# Monday, May 03 :::{.remark} Recall that if $\lieg \in \liealg^\fd$ and $\ch(k) = 0$, there exists a semisimple subalgebra \( \mathcal{L}\leq \lieg \) such that \( \lieg \cong \rad(\lieg) \semidirect \mathcal{L} \). Note that this is a *direct* product on the level of vector spaces. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Since $\lieg / \sqrt \lieg$ is semisimple, it suffices to show that the following SES splits: \[ 0 \to \sqrt \lieg \to \lieg \to \lieg/\sqrt \lieg \to 0 .\] Case 1; If $\sqrt \lieg$ is abelian, then these extensions are classified by $H^2(\lieg /\sqrt \lieg; \sqrt \lieg) = 0$ by Whitehead's second lemma. So there is only one extension, the split extension. Case 2: If $\sqrt \lieg$ is not abelian, we use induction on the *derived length* of $\sqrt \lieg$, which is the length of the derived series. Recall that $\sqrt \lieg$ is solvable, so its derived series eventually terminates and this is well-defined. So set \( \mathfrak{r}\da [ \sqrt{\lieg} , \sqrt{\lieg}] \normal \lieg \supsetneq \sqrt \lieg \). Now $\sqrt{\lieg} / \mathfrak{r}$ is abelian, so the following extension splits: \[ 0 \to {\sqrt \lieg \over \mathfrak{r} } \to {\lieg \over \mathfrak{r} } \to { \lieg \over \sqrt{\mathfrak{g} }} \to 0 .\] There is a subalgebra (not necessarily an ideal) \( \lieg \leq \lieg \) with \( \mathfrak{r}\leq \mathfrak{h} \) such that \[ \lieg / \mathfrak{r} &\cong \sqrt{\lieg} / \mathfrak{r} \semidirect \lieh/ \mathfrak{r} \\ \lieh/\lier &\cong {\lieg/\lier \over \sqrt \lieg / \lier } \cong \lieg / \sqrt \lier ,\] and the latter is semisimple. We have obvious inclusions \[ \lier \da [ \sqrt{\lieg}, \sqrt{\lieg} ] \subseteq \lieh \intersect \sqrt{\lieg} \subseteq \sqrt \lieh ,\] where \( \lieh \intersect \sqrt{\lieg} \) is a solvable ideal. But then $\lieg/\lier$ is semisimple, so $\lier = \sqrt \lieh$ -- otherwise, $\sqrt \lieh / \lier$ is a nonzero solvable ideal in $\lieh / \lier$, which would be a contradiction. So these inclusions are equalities, and we have a SES of Lie algebras \[ 0 \to \lier \to \lieh \to \lieh/\lier \to 0 .\] Since $\lier$ has smaller derived length than $\sqrt \lieg$, inductively this sequence splits. Thus there exists a semisimple subalgebra \( \mathcal{L}\leq \lieh \) such that \( \lieh \cong \lier \semidirect \mathcal{L} \), and so \[ \mathcal{L}\cong \lieh / \lier \cong \lieg /\sqrt \lieg .\] Using that $\lieg/\lier \cong \sqrt \lieg/\lier \semidirect \lieh/\lier$, it just remains to check that things intersect properly. We have \( \lieh \intersect \sqrt \lieg = \lier \) and \( \mathcal{L} \intersect \lier = 0 \) by cancelling denominators, and so we can conclude \( \lieg \cong \sqrt \lieg \semidirect \mathcal{L} \). :::