# Discriminants and Norms (Lec. 14, Saturday, March 13) :::{.example title="of a discriminant"} Suppose \( K = \QQ( \sqrt{d} ) \) where $d$ is squarefree. What is its discriminant? We need a $\ZZ\dash$basis of $\ZZ_K$, for $d=2,3 \mod 4$ we can take \( (1, \sqrt{d} ) \). Then we construct a matrix whose columns are the different embeddings of each entry. The embeddings here are the identity and complex conjugation, so we get \[ \Delta_K = \Delta(1, \sqrt{ d} ) = \det \qty{ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \sqrt{d} \\ 1 & -\sqrt{d} \end{bmatrix} }^2 = (-2 \sqrt{d} )^2 = 4d .\] If $d = 1 \mod 4$, then we can take a basis $(1, {1 + \sqrt{d} \over 2})$, and \[ \Delta_{K} = \qty{ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & {1 + \sqrt{d} \over 2} \\ 1 & {1 - \sqrt{d} \over 2} \end{bmatrix} }^2 = (- \sqrt{d} )^2 = d .\] So we have \[ \Delta_K = \begin{cases} d & d = 1 \mod 4 \\ 4d & d = 2,3 \mod 4 . \end{cases} \] ::: :::{.remark} Note that $\Delta_\QQ = 1$ if you trace through the computation. ::: ## Norms of Ideals :::{.definition title="Norm of an ideal"} Let $I \normal \ZZ_K$ be a nonzero ideal, then define \( N(I) \da \# \ZZ_K/I \). ::: :::{.remark} Note that this was finite in the quadratic field case since nonzero ideals had a "standard basis". For general number fields, the ideals can be more complicated, so we'll need another way to show finiteness. ::: :::{.lemma title="Elements divide their norms"} Let \( \alpha\in \ZZ_K \), then \( \alpha\divides N( \alpha) \) in \( \ZZ_K \). ::: :::{.proof title="of lemma"} Write down the obvious thing and see that it works! \[ N \alpha &\da \prod_{ \sigma: K \embeds \CC} \sigma( \alpha) \\ &= \alpha \prod_{ \substack{ \sigma: K \embeds \CC \\ \sigma\neq \one_K } } \sigma( \alpha) \\ &\da \alpha C ,\] where we've used that one embedding is the identity and factored it out. So it only remains to show that the *cofactor* $C$ (the product term) is actually in $\ZZ_K$. It is \( \bar{ZZ} \), since \( \alpha \) was an algebraic integer, i.e. a root of some monic polynomial with integer coefficients. But then under every embedding, \( \sigma( \alpha) \) is a root of the same monic polynomial, so each \( \sigma( \alpha) \in \bar{\ZZ} \), as is their product since it's a ring. On the other hand, we can write \( C = N \alpha/ \alpha \). Since \( N \alpha \) is a nonzero rational integer and \( \alpha\in K \), and since $K$ is a field, this quotient is in $K$. But then \( C \in \bar{\ZZ} \intersect K = \ZZ_K \). ::: :::{.proposition title="Nonzero ideals have finite norms in rings of integers"} For $I\normal \ZZ_K$ nonzero, \[ N(I) < \infty .\] ::: :::{.proof title="of proposition"} We start with principal ideals. Let $m\in \ZZ^+$, then \( \ZZ_K \gens{ m } \da \ZZ_K /m \ZZ_K \cong_{\zmod} \ZZ^n / m\ZZ^n \cong (\ZZ/m\ZZ)^n \) where we've forgotten the ring structure and are just considering it as a \(\ZZ\dash\)module . But this has size $m^n < \infty$. Now let \( \alpha\in I \) be nonzero and let \( m \da \pm N \alpha \), choosing whichever sign makes $m>0$. Since \( \alpha\divides N \alpha \), so \( N \alpha = \ell \alpha \) is a multiple of \( \alpha \). But \( \alpha\in I \) and $I$ is an ideal, so \( N \alpha\in I \implies m \in I\). Then (check!) the following map is surjective: \[ \ZZ_K/ \gens{ m } &\surjects \ZZ_K/I \\ [ \alpha]_m &\mapsto [ \alpha]_I ,\] where we've used \( m\in I \) for this to be well-defined. So $\# \ZZ_K /I \leq \ZZ_K / \gens{ m } = m^n < \infty$. ::: :::{.theorem title="The norm is multiplicative"} For every pair $I, J\normal \ZZ_K$ nonzero, \[ N( IJ) + N(I) N(J) .\] ::: :::{.proof title="that the norm is multiplicative"} Deferred! ::: :::{.theorem title="Formula for norm of principal ideals"} For all \( \alpha\in \ZZ_K \) nonzero, \[ N( \gens{ \alpha }) = \abs{ N ( \alpha ) } ,\] i.e. the norm of a principal ideal is the absolute value of the norm of the element-wise ideal. ::: :::{.remark} This will follow from the following proposition: ::: :::{.proposition title="Index = Determinant"} Let $M \in \zmod$ be free of rank $n$ and let \( H \leq M \). Then $H$ is free of rank at most $n$, so suppose $\rank_\ZZ H = n$. Suppose that \( \omega_1, \cdots, \omega_n \) is a $\ZZ\dash$basis for $M$ and \( \theta_1, \cdots, \theta_n \) a $\ZZ\dash$basis for $H$. We can thus write \( \tv{ \theta_1, \cdots, \theta_n} = \tv{ \omega_1, \cdots, \omega_n } A \) for some $A \in \Mat(n\times n, \ZZ)$. Then \( [M: H] = \#M/H = \abs{ \det A } \). ::: :::{.proof title="Sketch"} Idea: convert this problem about an arbitrary \( M \in \zmod \) to a problem about $\ZZ^n$. We know \( M \cong \ZZ^n \), and if we send the \( \omega_i \) to the standard basis vectors, this identifies $H \cong A \ZZ^n$. So \( M/H \cong \ZZ^n/A\ZZ^n \), and it's easy to see that \( \det A \neq 0 \): if not, there would be a linear dependence among the \( \theta_j \). Using *Smith normal form*, we can choose $S, T \in \GL_n(\ZZ)$ with \[ SAT = \diag(a_1, \cdots, a_n) && a_i \in \ZZ .\] Since $\det A \neq 0$, we have \( \det S, \det T \neq 0 \), and so all of the \( a_i \) are nonzero. We can write \( \ZZ^n/A\ZZ^n \cong \ZZ^n/SAT\ZZ^n \cong \bigoplus_{i=1}^n \ZZ/a_i \ZZ \), which has size \( \prod \abs{a_i} = \abs{ \prod a_i } = \abs{ \det (SAT) } = \abs{ \det(A) } \) since $S, T$ are invertible and thus have determinant $\pm 1$. ::: :::{.proof title="of formula for norm of principal ideals"} Let \( \omega_1, \cdots, \omega_n \) be a \( \ZZ\dash \)basis for $\ZZ_K$, then \( \alpha \omega_1, \cdots \alpha \omega_n \) is a $\ZZ\dash$basis for \( \alpha\ZZ_K = \gens{ \alpha } \). Now to compute $\# \ZZ_K/ \gens{ \alpha }$, we use the "index equals determinant" result: write \[ \tv{ \alpha \omega_1, \cdots, \alpha \omega_n} = \tv{ \omega_1, \omega_n} A \implies \# \ZZ_K / \gens{ a } = \abs{ \det(A) } ,\] we now just need to show that this is equal to \( \abs{ N \alpha } \). We'll proceed by taking discriminants of tuples, applied to the first equation above. This yields \[ \discriminant( \alpha \omega_1, \cdots, \alpha \omega_n) &= \discriminant( \omega_1, \cdots, \omega_n) \det(A)^2 \\ \implies \det(A)^2 &= { \discriminant( \alpha \omega_1, \cdots, \alpha \omega_n) \over \discriminant( \omega_1, \cdots, \omega_n) } \\ &= { \det(D_{\alpha \omega_1, \cdots, \alpha \omega_n })^2 \over \det( D_{\omega_1, \cdots, \omega_n} )^2 } = \qty{ \det(D_{\alpha \omega_1, \cdots, \alpha \omega_n }) \over \det( D_{\omega_1, \cdots, \omega_n} ) }^2 .\] Recall that these matrices were formed by taking the $j$th tuple element for the $j$th column and letting the column entries be the images under all embeddings. Just looking at the first rows in each, we'll have \[ \tv{ \sigma_1( \alpha \omega_1), \cdots, \sigma_1( \alpha \omega_n) } && \tv{ \sigma_1( \omega_1), \cdots, \sigma_1( \omega_n) } .\] In general, the $i$th row of the first matrix will be \( \sigma_i( \alpha) \) times the $i$th row of the second matrix. But then this ratio of determinants will be \( \qty{ \prod_{i=1}^n \sigma_i( \alpha )}^2 \da (N \alpha)^2\). So $\det(A)^2 = (N \alpha)^2$, and taking square roots yields the result. ::: ## Ch. 14: Integral Bases :::{.question} Given $K$ a number field, can you find an explicit $\ZZ\dash$basis for $\ZZ_K$? ::: :::{.remark} This depends on how one is given $K$, and in general this is hard! This is a question in algorithmic number theory. We'll focus on a specific sub-problem. ::: :::{.question} Let $K$ be a number field with \( [K : \QQ] = n \) and suppose \( \theta_1, \cdots, \theta_n \) in $\ZZ_K$ are a $\QQ\dash$basis for $K$. Is there a simple condition for when they form a $\ZZ\dash$basis for $\ZZ_K$? ::: :::{.remark} We know there is *some* $\ZZ\dash$basis for $\ZZ_K$, so let \( \elts{ \omega}{n} \) be one. Then express the \( \theta \) in terms of the \( \omega \): \[ \tv{ \elts{ \theta}{n} } &= \tv{ \elts{ \omega}{n} } A \\ \implies \discriminant(\elts{ \theta}{n} ) &= \discriminant(\elts{ \omega}{n} ) \det(A)^2 .\] We can view \( \abs{ \det(A) } \) as the index of the subgroup generated by the \( \theta_i \) in the group generated by the \( \omega_i \), so \[ \abs{ \det(A) } = [ \ZZ_K : H], && H\da \spanof_\ZZ\ts{ \theta_i } .\] Thus \[ \discriminant(\elts{ \theta}{n} ) &= \discriminant(\elts{ \omega}{n} ) [ \ZZ_K: H]^2 .\] We can thus form a simple condition for when $H = \ZZ_K$: ::: :::{.corollary title="A sufficient condition"} If \( \discriminant( \elts{ \theta}{n} \) is squarefree, then $\elts{\theta}{n}$ are a \( \ZZ\dash \)basis of $\ZZ_K$. ::: :::{.remark} Why? If the left-hand side is squarefree, then use that $[\ZZ_K: H]^2$ divides the left-hand side to conclude it must be 1. Note that this is *not* necessary! We saw that for $d = 2,3 \mod 4$ that $\discriminant_K = 4d$, which is not squarefree. ::: :::{.example title="of finding bases"} Let $K = \QQ( \theta)$ where \( \theta \) is a root of \[ f(x) = x^5 - 3x^2 + 1 ,\] which is irreducible over $\QQ$. This yields a degree 5 number field. We can look for an $n\dash$tuple of elements in $\ZZ_K$ which is a $\QQ\dash$basis for $\ZZ_K$with a squarefree discriminant. A candidate would be \( \ts{ \theta^j \st 0\leq j \leq 4 } \), which are all in $\ZZ_K$ since $\theta\in \ZZ_K$ which is closed under multiplication. :::{.claim} \[ \discriminant( 1, \theta, \theta^2, \theta^3, \theta^4) \text{ is squarefree} .\] ::: We have \[ \discriminant( 1, \theta, \theta^2, \theta^3, \theta^4) &\da\det( \tv{ \sigma_i ( \theta^{j-1} ) } )^2 \\ &= \det( \tv{ \sigma_i ( \theta )^{j-1} } )^2 && \text{ since the $\sigma_i$ are embeddings } \\ &= \prod_{1\leq i < j \leq 5} ( \sigma_j( \theta) - \sigma_i( \theta ) )^2 &&\text{since this is a Vandermonde matrix}\\ &= \discriminant(f) ,\] where this is the *polynomial* discriminant. This can be computed in a computer algebra system, and in this case it equals $-23119 = (-61)(379)$ which is squarefree. So this yields a $\ZZ\dash$basis for $\ZZ_K$, i.e. $\ZZ_K = \ZZ[ \theta]$. Note that \( \discriminant_K = -23119 \) as well, since it's the discriminant of *any* integral basis. ::: :::{.example title="of finding bases"} Let $K = \QQ( \alpha)$ where \( \alpha \) is a root of \[ f(x) = x^3 + x^2 - 3x + 8 .\] We can try \( 1, \alpha, \alpha^2 \), and check \[ \discriminant(1, \alpha, \alpha^2) = \discriminant(f) = (-4)(503) ,\] so we can't conclude this is a $\ZZ\dash$basis. Going back to the proof, we *can* conclude that \( [\ZZ_K: H] ^2 \divides \discriminant(1, \alpha, \alpha^2) \) where \( H \da \ZZ + \ZZ \alpha + \ZZ \alpha^2 = \ZZ[ \alpha ] \). This allows us to conclude that \( [\ZZ_K: H] = 1, 2 \), so this could still be an index 2 subgroup. If this happens, $\# \ZZ_K/H = 2$ and every element is annihilated by 2, so \( 2\ZZ_K \subseteq H = \ZZ[ \alpha ] \). This would mean \[ \ZZ_K \subseteq {1\over 2} \ZZ[ \alpha ] = \ts{ {c_0 + c_1 \alpha + c_2 \alpha^2 \over 2} \st c_i \in \ZZ } .\] So are there elements of $\ZZ_K$ of this form that are *not* in \( \ZZ[ \alpha ] \)? If there's nothing of this form in \( \ZZ_K \sm \ZZ[ \alpha ]\) then we can conclude \( \ZZ_K = \ZZ[ \alpha ] \). If there *is* something of this form in \( \ZZ_K \sm \ZZ [ \alpha ] \), then $\ZZ_K \supseteq \ZZ [\alpha]$. One can check that \( {\alpha+ \alpha^2 \over 2} \in \ZZ_K \sm H \). So the original candidate basis was wrong, but we can take \( 1, \alpha, {\alpha + \alpha^2 \over 2} \) instead, which is an integral basis. ::: :::{.remark} Why is this last part true? These are 3 elements of $\ZZ_K$ that are still $\QQ\dash$linearly independent and contains the $\ZZ\dash$span of the previous 3 elements defining $H$. But the index of $H$ was 2, so this forces it to be everything. So $\ZZ_K \neq \ZZ[ \alpha]$, and in fact Dedekind showed that \( \ZZ_K \neq \ZZ[ \beta] \) for *any* choice of \( \beta\in \ZZ_K \). So cubic number fields exhibit new behavior when compared to quadratic number fields! ::: :::{.remark} Next time: integral bases for cyclotomic fields. :::