# Preface > (DZG): These are just some lists and resources I jotted down over the course of the week, relating to definitions to look up or topics/conjectures to read more about. I've included them as a vague "word cloud", perhaps as a useful way to get some high-level view of what ideas might show up. > Also, a disclaimer: most of these notes were live-tex'd, and *almost certainly* contain errors or inaccuracies! Such errors are most likely my own, due either to hearing and typesetting incorrectly, or simply misunderstanding. For a *much* more accurate account of the details for these talks, I'd recommend reading each speaker's own lecture notes, which I've linked in each relevant section. ## Some general resources - [nLab's entry on motivic homotopy theory](https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/motivic+homotopy+theory) - [Covering families and Grothendieck topologies](https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/Grothendieck+topology) - [All of the actual lecture notes from the authors](https://www.ias.edu/pcmi/pcmi-2021-gss-lecture-notes-and-problem-sets) - [Source code and raw files for this project](https://dzackgarza.com/rawnotes/Class_Notes/2021/Summer/PCMI/) ## Definitions - \(K\dash\)theory - Milnor \(K\dash\)theory - Witt ring - Period and index - Symbols - Brauer group - Bloch's higher Chow groups - Mixed characteristic - Weil Cohomology theory - Betti cohomology - Rigid cohomology - Motivic cohomology - Étale cohomology - Galois cohomology - Sites - The smooth site - The étale site - The Nisnevich site - Difference between big and small sites - Cartier divisors - Henselian schemes - Dévissage - Purity theorems - Fiber functor - Transfers - Torsors - Discretely valued fields - Cotangent complex - Symbols - Cohomological symbol - Tate symbol - Galois symbol - Tate twist ## Results/Conjectures - What is $\K_n(\ZZ)$? - Kummer-Vandiver conjecture - For $h_k$ the class number of the maximum real subfield $K$ of the $p$th cyclotomic fields, $p\notdivides h_k$. - Milnor conjecture (proved) - Relates $H_\Gal$ to to $\KM/2$ and quadratic forms. - Bloch-Kato conjecture, i.e. Norm-Residue isomorphism (proved?) - There is an isomorphism induced by the norm-residue map \[ h_n: \KM_n(F) \to H^n(F; \mu_\ell\tensorpower{}{n}) .\] - Generalized Milnor's conjecture to odd primes. - Closely related to Beilinson-Lichtenbaum - Standard conjectures on algebraic cycles - Beilinson-Soulé conjecture - Support in degrees $d<0$ for $\ZZ_\mot(j)$. - Currently unknown - Gersten conjecture - Support in degrees $d\leq 2j$ for $\ZZ_\mot(j)$. - Beilinson-Lichtenbaum conjecture - There is an isomorphism \[ H^p_\mot(X; \ZZ(q)) \mapsvia{\sim} H^p_\et(X; \ZZ(1)) && p\leq q .\] - Vanishing and rigidity conjectures - Kummer-Vandiver conjecture - Tate conjecture - Kato conjecture - Bass' finite generation conjecture - Morrow: for $R$ a regular ring of finite type over $\ZZ$, $\K_n(R)$ is finitely generated. - Wikipedia: the groups $G_n(A)$ are finitely generated \(\ZZ\dash\)modules when $A$ is finitely generated as an \(\ZZ\dash\)algebra, where $G_n$ is the variant of the \(\K\dash\)theory construction where one takes finitely generated modules instead of projective modules. - Generalizes Dirichlet's unit theorem: $\K_1(R)$ is finitely-generated for $\OO$ the ring of integers of a number field $K$. - Parshin's conjecture - Vanishing of higher $\K\dash$groups for smooth varieties over finite fields. - Quillen-Lichtenbaum conjecture - Hilbert 90 ## Generic Notes - $\KM$ has an explicit description and is easy to map out of. $H_\mot$ is difficult in general, but usual \(\K\dash\)theory is filtered by $H_\mot$ pieces. - Some motivations for \(\K\dash\)theory: - Special values of $L\dash$functions - $\K_0$: - AG: Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch, intersection theory on algebraic varieties. - NT: $\Pic(R)$, the class group $\Cl(R)$, class field theory - Higher regulators - Quadratic reciprocity - Embeddings of number fields into $\RR, \CC$. - Whitehead torsion, used in surgery classification of manifolds and the Poincaré conjecture in $\dim \geq 5$. - Sheaf cohomology of a \(\K\dash\)theory sheaf recovers Chow (Bloch's formula) - The Dennis trace relates $\K\to \mHH$, and $\mTHH$ yields an intermediate step. ### Major Objects - $H\ZZ$: motivic cohomology. - Compare to $H_\mot$? - $H\tilde \ZZ$: generalized motivic cohomology. - $\CH^*$: Chow groups, algebraic codimension $n$ cycles mod rational equivalence. - $\tilde{\CH}^*$: Chow-Witt groups or oriented Chow, formal sums of codimension $n$ subvarieties with coefficients in $\GW(k)$ for $k$ some field. - $q_\hyp \da \gens{1} + \gens{-1}$, the hyperbolic form - $\GW(k)$: the Grothendieck-Witt group of $k$, group completion of the semiring of nondegenerate symmetric bilinear forms under orthogonal sum. - $W(k)$: the Witt group of $k$, $GW(k)/\ZZ\gens{q_\hyp}$. \(\K\dash\)theory: - $\K_*$: \(\K\dash\)theory. - $\K_0(F) = \ZZ$, $\K_1(F) = F\units$. - $\K_0(R) = \Hom_\Top(\spec R, \ZZ)$. If $R$ is a domain, $\K_0(R) = \ZZ$. - $\K_0(\OO) \in \Ext(\ZZ, \Cl(\OO))$, $\K_1(\OO) = \OO\units$. - $\K_1(R) = \GL(R)$. - For finite fields: \[ \K_n(\FF_q) = \begin{cases} \ZZ & n=0 \\ 0 & n \text{ even} \\ \ZZ/\gens{q^{ {n+1\over 2} - 1 }} & n \text{ odd}. \end{cases} \] - $\KO_*$: Hermitian \(\K\dash\)theory. \todo[inline]{Include known computations of \(\K\dash\)theory, $W(k), GW(k)$, etc.}