# Friday, April 23 ## Applications Chevalley-Eilenberg Complex :::{.remark} Last time: $V_n(\lieg) \da \Ug\tensor_k \Extalg^n \lieg \surjectsvia{\eps} k$ is a projective resolution in $\liegmod$. Note that we can introduce negative signs to easily interchange $\modsleft{\lieg}$ and $\modsright{\lieg}$. ::: :::{.corollary title="Chevalley-Eilenberg"} Let $M\in \modsright{\lieg}$, then \[ H_*(\lieg; M) \cong \Tor_*^{\Ug}(M, k) \] is the homology of the following complex: \[ M\tensor_\Ug V_*(\lieg) \da M \tensor_\Ug \Ug \tensor_k \Extalg^* \lieg \cong M\tensor_k \Extalg^* \lieg ,\] where we have a concrete differential $d$ on $\Extalg^* \lieg$ and we can define $\partial \da \one \tensor d$. If $M\in \modsleft{\lieg})$ (which is more convenient for cohomology), then \[ H^*(\lieg; M) \cong \Ext_\Ug(k, M) \] is the cohomology of the cochain complex \[ \Hom_\Ug(V_*(\lieg), M) \da \Hom_{\Ug}(\Ug \tensor_k \Extalg^* \lieg, M) \cong \Hom_k(\Extalg^*\lieg, M) .\] ::: :::{.remark} This is very concrete! Standard trick for exterior algebras: any $n\dash$cochain $f\in \Hom_k(\Extalg^n \lieg, M)$ can be viewed as an alternating $k\dash$multilinear function $f(x_1, \cdots, x_n): \lieg\to M$. The cochain differential should increase degree, so we define \[ \Theta_1 f(\elts{x}{n}) = \sum_{i=1}^{n+1} (-1)^{i+1} x_i \cdot f(x_1, \cdots, \hat{x_i}, \cdots, x_n) + \sum_{i < j} (-1)^{i+1} f( [x_i x_j], x_1, \cdots, \hat{x_i}, \cdots, \hat{x_j}, \cdots, x_n) .\] Note that the tor definition has the arguments switched compared to the original definition. This is to set up the tensor cancellation of $\cdots \tensor_\Ug \Ug \cdots$. Swapping factors and introducing signs makes this work for left $\lieg\dash$modules. ::: :::{.corollary title="?"} If $k$ is a field and $\dim_k \lieg = n$, then for any $M \in \liegmod$, \[ H^i(\lieg; M) = 0 = H_i(\lieg; M) && \forall i\geq n+1 .\] ::: :::{.proof title="?"} This follows from the fact that \( \Extalg^{\geq n+1} \lieg =0 \). ::: :::{.example title="?"} Take $\lieg = \liesl_2(\CC)$, then $\dim_\CC \lieg = 3$ (4 dimensions and one linear condition). Then $H^i(\lieg; m) = 0$ for all $i > 3$. ::: ## Brief Intro to Semisimple Lie Algebras (Weibel 7.8) :::{.remark} Public service section since we won't have a Lie algebras course next Fall. Semisimples: the most important and interesting classes of Lie algebras! These occur frequently and we can prove a lot about them. We'll assume $\lieg$ is a finite dimensional Lie algebra over a field $k$, where we'll soon assume $\ch(k) = 0$. ::: :::{.definition title="Simple Lie Algebras"} A Lie algebra $\lieg$ is **simple** if it has no ideals other than $0$ and $\lieg$ and $[\lieg\lieg] \neq 0$ (i.e. $\lieg$ is not abelian). ::: :::{.remark} Recall that $\liealg^\Ab \approx \kmod$ are vector spaces, and so if $\lieg$ is abelian it automatically has a chain of ideals by just taking vector subspaces. These are closed under brackets since bracketing is zero. So if $\dim_k \lieg \geq 2$, there are nontrivial ideals, so the abelian condition rules out all 1-dimensional Lie algebras -- they're all abelian by taking a generator, bracketing it with itself, and noting you get zero. So there's only one 1-dimensional Lie algebra over any field $k$: the abelian one. ::: :::{.remark} The derived algebra $[\lieg\lieg] \normal \lieg$ is a subalgebra and always an ideal, so if $\lieg$ is simple then $[\lieg \lieg] = \lieg$. So $\liegl_n(\CC)$ is not simple, since $[\liegl_n \liegl_n] = \liesl_n$ by taking traces. ::: :::{.remark} The vector space sum of any two solvable ideals is again a solvable ideal. Note that this works for products of solvable subgroups $N, H\leq G$ with $N$ normal. Use 2-out-of-3 property for solvable groups and quotient by $N$. By finite-dimensionality, we can find a maximal solvable ideal: ::: :::{.definition title="?"} For $\dim_k \lieg < \infty$, define the **radical** to be $\rad \lieg \da \sum I_j$ be the sum of all solvable ideals $I_j\normal \lieg$. We say $\lieg$ is **semisimple** if $\rad \lieg = 0$. ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} Simple implies semisimple. ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} $\lieg / \rad\lieg$ is always semisimple. ::: :::{.remark} There shouldn't be any solvable ideals in this quotient, otherwise you could lift. Next up, our most powerful tool for semisimple Lie algebras: ::: :::{.definition title="?"} Recall that for $x\in\lieg$ we can define $\ad_x \in \Endo_k(\lieg)$ where $\ad_x(y) \da [x, y]$. It has a well-defined (and basis-independent) trace, so define the **Killing form**[^killing_form_name]: \[ \kappa(x, y) \da \tr(\ad_x \circ \ad_y) \in k && x,y\in\lieg .\] [^killing_form_name]: Named for a mathematician *named* Killing. ::: :::{.remark} This is a symmetric bilinear form since traces don't depend on the order of products. It has another nice property, $\lieg\dash$invariance: \[ \kappa([xy], z] = \kappa(x, [yz]) .\] ::: :::{.proposition title="Cartan's Criterion"} Let $\ch(k) = 0$ and $\dim_k \lieg < \infty$. Then $\lieg$ is semisimple $\iff \kappa$ is nondegenerate. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Omitted, see Humphreys. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Let $\ch(k) = 0$, then $\lieg$ is semisimple $\iff \lieg \cong \bigoplus_{i=1}^r \lieg_i$ as a direct sum/product of simple ideals, so $[\lieg_i \lieg_j] = 0$ for $i\neq j$ and $[\lieg_i \lieg_i ] = \lieg_i$. In particular, every ideal of $\lieg$ is a sum of sum of certain $\lieg_i$'s, and $\lieg = [\lieg \lieg]$. ::: :::{.remark} These are like "orthogonal" ideals. So we can study semisimple Lie algebras by just studying simple Lie algebras. ::: :::{.observation} Reminder: if $M\in \liegmod(\Triv)$, then any derivation $D \in \Der(\lieg, M)$ satisfies $D([xy]) = 0$ for all $x,y\in \lieg$. This follows from expanding the Leibniz rule and using trivial modules act by zero. There is an isomorphism \[ \Der(\lieg, M) \cong \Hom_\kmod(\lieg^\ab, M) && \lieg^\ab \da \lieg / [\lieg \lieg] .\] Recall that $H^1$ is related to derivations. ::: :::{.corollary title="?"} Let $\lieg \in \liegmod(\semisimple)$ with $\dim_k \lieg < \infty$, then \[ H^1(\lieg;k ) = 0 = H_1(\lieg; k) .\] ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Since $[\lieg \lieg] = \lieg$, we have $\lieg^\ab = 0$. By Weibel theorem 7.4.1, one can check that $H_1(\lieg; k) \cong \lieg^\ab = 0$. We also had $\Der(\lieg, k) \surjects H^1(\lieg; k)$ (it was outer derivations), the left-hand side is isomorphic to $\Hom_k(\lieg^\ab; k)$. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Let $\lieg \in \liealg(\semisimple)$ with $\dim_k \lieg < \infty$ and $\ch(k) = 0$. Then if $k\neq M$ is a simple $\lieg\dash$module (where simple means no proper nontrivial $\lieg\dash$invariant submodules), then \[ H^i(\lieg; M) = 0 = H_i(\lieg; M) .\] ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Omitted. This uses the Casimir operator for $M$, which is in the center $Z(\Ug)$. :::