# Wednesday, April 28 :::{.remark} Last time: we defined $\Pin(n) \subseteq \Cl(\RR^n)$ which was generated by $S^1(\RR^n)$. These were units because $v^2 = -\norm{v}^2 = -1$, so $v\inv = -v$, and formed a group contained in $\Cl(\RR^n)\units$. There is a decomposition $\Cl(V) = \Cl_0(V) \oplus \Cl_1(V)$ with a $\ZZ/2\dash$grading, and we defined \[ \Spin(V) \da \Pin(V) \intersect \Cl_0(V) = \gens{ vw \st v,w\in S^1(\RR^n) } .\] There is a map \[ \Pin(n) &\surjects O(n) \\ v & \mapsto (u\mapsto vuv\inv) = -R_{v^\perp} ,\] which preserves $V^{\tensor 1} \subset \Cl(V)$, and was reflection about the hyperplane $v^\perp$. There is also a SES \[ 0 \to \ZZ/2 \to \Spin(n) \mapsvia{\pi} \SO(n) \to 0 ,\] where we used the fact that $\ker \pi \subset Z\Cl(\RR^n)$. It turns out that $\Spin(n) = \univcover{ \SO(n) }$, using that $\pi_1( \SO(n), \pt) = \ZZ/2$ and checking that $\pm 1\in \Spin(n)$, yielding a nontrivial kernel. ::: :::{.remark} This is local, at a single vector space, so we'll now try to globalise this to the tangent space of a manifold. ::: :::{.definition title="Clifford Bundle"} Let $(V, g)$ be an oriented smooth Riemannian manifold where $g$ is a metric on $TX$. Define the **Clifford bundle** of $X$ by \[ \Cl(X) \da \Cl(T\dual X, g\dual) ,\] where we've used the dual metric $g\dual$ on the cotangent bundle. ::: :::{.remark} We showed that $\gr \Cl(\RR^n) = \Extalg \RR^n$, and so there is a bundle isomorphism \[ \Cl(X) \mapsvia{\sim} \Extalg^* T\dual X ,\] but the ring structure is different. On the right, we have a way of multiplying sections, namely \( \omega_1 \wedge \omega_2 \), but on the left we have the Clifford multiplication \( \alpha_1 \cdot \alpha_2 \). Note that \( \omega^{\wedge 2} = 0 \), but \( \alpha^{\cdot 2} \in \RR \) is some scalar. We define \( \omega\cdot \omega= g^*( \omega, \omega) \), so we use the metric fiberwise to define a Clifford multiplication. ::: :::{.definition title="The principal oriented frame bundle"} Given an oriented bundle with a metric, there is a principal $\SO(n)$ bundle $P \da \OFrame$, the space of orthogonal oriented frames. ::: :::{.remark} This is principal since any two elements are related by a unique element of $\SO(n)$. Recall that we had an *associated bundle* construction, so taking the standard representation $\rho: \SO(n) \to (\RR^n, g)$ where elements act by their transformations (?), there is an oriented bundle $P \fiberprod{\rho} \RR^n$. If the bundle is $TX$ with a metric $g$, this yields a distinguished $\SO(n)$ bundle $P\to X$. ::: :::{.definition title="Spin Structures"} A **spin structure** is a lift $\tilde P$ of $P$ to a principal $\Spin(n)$ bundle. ::: :::{.proposition title="Spin iff nontrivial $w_2$"} $X$ admits a spin structure iff the second Stiefel--Whitney class $w_2(X) = 0$ in $H^2(X; \ZZ/2)$. If $w_2(X) = 0$, then the spin structures are torsors over $H^1(X; \ZZ/2)$. ::: :::{.remark} Recall that a $G\dash$torsor is a set with a free transitive $G\dash$action. For example, the fibers of a principal bundle are torsors. Given any two torsors, we can compare them using elements of $G$, but there is no distinguished element. For example, $\AA_n$ is a torsor over the vector space $k^n$. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Consider transitions for $P\to X$: \[ t_{ij}: U_i \intersect U_j \to \SO(n) \\ ,\] where $t_{ij} = t\inv_{ji}$ and the cocycle condition $t_{ij} t_{jk} t_{ki} = 1$ is satisfied. We want a lift: \begin{tikzcd} && {\ZZ/2 \in Z\Spin(n)} \\ \\ {U_i \intersect U_j} && {\Spin(n)} \\ \\ {U_i \intersect U_j} && {\SO(n)} \arrow["\one", from=3-1, to=5-1] \arrow["{t_{ij}}", from=5-1, to=5-3] \arrow["{\tilde t_{ij}}", from=3-1, to=3-3] \arrow["{2:1}", from=3-3, to=5-3] \arrow[hook, from=1-3, to=3-3] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNSxbMCwyLCJVX2kgXFxpbnRlcnNlY3QgVV9qIl0sWzIsMiwiXFxTcGluKG4pIl0sWzIsNCwiXFxTTyhuKSJdLFsyLDAsIlxcWlovMiBcXGluIFpcXFNwaW4obikiXSxbMCw0LCJVX2kgXFxpbnRlcnNlY3QgVV9qIl0sWzAsNCwiXFxvbmUiXSxbNCwyLCJ0X3tpan0iXSxbMCwxLCJcXHRpbGRlIHRfe2lqfSJdLFsxLDIsIjI6MSJdLFszLDEsIiIsMCx7InN0eWxlIjp7InRhaWwiOnsibmFtZSI6Imhvb2siLCJzaWRlIjoidG9wIn19fV1d) We can always lift to *some* $\tilde t_{ij}$ using the path-lifting property of covers if $U_i \intersect U_j$ is contractible, using that $\ZZ/2$ is discrete. We can arrange $\tilde t_{ij} = \tilde t_{ji}\inv$ since $U_i \intersect U_j = U_j \intersect U_i$, but we may not have the cocycle condition on the lift. We have $t_{ij} t_{jk} t_{ki} = 1$, so \[ \tilde t_{ij} \tilde t_{jk} \tilde t_{ki} \in \ker (\Spin(n) \to \SO(n)) = \ts{ \pm 1 } ,\] using that everything in sight needs to be a group morphism. So define \[ \tilde t_{ijk} \da ( \tilde t_{ij} \tilde t_{jk} \tilde t_{ki} )_{i,j,k} \in \Cc^2_{\mathcal{U}}(X, \constantsheaf{\ZZ/2}) .\] The claim is that $\bd^2( \tilde t_{ijk}) = 0$, but it turns out that regardless of choice of lift we obtain \[ \bd^2(\tilde t_{ijk}) = \tilde t_{ijk} \tilde t_{ikl}\inv \tilde t_{ijl} \tilde t_{ijk}\inv = 0 \implies [ \tilde t_{ijk} ] \in \Hc^2(X, \constantsheaf{\ZZ/2}) .\] Is this class well-defined? Consider replacing $\tilde t_{ij}$ with $-\tilde t_{ij}$. In general, we have \[ i, j\in \ts{ a,b,c } \implies \tilde t_{abc} \mapsto -\tilde t_{abc} ,\] and so this is a Čech coboundary in $\bd^1(1, \cdots, 1, -1, 1, \cdots, 1)$ where the $-1$ occurs in the $t_{ij}$ coordinate. Thus $\tilde t_{ijk}$ is well-defined moduli $\bd^1 C_{\mathcal{U}}^1(X, \constantsheaf{\ZZ/2})$. \ Note that $w_2(X)$ was produced from the pair $(X, g)$, but the space of metrics is connected and thus $w_2(X)$ depends only on $X$. Suppose $w_2(X) = 0$, then $[ \tilde t_{ijk} ] = 0$ which implies that there is some $(s_{ij})$ with $\bd^1 (s_{ij}) = (\tilde t_{ijk})$. So replace each $\tilde t_{ij}$ with $\tilde{ \tilde t}_{ij} \da s_{ij} \tilde t_{ij}$ is a new lift which satisfies the cocycle condition. Thus they define the transition functions of a principal $\Spin(n)$ bundle lifting $P \to X$. \ To see the claim about torsors, given any $\ell_{ij} \in \ker \bd^1$, note that any $\tilde{ \tilde t}_{ij} \ell_{ij}$ also satisfies the cocycle condition. There is a map \[ \ts{ \text{Spin structures} } &\from \ker \bd^1 \\ \tilde{\tilde t}_{ij} \ell_{ij} &\mapsfrom \ell_{ij} ,\] which is a torsor because we needed to start with a given lift $\tilde{\tilde t}_{ij}$. Then $\tilde P_1 \cong \tilde P_2$ iff there exists an $(m_i) \in \Cc^0_{\mathcal{U}}(X, \constantsheaf{\ZZ/2})$ such that $(\ell_{ij})_1 = (\ell_{ij})_2 + \bd^0 (m_i)$, which are different trivializations of the same bundle. ::: :::{.remark} This is a nice example to get a hang of the use and importance of Čech cohomology. We then use the isomorphism $\Hc \to H_{\sing}$. ::: :::{.theorem title="Existence of spin representation of Clifford algebras in even dimension"} Assume $n \da \dim V$ is even, then $\Cl(V)$ has a unique nontrivial irreducible finite dimensional complex representation $S$ of dimension $\dim S = 2^{n/2}$, the **spin representation**. ::: :::{.remark} It turns out that $\Cl(V) \tensor_\RR \CC \cong \Endo(S)$. The left-hand side contains $\Spin(n)$, so given $\rho: \Cl(V) \to \Endo(S)$ a representation (i.e. a ring homomorphism) in matrices, we can restrict $\rho$ to $\Spin(n)$ to get \( \rho \ro{}{\Spin(n)}: \Spin(n) \to \GL(S) \). Next time: spin representations. Spinor bundle will be sections of associated bundle of the Clifford bundle. :::