *other* bundle, $L\dual \tensor K$. ::: :::{.example title="The structure sheaf"} Applying Riemann-Roch to $L \da \OO$, we get \[ \chi(\OO) = h^0(\OO) - h^1(\OO) = 0 + 1 - g ,\] which is equal to $h^0(\OO) - h^0(K)$. But the only holomorphic functions on $\CC$ are constant, so $h^0(\OO) = 1$. In particular, $h^0(K) = g$, so any Riemann surface of genus $g$ has a $g\dash$dimensional space of holomorphic 1-forms. ::: :::{.example title="The Canonical Bundle"} Applying Riemann-Roch to $L\da K$, we get \[ \chi(K) = h^0(K) - h^0(K\dual \tensor K) = \deg(K) + 1 - g .\] Since $K\dual \tensor K = \OO$, we obtain $g-1 = \deg(K) + 1 - g$, so $\deg(K) = 2g-2$. We also proved this using that $K$ was the dual of holomorphic vector fields, i.e. $\int_C c_1(K) = -\int_C c_1(T)$, which by Gauss-Bonnet equals $-\chi_\Top(C) = -(2-2g) = 2g-2$. ::: :::{.example title="Genus 2 Riemann Surfaces"} Taking $C$ of genus 2, we have $h^0(K_C) = g= 2$, so $\deg K_C = 2(2) - 2 = 2$. Thus there exist linearly independent sections $s, t \in H^0(K_C)$, i.e. two linearly independent holomorphic 1-forms. We can take the ratio $s/t$, which defines a map \[ {s\over t}: C\to \PP^1 .\] Locally we have $s = f(z) \dz$ for $z$ a local holomorphic coordinate on $C$ and $f\in \Hol(C, \CC)$, and similarly $t = g(z) \dz$. So $s/t = f(z) / g(z)$ is meromorphic in this chart. Choosing a new coordinate chart $w$, this yields a transition function $z(w)$ -- not of $L$, but from the atlas on $C$. We can write $s =f(z(w)) \, d(z(w)) = f(z(w)) z'(w) \, dw$ by the chain rule. Thus \[ {s\over t}(z) = {f(z(w)) z'(w) \dw \over g(z(w)) z'(w) \dw} = {s \over t}(w) .\] So although $s/t$ was only defined in a coordinate chart, it winds up being independent of coordinates. This works in general for any holomorphic line bundle: for $s, t\in H^0(L)$, there is a map \( {s\over t}: C\to \PP^1 \) since writing $s_V = \varphi_{UV} s_U, t_V = \varphi_{UV} t_U$ where \( \varphi_{UV} \) is the transition function for $L$. :::{.fact} Important fact: we can take these ratios to get maps to $\PP^1$. ::: :::{.slogan} The canonical bundle is the line bundle whose transition functions are the Jacobians of the change of variables for the atlas. ::: :::{.question} What is the degree of this map generically? I.e. given \( [x_0: x_1] \in \PP^1 \) fixed, what is the size of the inverse image \( \qty{s\over t}\inv \qty{ [x_0: x_1] } \)? ::: :::{.answer} Writing $s/t = x_1/x_0$, we have $x_0 s - x_1 t=0$. This is in $H^0(K_C)$, and we computed \( \deg K_C = 2 \), meaning there are two zeros of this function. Thus is $g(C) = 2$, there is a generically 2-to-1 map \( C \to \PP^1 \), a degree 2 meromorphic function. Note that this section could have a double zero. ::: ::: :::{.example title="?"} Consider the curve $y^2 = (z-1)(z-2)\cdots (z-5)$, where we think of $z, y\in \PP^1$. This has roots $z=1,\cdots, 5$, and is equal to $\infty$ if $z=\infty$. These are the only points of $\PP^1$ with just one square root, all other points have two square roots. \begin{tikzpicture} \fontsize{42pt}{1em} \node (node_one) at (0,0) { \import{/home/zack/SparkleShare/github.com/Notes/Class_Notes/2021/Spring/FourManifolds/sections/figures}{2021-03-19_14-37.pdf_tex} }; \end{tikzpicture} \begin{tikzpicture} \fontsize{45pt}{1em} \node (node_one) at (0,0) { \import{/home/zack/SparkleShare/github.com/Notes/Class_Notes/2021/Spring/FourManifolds/sections/figures}{2021-03-19_14-40.pdf_tex} }; \end{tikzpicture} :::