# Monday, April 05 ## Restriction and Inflation :::{.definition title="Restriction and Corestriction"} Let $\rho: H\to G$ be a group morphism, this induces an exact functor $\rho^\sharp: \mods{G} \to \mods{H}$. We define - $T_n(A) \da H_n(G; A)$ - $T^n(A) \da H^n(G; A)$ - $S_n(A) \da H_n(\rho^\sharp G; A)$ - $S^n(A) \da H^n(\rho^\sharp G; A)$ These are all functors $\mods{G} \to \mods{\ZZ}$. As in section 2.1, $H_n$ defines a homological $\delta\dash$functor, and since $\rho^\sharp$ is exact, $T_n, S_n$ are homological $\delta\dash$functors as well. We have a map \[ A^G &\injects (\rho^\sharp A)^H \\ T^0 A&\to S^0 A .\] and similarly \[ (\rho^\sharp A)_H &\to A_G\\ S_0 A &\to T_0 A .\] These maps on the 0th terms extend to morphisms of $\delta\dash$functors. There thus exist two maps \[ \res_H^G H^*(G; A) \to H^*(G; \rho^\sharp A) && \text{restriction} \\ \cores_H^G H_*(G; \rho^\sharp A) \to H_*(G; A) && \text{corestriction} .\] ::: :::{.remark} A special case is when $H\leq G$ is a subgroup and $\rho: H\embeds G$ is the inclusion. Then we define a capital $\Res$ as \[ \rho^\sharp = \Res_H^G: \mods{G} \to \mods{H} ,\] which is a restriction of the action to a subgroup and thus a type of forgetful functor. ::: :::{.remark} Note that $\ZZG$ is a free $\ZZ H\dash$module with basis being any set of coset representatives, thus any projective \(G\dash\)module restricts to a projective \(H\dash\)module, using the characterization of projective modules as direct summands of free modules. ::: :::{.remark} Recall that \[ H_*(G; A) &\cong \Tor_*^{\ZZG}(\ZZ, A) \\ H_*(G; A) &\cong \Ext_{\ZZG}^*(\ZZ, A) .\] We can compute both using a $\ZZG\dash$projective resolution $P_* \to \ZZ$. This is also a $\ZZ H\dash$projective resolution, so we can use this to compute $H^*(H; \wait)$ and $H_*(H; \wait)$ as well. ::: :::{.fact} \envlist 1. There's a natural chain map induced by the forgetful functor: \[ \beta: \Hom_G(P_*, A) \to \Hom_H(P^*, A) .\] 2. There is an induced map \[ H^*(\beta): \Ext_G^*(\ZZ, A) \to \Ext_H^*(\ZZ, A) ,\] which is equal to the map \[ \res_H^G: H^*(G; A) \to H^*(H; A) ,\] giving a way to calculate $\res$ from something just coming from restriction of functions. 3. There is a chain map \[ \alpha: P_* \tensor_{\ZZH} A &\to P_* \tensor{\ZZH} P_* \tensor_{\ZZG} A \\ p\tensor a &\mapsto p\tensor a ,\] which induces \[ H( \alpha): \Tor_*^H(\ZZ, A) \to \Tor_*^G(\ZZ, A) \] which is equal to \[ \cores_H^G: H_*(H; A) \to H_*(G; A) .\] So this can be computed from tensor products. ::: :::{.definition title="Inflation and Coinflation"} Now consider quotient groups instead: assume $H\normal G$ and let $\rho:G\to G/H$. By precomposing with $\rho$, we get a map $\rho^\sharp: \mods{G\over H}\to\mods{G}$. Given a \(G\dash\)module, taking $H$ invariants yields a $G/H\dash$module, so $H^*(G/H; A^H) \in \mods{G\over H}$. We form the following composition: \begin{tikzcd} {H^*\qty{{G\over H}; A^H}} && {H^*(G; A^H)} &&&& {H^*(G; A)} \arrow["{H^*(G; \wait)(A^H \injects A)}", from=1-3, to=1-7] \arrow["\res", from=1-1, to=1-3] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsMyxbMCwwLCJIXipcXHF0eXt7R1xcb3ZlciBIfTsgQV5IfSJdLFsyLDAsIkheKihHOyBBXkgpIl0sWzYsMCwiSF4qKEc7IEEpIl0sWzEsMiwiSF4qKEc7IFxcd2FpdCkoQV5IIFxcaW5qZWN0cyBBKSJdLFswLDEsIlxccmVzIl1d) We'll refer to this as **inflation**. We similarly define **coinflation** as the following composition: \begin{tikzcd} {H_*(G; A)} &&& {H(G; A_H)} && {H_*\qty{{G\over H}, A_H}} \arrow["\cores", from=1-4, to=1-6] \arrow["{H_*(G; \wait)(A \surjects A_H)}", from=1-1, to=1-4] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsMyxbMCwwLCJIXyooRzsgQSkiXSxbMywwLCJIKEc7IEFfSCkiXSxbNSwwLCJIXypcXHF0eXt7R1xcb3ZlciBIfSwgQV9IfSJdLFsxLDIsIlxcY29yZXMiXSxbMCwxLCJIXyooRzsgXFx3YWl0KShBIFxcc3VyamVjdHMgQV9IKSJdXQ==) ::: :::{.remark} When $*=0$, we can write \[ \infl: (A^H)^{G\over H} \to (A^H)^G \to A^G ,\] and note that this is exactly the functor composition we needed to get the LHS spectral sequence. Similarly there is a LHS for homology, and an isomorphism \[ \coinfl: A_G \to (A_H)_G \to (A_H)_{G\over H} .\] ::: :::{.remark} When $A \in \mods{H}^{\Triv}$, $A_H\injects A$ is the identity, so $A^H = A = A_H$. In this case $\infl = \res$ and $\coinfl = \cores$. ::: :::{.remark} Back to the LHS spectral sequence, the five-term exact sequence yields \[ 0 \to E_{2}^{1, 0} \to H^1(T) \to E_2^{0, 1} \mapsvia{d_2} E_{2, 0} \to H^2(T) ,\] which we can identify as \[ 0\to H^1\qty{{G\over H}; A^H} \mapsvia{\infl} H^1(G; A) \mapsvia{\res} H^1(H; A)^{G\over H} \mapsvia{d_2} H^2\qty{ {G\over H}; A^H } \mapsvia{\infl} H^2(G; A) .\] There is a similar story in homology with coinflation and corestriction. ::: ## Shapiro's Lemma, Induced/Coinduced Modules :::{.definition title="Induced and Coinduced Modules"} Let $H\leq G$ and $B\in \mods{\ZZ H}$. Define the **induced \(G\dash\)module** (or tensor-induced \(G\dash\)module) \[ \Ind_H^G(B) \da \ZZG \tensor_{\ZZH} B \in \mods{\ZZ G} .\] This is a $\ZZG\dash$module with an action on the first tensor factor. Similarly define the **coinduced** or **hom-induced \(G\dash\)module**. \[ \Coind_H^G(B) \da \Hom_{H}(\ZZG, B) \in \mods{\ZZ G} .\] Here the action is $(g.f)(g') \da f(gg')$. ::: :::{.lemma title="Shapiro's Lemma (Frobenius Reciprocity)"} \[ H_*(G; \Ind_H^G B) &\cong H_*(H; B) &&(1) \\ H^*(G; \Coind^G B) &\cong H^*(H; B) &&(2) .\] ::: :::{.remark} So this provides a way of computing homology on subgroups when the coefficients are in these induced/coinduced modules. :::