# Monday, March 22 :::{.remark} Last time: we reviewed Riemann-Roch, Serre duality, sheaves of $p\dash$forms. Recall a theorem from a few weeks ago: ::: :::{.theorem title="The Hodge Theorem"} If $(X,g)$ is a compact oriented Riemannian manifold, then there is a decomposition of the smooth $p\dash$forms on $X$: \[ \Omega^p(X) = d \Omega^{p-1}(X) \oplus \mch^p(X) + d^\dagger \Omega^{p+1}(X) .\] ::: :::{.remark} Note that \( \mathcal{H} \) was the space of harmonic $p\dash$forms, and \( d^\dagger: \da (-1)^? \hodgestar d\hodgestar \) where \[ \hodgestar: \Omega^{p}(X) &\to \Omega^{n-p}(X) \\ e_{i_1} \wedge \cdots \wedge e_{i_p} &\mapsto \pm e_{j_1} \wedge \cdots e_{j_{n-p}} \] where \( \ts{ e_i} \) is an orthonormal basis of basis of \( T\dual X \). Note that this formula is replacing the $e_i$ that do appear with the $e_i$ that don't appear, up to a sign. The harmonic forms were defined as \( \mch^p(X) = \ker (dd^\dagger + d^\dagger d ) = \ker (d) \intersect \ker(d^\dagger) \). We proved that assuming this decomposition, there is an isomorphism \[ \mch^p(X) \cong H^p_{\dR}(X; \RR) .\] ::: :::{.example title="The circle $S^1$"} There's a standard flat metric $g_\std$ on $S^1$ where $g_\std = \dx^2$ with $x$ the coordinate on $\RR$ which is the universal cover of $S^1$. We can write \[ \Omega^1(S^1) = \ts{ f(x)\dx \st f \in C^{\infty }(S^1, \RR) } ,\] since every 1-form \( \omega \) looks like this. Then \( d \omega = 0 \) since this is a 2-form on $S^1$. On the other hand, what is $d^\dagger$? We know that $\hodgestar \omega$ is a 0-form, so a function. The volume form is given by $\sqrt{ \det g_\std} = \sqrt{ [\dx ^2 ] }$, and you can wedge $1\wedge dx = dx$, so $\hodgestar \omega = f(x)$. Then $d \hodgestar \omega = f'(x) \dx$ and \( d^\dagger x \omega = f'(x) \). If this is zero, $f'(x) = 0$ and $f$ is a constant function. So in this metric, \( \mch^1(S^1) = \RR \gens{ \dx } \cong H^1(S^1; \RR) \). ::: :::{.remark title="Important"} The harmonic forms \( \mch^p(X) \) depend on the metric $g$, despite mapping isomorphically to de Rham cohomology. ::: :::{.remark} This was just in the case of a real smooth Riemannian manifold. What extra structure to we have for \( X \in \Mfd(\Hol(\wait, \CC) ) \)? ::: :::{.definition title="Kähler Forms (Important!)"} Let \( X\in \Mfd( \Hol(\wait, \CC) ) \) be a complex manifold. A **Kähler form** \( \omega\in \Omega^2(X_\RR) \) is a closed real (possibly needed: $J\dash$invariant) 2-form on the underlying real manifold of $X$ for which \( \omega(v, Jw) \da g(v, w) \) is a metric on $TX_\RR$ where $J$ is an almost complex structure. The associated **hermitian metric** is $h\da g + i \omega$, which defines a hermitian form on $TX \in \Vect_\CC$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Take $X \da \CC^n$ and $J(v) \da i\cdot v$. Note that $X_\RR = \RR^{2n}$, so write its coordinates as $x_k, y_k$ for $k = 1, \cdots, n$ where $z_k = x_k + iy_k$ are the complex coordinates. Consider $g = g_\std$ on $\RR^{2n}$ -- does this come from a closed 2-form \( g_\std = \sum (\dx_k)^2 + (dy_k)^2 \)? Using \( \omega(v, Jw) = g(v, w) \), we have \( \omega(v, J^2 w) = g(v, Jw) \). The left-hand side is equal to \( - \omega(v, w) \) and the right-hand side is \( \omega(v, w) = -g(v, Jw) \). What 2-form does this give? We have \[ \omega\qty{ \dd{}{x_k}, \dd{}{x_\ell} } &= -g \qty{ \dd{}{x_k}, \dd{}{y_\ell} } = 0 \\ \omega\qty{ \dd{}{y_k}, \dd{}{x_\ell} } &= -g \qty{ \dd{}{y_k}, \dd{}{y_\ell} } = 0 \\ \omega\qty{ \dd{}{x_k}, \dd{}{y_\ell} } &= -g \qty{ \dd{}{x_k}, \dd{}{y_\ell} } = 0 && \forall k\neq \ell \\ \omega\qty{ \dd{}{x_k}, \dd{}{y_k} } &= -g \qty{ \dd{}{x_k}, \dd{}{y_k} } \\ &= (-1)^2 g \qty{ \dd{}{x_k} , \dd{}{x_k} } \\ &= 1 \\ \omega\qty{ \dd{}{y_k}, \dd{}{x_k} } &= -1 .\] So we can write this in block form using blocks \[ M = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} && \omega = \begin{bmatrix} M & & \\ & M & \\ & & M \end{bmatrix} ,\] which is a closed ($d\omega = 0$) antisymmetric 2-form, i.e. a symplectic form, and \[ \omega_\std = dx_1 \wedge dy_1 + dx_2 \wedge dy_2 + \cdots + dx_n \wedge dy_n ,\] ::: :::{.remark} So the Kähler geometry is determined by the data \( (\CC^n, g_\std, J, \omega_\std ) \), i.e. a metric, an almost complex structure, and a symplectic form. Note that the relation \( \omega(x, y) = g(x, Jy) \) can be used to determine the 3rd piece of data from any 2. This is the fiberwise/local model, i.e. every tangent space at a point looks like this. ::: :::{.warnings} But note that a form being closed is not a tensorial property! So this local data (looking at a single fiber) is not quite enough to determine the global geometry. ::: :::{.remark} Given $g$ and $J$, \( \omega \) is automatically a 2-form. That it's antisymmetric follows from \[ -\omega(w, v) &= -g(w, Jv) \\ &= -g(Jv, w) \\ &= -g(J^2 v, Jw)\\ &= g(v, Jw)\\ &= \omega(v, w) .\] Conversely, we can always define \( g(v, w) \da - \omega(v, Jw) \), but a priori this may not be a metric. This will be symmetric, but potentially not positive-definite. ::: :::{.definition title="$\omega\dash$tame almost complex structures"} An almost complex structure $J$ is **\( \omega\dash \)tame** if $g(v, w) = - \omega(v, Jw)$ is positive definite. ::: :::{.remark} Next time: we'll see that if $X$ is Kähler, then \[ \mch^k(X) = \bigoplus_{p+q=k} \mch^{p, q}(X), \] so this is compatible with the Hodge decomposition. This is what people usually call the Hodge decomposition theorem, and gives some invariants of complex manifolds. By a miracle, this decomposition only depends on $g$ and the complex structure. ::: :::{.remark} Note that there is a notion of *hyperkähler* manifolds, which have 3 complex structures $I, J, K$ such that $I^2=J^2=K^2 = IJK = -\one$, yielding 3 "parallel" 2-forms \( \omega_I, \omega_J, \omega_K \) such that the covariant derivative vanishes, i.e. \( \covariant_g \ts{ \omega_I, \omega_J, \omega_K } = 0 \). With respect to the complex structure $I$, \( \omega_J + \omega_K \) is a holomorphic 2-form. There is a sphere's worth of almost complex structures, and there is an action \( \SO(4, b_2 - 4) \actson H^*(X) \). There's no known example where the hyperkähler metric has been explicitly written down. :::