# Wednesday, March 24 :::{.remark} Last time: we defined a **Kähler manifold**: $X\in \Mfd(\CC)_\cpt$ and \( \omega \in \Omega^2(X_\RR) \) a closed real 2-form such that $g(x, y) \da \omega(x, Jy)$ is a metric. By the Hodge theorem, we have a space \( \mch^k(X) \) of harmonic $k\dash$forms for $(X, g)$ which represents $H^k_{\dR}(X; \RR)$. We can consider the $\CC\dash$valued harmonic forms \( \mch^k_\CC \da \mch^k(X) \tensor_\RR \CC \), which represents $H^k_\dR(X; \CC)$ ::: :::{.question} How does this interact with the decomposition of the smooth $k\dash$forms \[ \Omega^k(X_\RR)\tensor_\RR \CC = \bigoplus_{p+q=k}^K A^{p, q}(X) ,\] where $\mch^k_\CC(X)$ is contained in this. Note that this is a small finite dimensional space in an infinite dimensional space! The following miracle occurs: ::: :::{.theorem title="Kähler manifolds admit a Hodge decomposition?"} If $X \in \Mfd(\Kahler)$, \[ \mch^k_\CC = \bigoplus_{p+q = k} \mch^{p, q}(X) ,\] where \[ \mch^{p, q}(X) \da \qty{ \mch^K(X) \tensor_\RR \CC } \intersect A^{p, q}(X) \subseteq \Omega^k(X_\RR) .\] ::: :::{.example title="?"} Let $X = \CC/ \Lambda$ be an elliptic curve where \( \Lambda \) is a lattice. The standard metric $dx^2 + dy^2$ on $\CC$ descends to a metric on $X$ since translation is an isometry on the metric space $(\CC, dx^2 + dy^2)$. Let $z=x+iy$ be a complex coordinate on $\CC$ so $dz = dx + idy$ and $d\bar z = dx - idy$, then \( dx^2 + dy^2 = dz d\bar{z} \in \Sym^2(\T\CC) \). The symplectic form is given by \[ \omega(v, w) = \pm g(v, Jw) = i \dz \dzbar (v, w) \] since $J$ is given by $i$ on $\CC$. Then \( \omega(v, w) = i \dz(v) \dzbar(w)\), i.e. \( \omega = i\dz \wedge \dzbar \). So \[ \bar{ \omega} = \bar i \dzbar \wedge \dz = -i \dzbar \wedge \dz = i\dz \dzbar = \omega , \] and this determines the Kähler geometry on $X$. What are the harmonic 1-forms on $X$, $\mch^1(X) \tensor_\RR \CC$? Note that \( \omega= \dV \) is the volume form. The smooth 1-forms are given by \[ \Omega^1(X_\RR) \tensor_\RR \CC = A^{1, 0}(X) \oplus A^{0, 1}(X) = \ts{ f(z, \bar{z} )\dz } \oplus \ts{ g(z, \bar z)\dzbar} ,\] where $f,g$ are smooth and \( \Lambda\dash \)periodic on $\CC$ to make them well-defined. We can find the Hodge star: \[ \hodgestar: ? &\to ? \\ \dz & \mapsto i\dzbar \\ \dzbar &\mapsto -i\dz .\] Writing \( \alpha\da f(z, \bar z)\dz + g(z, \bar z) \dzbar \), this is harmonic if \( d \alpha = 0 \) and \( \stardstar \alpha = 0 \). The first implies \( \partial_{\bar z} f - \partial_{z} g = 0\). What does the second imply? We can compute \[ \hodgestar \alpha &= if(z, \barz) \dzbar - ig(z, \bar z) \dz \\ \implies \partial_z f + \partial_{\bar z} g &= 0 ,\] and so \( \partial_{\bar z} f = \partial_z g \) and \( \partial_{\bar z}^2 f = \partial_{\bar z} \partial_z g = - \partial_z^2 f \), so \[ \qty{ \partial_{\bar z}^2 + \partial_z^2 }f &= 0 \\ \qty{ \partial_{\bar z}^2 + \partial_z^2 }g &= 0 .\] Note that this recovers the usual notion of harmonic functions on $\CC$, i.e. being in the kernel of the Laplacian. The only biperiodic functions that satisfy these equations are constants, since there is a maximum modulus principle for harmonic functions. Thus \[ \mch^1(X) \tensor_\RR \CC = \ts{ c_1 \dz + c_2 \dzbar } = \CC \dz \oplus \CC \dzbar = H^{1, 0}(X) \oplus H^{0, 1}(X) .\] ::: :::{.remark} There is a generalization to higher genus curves. Recall the following theorem: ::: :::{.theorem title="Uniformization"} Let $C \in \Mfd^1(\CC)_\cpt$ of genus $g\geq 2$. Then the universal cover admits a biholomorphism \[ \tilde C \cong \HH \da \ts{ z\in \CC \st \Im(z) > 0 } .\] ::: :::{.remark} This essentially follows from the Riemann mapping principle. ::: :::{.corollary title="Every curve of genus g>1 is the plane mod a subgroup of biholomorphisms"} Any curve $C$ of genus $g\geq 2$ is of the form $C = \HH/ \Gamma$ where \( \Gamma \leq \BiHol(\HH) \) is a subgroup that acts freely. By covering space theory, \( \Gamma = \pi_1(C) \), and it's known that \( \BiHol(\HH) \cong \PSL_2(\RR) \) by the map \[ \begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{bmatrix} z \mapsto {az + b \over cz + d} .\] ::: :::{.proposition title="The upper half-plane admits a PSL-invariant hyperbolic metric"} The upper half plane $\HH$ admits a **hyperbolic metric** which is invariant under \( \PSL_2(\RR) \) given by \[ g_{\hyp} = {dx^2 + dy^2 \over y^2 } = {\dz \dzbar \over \Im(z)^2 } .\] ::: :::{.proof title="?"} This follows from a computation: \[ d\qty{ az + b \over cz + d} &= {a\dz \over cz + d} - {c (az+b)\dz \over (dz+d)^2 } \\ &= {a (cz+d) - c(az+b) \dz \over (cz+d)^2} \\ &= { (ad-bc)\dz \over (cz + d)^2 } \\ &= {\dz \over (cz + d)^2 } \\ &= { d\qty{ az+b \over cz+d} d \qty{\bar{ az + b \over cz + d}} \over \Im\qty{az+b \over cz+d}^2 } \\ &= { \dz \dzbar \over (cz+d)^2(c \bar{z} + d)^2 \Im\qty{az+b \over cz+d} } \\ &= { \dz \dzbar \over \Im(z)^2 } .\] ::: :::{.remark} It's miraculous! The biholomorphisms of $\HH$ preserve a metric. So $C$ has a canonical metric, $g_\hyp$, which descends along the quotient map $\HH \to \HH/\Gamma \cong \CC$. ::: :::{.question} What are the harmonic 1-forms on $(C, g_\hyp)$? ::: :::{.remark} By lifting we can write \[ \Omega^1(C_\RR) \tensor_\RR \CC = A^{1, 0}(C) \oplus A^{0, 1}(C) = \ts{ f(z, \bar z)\dz + g(z, \bar z) \dzbar \st z\in \HH, \, f,g\in C^{\infty }(\CC, \RR) } \] But $\dz$ is *not* invariant under the map $z\mapsto {az+b \over cz+d}$, since \( \dz \mapsto {\dz \over (cz+d)^2 } \). In order to descend $f(z)$ to $C$, we need \[ f\qty{az +b \over cz + d} = (cz+d)^2 f(z) && \text{ for all } \begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{bmatrix} \in \Gamma \] This says that \( f \) is a **modular form of weight 2**. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Check that this implies that $f$ must be holomorphic and $g$ must be antiholomorphic. ::: :::{.fact} There is a decomposition \[ \mch^1(C_\RR) \tensor_\RR \CC = \mch^{1, 0}(C) \oplus \mch^{0, 1}(C) ,\] and the first space will be the space of holomorphic 1-forms $H^0(K_C)$, and the second term will be $\bar{H^0(K_C)}$. This shows the power of the Hodge decomposition theorem! :::