# Ch. 6: Group Homology and Cohomology (Wednesday, March 10) :::{.lemma title="?"} Last time: started setting up group homology. For $G$ a group and $A\in \modsleft{G}$, we think of $\ZZ$ as a trivial \(G\dash\)module and 1. $A_G \cong \ZZ \tensor_{\ZZ G} A$, the $G\dash$coinvariants. 2. $A^G \cong \Hom_{\ZZ G}( \ZZ, A)$. the $G\dash$invariants, this is the largest $G\dash$trivial submodule of $A$ ::: :::{.definition title="?"} For $A\in \modsleft{G}$, 1. $H_*(G; A) \da L_*(\wait))G (A)$ are the **homology groups of $G$ with coefficients in $A$**. It is isomorphic to $\Tor_*^{\ZZ G}(\ZZ, A)$ by (1) in the lemma above. In particular, $H_0(G; A) \cong A_G$. 2. $H^*(G; A) \da R^*(\wait)^G(A)$ is the **cohomology of $G$ with coefficients in $A$**. It is isomorphic to $\Ext^*_{\ZZ G}(\ZZ, A)$ by (2) in the lemma. In particular, $H^0(G; A) \cong A^G$. ::: \todo[inline]{Ask about contructing resolutions: take any "augmentation" map and iterate kernels? Different resolution lengths?} :::{.example title="?"} For $G = \ts{ 1 }$, for any $A\in \modsleft{G}$ we have $A^G = A = A_G$. Forgetful functors are usually exact, and in this case $(\wait)^G, (\wait)_G: \modsleft{G} \to \Ab$ is really a forgetful functor and thus exact. Here $H_n(G; A) = 0 = H^n(G; A)$ for $n>0$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Let $G$ be infinite cyclic, which we'll write multiplicatively to prevent the notation from conflicting with the addition on $\ZZ G$, so $G\da T = \gens{ t }= \ts{ t^n \st n\in \ZZ }$. Then $\ZZ G = \ZZ[t, t ^{-1} ]$ are integral Laurent polynomials, since we're taking integer linear combinations of various $t^n$. Computing $H_*(T, A) \cong \Tor_*^{\ZZ T}(\ZZ, A)$ and $H^*(T; A) \cong \Ext^*_{\ZZ T}(\ZZ, A)$ using a projective resolution of $\ZZ$ as a $\ZZ T\dash$module, since the first slot Ext requires an injective resolution in the opposite category. It suffices to take a free resolution: \[ \cdots \to P_2 \to P_1 \to P_0 \to \ZZ \to 0 \da \cdots \to 0\to \ZZ T \mapsvia{\times (t-1)} \ZZ T \mapsvia{\ev_1} \ZZ \to 0 .\] Note that the resolution ends here because the multiplication $\times(t-1)$ is injective on polynomials rings. Thus $H_{>\geq 2}(T; A) = H^{\geq 2}(T; A) = 0$. The zeroth terms are invariants/coinvariants. For $\Tor$, we apply $\wait \tensor_{\ZZ T} A$ to this resolution to obtain \[ 0\to FP_1 \to FP_0 \to 0 &\da 0 \to \ZZ T \tensor_{\ZZ T} A \mapsvia{(t-1) \tensor \one} \ZZ T \tensor_{\ZZ T} A \to 0\\ &= 0 \to A \mapsvia{(t-1) \tensor \one} A \to 0 .\] One can check that - $\ker (t-1) \tensor \one = A^T = H_1(T; A)$ is equal to the invariants and - $\coker (t-1) \tensor \one = A_T = H_0(T; A)$ is equal to the coinvariants. The second fact had to be true, but the first is surprising! For $\Ext^*$, we apply the contravariant $\Hom_{\ZZ T}(\wait, A)$ to obtain \[ 0 \to \Hom_{\ZZ T}(\ZZ T, A) \mapsvia{\wait \circ (t-1)} \Hom_{\ZZ T}(\ZZ T, A) \to 0 .\] One checks - $\coker( \wait \circ (t-1)) = A_T = H^1(T; A)$ (surprising!) and - $\ker( \wait \circ (t-1)) = A^T = H^0(T; A)$ ::: :::{.remark} See exercise 6.1.2 for $kG\dash$modules for $k\in \Ring$ arbitrary. ::: :::{.question} What can we say about $H_0$ and $H^0$ for more general groups? ::: ## $H_0$ for Groups :::{.definition title="Augmentation Maps"} Define the **augmentation map** \[ \eps: \ZZ G\to \ZZ \\ \sum n_i g_i &\mapsto \sum n_i ,\] which is a ring morphism. Define $\ideal{I} \da \ker \eps$ to be the **augmentation ideal**. ::: :::{.observation} There is a basis of $\ZZ G$ as a \(\ZZ\dash\)module given by \[ \mathcal{B}\da B_1 \union B_2 \da \ts{ 1 } \union \ts{ g-1 \st 1\neq g\in G } .\] Note that $\eps(g-1) = 0$, so $\ideal{I}$ is a free \(\ZZ\dash\)module with basis $B_2$. Here the kernel should be expected to have codimension 1! We also have $\ZZ G/ \ideal{I} \cong \ZZ$ as rings, where the left-hand side is a \(G\dash\)module. Letting $\bar{\wait}$ denote coset/equivalence class representatives, we have \[ g \bar{1} = \bar{g1} = \bar{g} = \bar{1} ,\] and so the action $G \actson \ZZ G/ \ideal{I}$ is trivial. :::{.fact} For $R$ a ring and $\ideal{I} \normal R$ a (left? right?) ideal and $M\in \rmod$, \[ R/I \tensor_R M \cong M/IM .\] ::: So for any \( A\in \modsleft{G} \) we have \[ H_0(G; A) &= A_G \\ &\cong \ZZ \tensor_{\ZZ G} A \\ &= \Tor_0^{\ZZ G}(\ZZ; A) \\ &= \ZZ G/\ideal{I} \tensor_{\ZZ G} A \\ &\cong A/ \ideal{I} A .\] ::: :::{.example title="?"} \envlist - $H_0(G; \ZZ) \cong \ZZ/ \ideal{I} \ZZ \cong \ZZ$, where $\ideal{I} \ZZ = 0$ since $\ZZ$ is the trivial \(G\dash\)module and $(g-1)a = ga-1a=a-a=0$. - $H_0(G; \ZZ G) \cong \ZZ G/ \ideal{I} \cong \ZZ$. - $H_0(G; \ideal{I} ) \cong \ideal{I} / \ideal{I}^2$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Noting that $A = \ZZ G$ is projective in \( \modsleft{\ZZ G} \), so $H_n(G; \ZZ G) = 0$ for $n>0$, using that this was a version of $\Tor$ and projective implies flat. ::: ## $H^0$ for Groups :::{.definition title="Norm Element"} Let $G$ be a finite group, then the **norm element** is defined by \[ N = \sum_{g\in G} g\in \ZZ G .\] ::: :::{.remark} For $h\in G$, \[ hN = \sum_g hg = \sum_{g'\in G} g' = N ,\] and so $N \in (\ZZ G)^g$. Similarly $Nh = N$ and so $Z(\ZZ G)$ is in the center. > Note the two different $Z$s here! ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} Let $G$ be finite, then \[ H^0(G; \ZZ G) = (\ZZ G)^G = \ZZ N ,\] which is a two-sided ideal of $\ZZ G$ that is isomorphic to $\ZZ$. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} The inclusion $\ZZ N \subseteq (\ZZ G)^G$ is clear from the previous remark, so it remains to show the other inclusion. Suppose \[ a\in \sum_{g\in G} n_g g \in (\ZZ G)^G .\] Then for all $h\in G$, we have \[ a = ha = \sum n_g h_g .\] Now note that the $g$ are a free $\ZZ\dash$basis for $\ZZ G$, so we can equate coefficients of $h$ to find that $n_h = n_1$. Since $h$ was arbitrary, we have $a = n_1 N \in \ZZ N$. ::: :::{.remark} Exercise 6.1.3 shows that $H^0(G; \ZZ G) = 0$ when $G$ is infinite, in which case $\ideal{I} = \ts{ a \in \ZZ G \st N a = 0 }$ is the annihilator of the norm element. Next class we'll start on spectral sequences. :::