# Frobenius (April 20) :::{.remark} Setup and reminders: - $L/K$ a Galois extension of number fields, - $P \in \spec K$ unramified in $L$ - $Q\in \spec L$ above $P$, so $e(Q/P) = 1$. - The Frobenius was defined as $\red_{Q/P}\inv(x\mapsto x^q)$ for $q \da N(P)$. - The characterization theorem for Frobenius: $\sigma = \Frob_{Q/P}$ iff $\sigma( \alpha) \equiv \alpha^q \mod Q$, so Frobenius acts like that $q$th power map mod $Q$. - When $L/M/K$ with $M/K$ Galois with $Q/R/P$, $\Frob_{R/P} = \ro{\Frob_{Q/P}}{M}$ ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} Let $L/K$ be Galois and let $Q,Q'$ be two primes lying above $P$: \begin{tikzcd} L && Q && {Q'} \\ \\ K &&& P \arrow[no head, from=1-1, to=3-1] \arrow[no head, from=1-3, to=3-4] \arrow[no head, from=1-5, to=3-4] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNSxbMCwwLCJMIl0sWzAsMiwiSyJdLFszLDIsIlAiXSxbMiwwLCJRIl0sWzQsMCwiUSciXSxbMCwxLCIiLDAseyJzdHlsZSI6eyJoZWFkIjp7Im5hbWUiOiJub25lIn19fV0sWzMsMiwiIiwwLHsic3R5bGUiOnsiaGVhZCI6eyJuYW1lIjoibm9uZSJ9fX1dLFs0LDIsIiIsMix7InN0eWxlIjp7ImhlYWQiOnsibmFtZSI6Im5vbmUifX19XV0=) Since Galois acts transitively, we can write $Q' = \sigma(Q)$ for some $\sigma \in G(L/K)$. Then \[ \Frob_{Q'/P} = \sigma \circ \Frob_{Q/P} \circ \sigma\inv .\] ::: :::{.proof title="Sketch"} An exercise, use the characterization theorem. Set $\tau$ to be the right-hand side, and check that $\tau(\alpha) \equiv \alpha^p \mod Q'$ for all $\alpha \in \ZZ_L$ and $q\da N(P)$. ::: :::{.remark} What can we do when we are given a $P$ but not a $Q$? There are many choices of $Q$, all related by conjugation. ::: :::{.definition title="Frobenius Conjugacy Class"} Define the **Frobenius conjugacy class** as \[ \qty{L/K \over P} = \ts{ \Frob_{Q/P} \st Q \text{ lies above } P } \subseteq G(L/K) .\] This is a conjugacy class of $G(L/K)$. ::: :::{.remark} Note that this collapses to a single element when $G(L/K)\in \Ab$! By abuse of notation, we'll identify $\qty{L/K \over P}$ with that common element (despite it being a singleton set). ::: :::{.proposition title="Order of Frobenius"} Every element of $\qty{L/K \over P}$ has order $f$, where $f = f(Q/P)$ for any $Q/P$. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Let $Q/P$ be a prime over $P$, then $\Frob_{Q/P} \da \red_{Q/P}\inv(x\mapsto x^q)$, where the $q$th power map is the generator of $G(\FF_Q/\FF_P)$, which has size $[\FF_Q : \FF_P] = f$. Since $\red$ was an isomorphism, we're done. ::: ## Cyclotomic Fields :::{.remark} Fix $m$. Recall that the $m$th cyclotomic field $K$ is defined by \[ K \da \QQ(\zeta_m) && \zeta_m = e^{2\pi i / m} .\] This is the splitting field of $x^m-1$, and in characteristic zero this implies $K/\QQ$ is Galois. ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} \[ [K : \QQ] = \phi(m) .\] ::: :::{.definition title="Cyclotomic Polynomials"} Define the **$m$th cyclotomic polynomial** as \[ \Phi_m(x) \da \prod_{\substack{a\mod m \\ (a, m) = 1}} (x - \zeta_m^a) .\] ::: :::{.remark} Note that $\deg \Phi_m(x) = \phi(m)$, since this is precisely how many terms show up in the indexing set. We'll show that this is the minimal polynomial of $\zeta_m$ - The coefficients are algebraic integers, since the roots are all roots of $x^m-1$, which is monic in $\ZZ[x]$. Since $\bar\ZZ$ is a ring, we have $\Phi_m(x) \in \bar\ZZ[x]$. - If $\sigma \in G(K/\QQ)$, then $\sigma(\zeta_m) = \zeta_m^b$ for some $b$ coprime to $m$. Then \[ \sigma(\Phi_m(x)) = \prod_{\substack{a\mod m \\ (a, m) = 1}} (x - \zeta_m^{ab}) = \Phi_m(x) ,\] since as $a$ runs through the number coprime to $m$, so does $ab$. Thus $\Phi_m(x) \in \QQ[x]$, since its coefficients are fixed by every element of the Galois group. - Combining these, the coefficients are in $\bar\ZZ[x] \intersect \QQ[x] = \ZZ[x]$. ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} $\Phi_m(x) = m(x) \da \min_{\zeta_m}(x)$ is the minimal polynomial of $\zeta_m$ over $\QQ$. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Clearly $m(x) \divides \Phi_m(x)$ in $\QQ[x]$ since $\Phi_m(x)$ vanishes at $\zeta_m$. So every root of $m(x)$ is a primitive $m$th root of unity, so we just need to show that every primitive $m$th root of unity is a root of $m$, i.e. we get all of them. Observe that if $\zeta$ is *any* $m$th root of unity, then $\zeta \in \ZZ_K$: $\zeta$ is an algebraic integer, as a root of $x^m-1$, and is in $K$ since it's a power of $\zeta_m$. Also note that $m(x) \in \ZZ[x]$ since the minimal polynomial of *any* algebraic integer has rational integer coefficients. So $m(\zeta)\in \ZZ_K$ since $\ZZ_K$ is a ring and $\zeta\in \ZZ_K$, and $N(m(\zeta)) \in \ZZ$. :::{.claim} There is an $M\in \ZZ^{\geq 0}$ such that if $q$ is any prime with $q> M$ and $\zeta$ is any root of $m(x)$, then $\zeta^q$ is still a root of $m(x)$. I.e. the roots of $m(x)$ are closed under taking $q$th powers for large enough $q$. Moreover, it's enough to pick any $M> \max_{\zeta} \abs{N(m(\zeta))}$, taking $\zeta$ over all $m$th roots of 1. ::: :::{.proof title="of claim"} Let $q>M$ be chosen as above and let $\zeta$ be a root of $m(x)$. We know $\zeta$ is a primitive $m$th root of unity and in $\ZZ_K$. Work modulo $Q$: since $0 = m(\zeta)$ we have \[ 0 \equiv m(\zeta)^q \equiv m(\zeta^q) .\] Hence \[ q \divides N(q) \divides N(m(\zeta^q)) ,\] using that $N(q) = q^d$ since it's a rational integer where $d$ is the degree of the number field. But we have $q > \abs{ N(m(\zeta^q))}$, which can only happen if the right-hand side is zero. The only element of norm zero in a number field is zero, so $m(\zeta^q) = 0$. ::: So if $q>M$ and $\zeta$ is a root of $m(x)$, so is $\zeta^q$. $\zeta_m$ is a root of $m(x)$, thus so us $\zeta_m^{q_1}, \zeta_m^{q_1 q_2}, \cdots, \zeta_m^{A}$ for any $A \in \ZZ^{\geq 0}$ which can be written as a product of primes bigger than $M$. :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that we can choose any $a\in \ZZ$ with $\gcd(a, m) = 1$, and choose $A$ as above with $A \cong a \mod m$. ::: With this, $\zeta_m^a = \zeta_m^A$ will be a root of $m(x)$ and we're done. ::: :::{.remark} Note that the exercise does follow from Dirichlet's theorem for arithmetic progressions, but there are easier proofs. ::: ## Galois Theory of $\QQ(\zeta_m) / \QQ$ and The Frobenius :::{.remark} Let $\sigma \in G(K/\QQ)$, then we saw that $\sigma(\zeta_m) = \zeta_m^a$ for some $a$ coprime to $m$. So we know $\# G(K/\QQ) < \phi(m)$, since there are only that many possibilities for the right-hand side. Since $[K:\QQ] = \phi(m)$, for each $a$ coprime to $m$ there is a $\sigma_a$ with $\sigma_a(\zeta_m) = \zeta_m^a$, so we can write \[ G(K/\QQ) = \ts{ \sigma_a \st a\in (\ZZ/m)\units } .\] Noting that $\sigma_a \sigma_b (\zeta_m) = \zeta_m^{ab} = \sigma_{ab}$, so we get an isomorphism \[ G(K/\QQ) &\mapsvia{\sim} (\ZZ/m) \units \\ \sigma_a &\mapstofrom a\mod m ,\] so $K/\QQ$ is an abelian extension. ::: :::{.remark} Consider $K \da \QQ(\zeta_m)$, then for every rational prime $P$ unramified in $K$, there is a well-defined element in $\qty{K/\QQ \over P} \in G(K/\QQ) = (\ZZ/m)\units$. For a given $P$, which element in $(\ZZ/m)\units$ do you get? ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} If $p\notdivides m$, then $p$ is unramified in $\QQ(\zeta_m)$. ::: :::{.remark} The converse is more or less true: $\QQ(\zeta_2) = \QQ$ since $\zeta_2 = -1$, but 2 is not ramified in $\QQ$ since nothing is ramified in itself. So if you avoid $m\equiv 2 \mod 4$, the converse becomes true. We'll just prove the mentioned direction. ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} \[ \ZZ_K = \ZZ[\zeta_m] .\] ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that $p$ ramifies in $K$ iff $\ZZ_K/p\ZZ_K$ has a nonzero nilpotent element. ::: :::{.proof title="of proposition, cute!"} Suppose $p\notdivides m$, then it suffices to show that $\ZZ[\zeta_m] / p\ZZ[\zeta_m]$ has no nonzero nilpotents. Let \( \alpha\in \ZZ[\zeta_m] \) with \( \alpha \mod p \) nilpotent in the quotient, we'll show it must be zero in the quotient. By the lemma, we can write \( \alpha = \sum_{i=0}^{d-1} a_i \zeta^i \), using that $\ZZ_K = \ZZ[\zeta]$ where all of the $a_i$ are in $\ZZ$, we've set $\zeta\da \zeta_m$ and $d = \phi(m) = [K : \QQ]$. Look mod $p$, then \[ \alpha^p &\equiv \sum_{i=0}^{d-1} a_i \zeta^{ip} \mod p \implies \alpha^{p^f} &\equiv \sum_{i=0}^{d-1} a_i \zeta^{ip^f} \mod p && \forall f .\] If $f$ is large enough, $\alpha^{p^f} \equiv 0 \mod p$, since some power of $\alpha$ is zero. On the other hand, $p\notdivides m$, so there are powers of $p$ that are $1\mod m$ that show up regularly, and we can choose $f$ so that $p^f \cong 1 \mod m$, e.g. by choosing $f$ to be any multiple of the order of $p$ mod $m$. But then the second line above reduces to $\sum a_i\zeta^{ip^f} \equiv \sum a_i \zeta^{i} = \alpha$ since $p^f \equiv 1 \mod m$, so $\alpha^{p^f} \equiv \alpha$, but we know $\alpha^{p^f} \equiv 0$. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Suppose $p\notdivides m$, which guarantees $p$ does not ramify in $K$. Then \[ \qty{K/\QQ \over P} = \sigma_p && \sigma_p(\zeta_m) \da \zeta_m^p .\] ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Choose any $Q$ lying above $p$. We'll show that for all $\alpha\in \ZZ_K$, $\sigma_p( \alpha) = \alpha^p \mod Q$, which by the characterization theorem will show $\sigma_p = \Frob_{Q/P}$, and in the abelian case $\qty{K/\QQ \over p}$ reduces to this single element. We know that $Q\contains p\ZZ_K$ since $Q$ is above $p$, so it's enough to show $\sigma_p( \alpha) \equiv \alpha^p \mod p$ for all $\alpha\in \ZZ_K$ -- this is because the difference is a multiple of $p$ in $\ZZ_K$, which is a subset of $Q$. Using $\ZZ_K = \ZZ[\zeta_m]$ to write $\alpha = \sum_{i=0}^{d-1} a_i \zeta_m^{i}$ where $d$ is the degree of the extension. Now reducing $\mod p$ and applying the Freshman's dream yields \[ \sigma_p( \alpha) &= \sum_{i=0}^{d-1} a_i \zeta_m^{ip} \\ &\equiv \qty{ \sum_{i=0}^{d-1} a_i \zeta_m^{i}}^p \mod p \\ &\equiv \alpha^p .\] ::: :::{.remark} This can be used to determine how all of the primes $p\notdivides m$ factor in $\QQ(\zeta_m)$, i.e. easily determining the relevant values of $f$ and $g$. :::