# Frédéric Déglise, Talk 2 (Thursday, July 15) ## Intro :::{.remark} Recall the Beilinson conjectures (84/86), and Bloch's higher Chow groups (86). Today we'll discuss the $\AA^1\dash$homotopy category $\hoA$ and the category of motives $\DM\slice{S}$. We'll be working $\Top_*$, the infinity category of pointed spaces, and $\derivedcat{\Ab}$, the (infinity) derived category of abelian groups. ::: ## The homotopy category :::{.definition title="The homotopy category"} Consider infinity functors \[ F: \smooth\Sch\op\slice{S}\to \Top_* \] and define \[ F(X, Z) \da \hofib( F(X) \to F(X\sm Z)) .\] Then **the (pointed) $\AA^1$ homotopy category of $S$**, denoted $\hoA\slice{S}$, consists of such functors $F$ that satisfy - **Excision**: for all $(Y, T) \to (X, Z)$ excisive, there is a weak equivalence \[ F(Y, T) \weakeq F(X, Z) .\] - **Homotopy invariance**: The canonical projection $\AA^1\slice{X}$ induces a weak equivalence \[ F(X) \weakeq F(\AA^1\slice X) .\] This category admits a monoidal structure, which we'll denote by the smash product $X\smashprod Y$. ::: :::{.remark} The excision axiom can be replaced by the following condition: for distinguished squares $\Delta$, the image $F(\Delta)$ is homotopy cartesian: \begin{tikzcd} {W_+} && {V_+} \\ & {} \\ {U_+} && {X_+} \arrow[from=1-1, to=1-3] \arrow[from=3-1, to=3-3] \arrow[from=1-3, to=3-3] \arrow[from=1-1, to=3-1] \arrow["\lrcorner"{anchor=center, pos=0.125}, draw=none, from=1-1, to=3-3] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNSxbMCwwLCJXXysiXSxbMiwwLCJWXysiXSxbMCwyLCJVXysiXSxbMiwyLCJYXysiXSxbMSwxXSxbMCwxXSxbMiwzXSxbMSwzXSxbMCwyXSxbMCwzLCIiLDEseyJzdHlsZSI6eyJuYW1lIjoiY29ybmVyIn19XV0=) We can similarly ask for (infinity additive) functors $K:\smooth\Sch\op\slice{S}\to \derivedcat{\Ab}$ satisfying these properties. ::: :::{.remark} We can use infinity categorical localization theory to build this category. For a scheme $S$, view a *pointed space over $S$* as a presheaf valued in pointed simplicial sets, viewed as an infinity category. We can then construct \[ \hoA\slice{S} &= \Presh(\smooth\Sch\slice{S}, \ssets_*)\localize{W} \da \cat{C}\localize{W} \\ \\ W &\da \ts{ \ZZ_S^*(\AA^1\slice{X}) \to \ZZ_S^*(X) \st X\in \Ob(\cat C) } .\] ::: :::{.remark} One can similarly do this for $\tr\Presh(\Cor\Sch\slice{S} , \derivedcat{ \Ab} ) = \derivedcat{ \tr\Presh\slice{S} }$. Effective motives $\DM^{\eff}\slice{S}$ can be constructed by replacing presheaves with $\derivedcat{\Sh^\tr\slice{S}}$ and localizing at $\ZZ_S^\tr(\AA^1\slice{X}) \to \ZZ_S^{\tr}(X)$. ::: ## $\AA^1\dash$locality :::{.definition title="$\AA^1\dash$local spaces"} **$\AA^1\dash$local spaces** are those $S\dash$spaces for which the realization induces a weak equivalence on mapping spaces: \[ \abs{\AA^1\slice{X} } _+ \to X_+ \leadsto \Hom(X_+, Y ) \weakeq \Hom(\qty{ \AA^1\slice{X} } _+, Y) \quad \forall Y\in \Ob(\cat C) .\] ::: :::{.remark} Fix $k\in\Perf\Field$ and consider complexes of sheaves $K \in\ChainCx{\Sh^\tr\slice{S}}$. We can define cohomology sheaves $H^*(K)$ by taking kernels mod images in $\Presh^\tr\slice{S}$ and Nisnevich-sheafifying to get a sheaf \[ \ul H^i(K) \da \sheafify{H^i(K)} \in \Sh^\tr\slice{S} .\] This gives a way to take cohomology of complexes of sheaves with transfers. ::: :::{.theorem title="Characterization of $\AA^1\dash$local complexes of sheaves"} $K$ is $\AA^1\dash$local iff for all $\ul{H^n}(K)$ is $\AA^1\dash$local in $\HI^\tr\slice{k}$ for all $n$ ::: :::{.definition title="Suslin Complex"} Define **standard cosimplicial scheme** as \[ \Delta^n\da \spec\qty{k[x_0, \cdots, x_n] \over \gens{ \sum x_i } } \in \Sch\slice{k} \] and for $K\in \ChainCx{\tr\Sh\slice{k}}$ a complex of sheaves with transfers, the **Suslin singular complex** is the complex of sheaves defined as \[ \ul {C_{*}^S}(K), && \globsec{X\slice{S}} \da \Totprod K(\Delta^\bullet \fiberprod{k} X) .\] for $X\in\smsch\slice{S}$. ::: :::{.corollary title="The Suslin complex is $\AA^1\dash$local"} The Suslin singular complex $\ul{C_*^S}(K)$ is $\AA^1\dash$local, and the functor $\ul{C_*^S}(\wait)$ is an isomorphism in $\DM$? ::: ## Motives :::{.definition title="Motives"} The **homological motive** of a smooth scheme $X\in\smsch\slice{k}$ is \[ M(X) \da C_*(S)\ZZ^\tr\slice{k}(X) .\] ::: :::{.definition title="Tate twist"} The **Tate twist** is defined as \[ \ZZ(1) \da \coker \qty{ M\ts{1} \to M(\GG_m)}[-1] .\] \todo[inline]{What is $\ts{1}$? Maybe $\spec k$...} ::: :::{.example title="of identifying a Tate twist"} $\ZZ(1) = \GG_m[-1]\in [0, 1]$ is supported in homotopy degree 0 and 1 (and in fact just in degree 1), and generally $\ZZ(n) = \ZZ(1)\tensorpower{k}{n} \in (-\infty, n]$ is supported in degree at most $n$. ::: :::{.conjecture title="Reinforced Beilinson-Soulé"} For all $n>0$, $\ZZ(n) \in [1, n]$, so it is in fact only supported in positive degrees. Moreover, for $E\slice{k}\in\fn\Field$, \[ H^{i> n }\qty{ C_E(\Delta_E^*, \GG_m^n)_\QQ } = 0 .\] By Bloch-Kato, the integral and rational cases are equivalent. ::: ## Motivic Cohomology :::{.definition title="Motivic cohomology"} For $X\in\smsch\slice{k}$, the **motivic cohomology** is given by \[ H_\mot^{n, i}(X) \da H^n_\Nis(X; \ZZ(i)) .\] The grading $n$ is the **degree**, and $i$ is the **twist**. ::: :::{.remark} Let $\ZZ(m)\in \derivedcat{\Sh^\tr\slice{k}}$, then for $X\in \smooth\Sch\slice{k}$ we have \[ H^{n, i}_M(X) = \Hom_{\DM^\eff}(M(X), \ZZ(i)[n] ) .\] Taking the sheaf defined in top diagonal bidegree, this can be identified with unramified Milnor \(\K\dash\)theory: \[ \sheaf{H}^n(\wait; \ZZ(n)) = \sheaf{K^M}_n(\wait) .\] ::: ## Stable Six Functors :::{.remark} Let $X: \smsch\op\slice{S} \to \Top_*$, which is a "space" in an infinity categorical sense, and consider $f:T\to S$ a morphisms of schemes. We can form $f^*: \smsch\slice{S} \to \smsch\slice{T}$ which induces an adjunction \[ \adjunction {f^*} {f_*} {\hoA\slice{S}} {\hoA\slice{T}} .\] For $p:T\to S$ smooth, we can define $p_\sharp$ and $p^*$ similarly, yielding \[ \adjunction {p_\sharp} {p^*} {\hoA\slice{S}} {\hoA\slice{T}} .\] There is also a stable lift of the tensor product to a smash product $\wait\smashprod\wait$, yielding \[ \adjunction {\wait \smashprod \wait} {\ul{\Hom}(\wait, \wait)} {\hoA\slice{S}} {\hoA\slice{S}} .\] \todo[inline]{Not precise, need to apply a space as an argument...?} There are also formulas for things like $f^*(K\smashprod X_+)$, as well as (smooth) base change and projection. ::: :::{.theorem title="Morel-Voevodsky Localization"} Let $i: Z\embeds S$ be closed and $U\da S\sm Z$ with $j: U \openimmerse S$ an open immersion. Then for all $X\in \hoA\slice{S}$, there is a homotopy cofiber sequence \[ j_\sharp j^*(X) \to X\to i_* i^* X ,\] where the maps are given by units/counits of the corresponding adjunctions. ::: :::{.remark} This can be restated as a geometric version of $\AA^1\dash$homotopy equivalence: that there is a weak equivalence \[ {X \over X \sm (X\fiberprod{S} Z)} \weakeq i_*((X_Z)_+) .\] We don't have the 6 functor formalism unstably. ::: ## Stabilization :::{.remark} One can take spheres in $\hoA\slice{S}$ to be the pointed space \[ (\PP^1, \infty ) \homotopic S^1 \smashprod (\GG_m, 1) .\] This yields a definition of loop spaces: \[ \Loop_{\PP^1}(\wait) \da \rightderive\ul{\Hom}(\PP^1, \wait) ,\] where one needs to derive this construction. ::: :::{.definition title="Stable homotopy category"} The **stable homotopy category $\SH\slice{S}$** is defined as the limit \[ \cdots \mapsvia{\Loop_{\PP^1}} \hoA\slice{S} \mapsvia{\Loop_{\PP^1}} \hoA\slice{S} \mapsvia{\Loop_{\PP^1}} \hoA\slice{S} ,\] which is a construction that works for presentable monoidal infinity categories. ::: :::{.remark} This makes $\PP^1$ a monoidally invertible object, and it turns out to invert $\GG_m$ and the classical sphere $S^1$. This is because if we define $\SS^{n, m} \da S^n \smashprod \GG_m^m$, we have \[ \PP^1 &\homotopic \SS^{1, 1} && \da S^1 \smashprod \GG_m \\ \AA^n\smz &\homotopic \SS^{n-1, n} && \da S^n \smashprod \GG_m\tensorpower{k}{n} .\] ::: :::{.remark} A concrete model is given by sequences of objects, called **$\PP^1\dash$spectra**. These are sequences of pointed spaces $X\da (X_m)$ with $\AA^1\dash$homotopy equivalences \[ X_m \weakeq \Loop_{\PP^1}(X_{m+1}) .\] This is somehow related to $\PP^1\smashprod X_m \mapsvia{\sigma_m} X_{m+1}$. $\SH\slice{S}$ satisfies the following universal property: it is the universal presentable monoidal infinity category receiving a functor \[ \Suspend^\infty : \hoA\slice{S} \to \SH\slice{S} \] such that $\PP^1\smashprod(\wait)$ is invertible. It turns out that the category $\SH\slice{S}$ admits a diagram relating it to all of the categories that have appeared thus far. ::: :::{.theorem title="?-Voevodsky"} For $f:T\to S$ a morphism of schemes, separated of finite type, there is a triangulated adjunction \[ \adjunction{f_!}{f^!}{\SH\slice{S}} {\SH\slice{T} } \] such that 1. $f_!$ is compatible with composition. 2. If $f$ is proper then there is am isomorphism $\eta: f_! \mapsvia{\sim} f_*$. 3. If $f$ is smooth, then \[ f_! = f_\sharp( \Th(T_f) \tensor(\wait)) \] where $T_f$ is the tangent bundle and \[ \Th(T_f) \da \Suspend^\infty(T_f/T_f\dual) \] is its associated Thom space. Moreover $\Th(T_f)$ is tensor-invertible in $\SH\slice{S}$ with inverse $\Th(-T_f)$. ::: :::{.remark} There is a base change formula, and $p^* f_! \cong g_! q^*$ for cartesian squares: \begin{tikzcd} Y && T \\ \\ X && S \arrow["g", from=1-1, to=1-3] \arrow["f", from=3-1, to=3-3] \arrow["q"', from=1-1, to=3-1] \arrow["p", from=1-3, to=3-3] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNCxbMCwwLCJZIl0sWzIsMCwiVCJdLFswLDIsIlgiXSxbMiwyLCJTIl0sWzAsMSwiZyJdLFsyLDMsImYiXSxbMCwyLCJxIiwyXSxbMSwzLCJwIl1d) There is a projection formula \[ f_!(C \tensor f^*(F)) \cong f_!(C) \tensor F .\] Moreover, $\SH(\wait)$ satisfies a generalized Beilinson formalism. ::: ## Rational Homotopy :::{.remark} $\SH\slice{S}$ is triangulated, and there are several ways to construct a triangulated rationalization $\SH\slice{S} \tensor \QQ$. This decomposes as \[ \SH\slice{S} \tensor \QQ \mapsvia{\sim} \qty{\SH\slice{S}}_{\QQ^+} \times \qty{\SH\slice{S}}_{\QQ^-} .\] - The plus part is characterized by the algebraic Hopf map $\eta$ acting by zero, $\eps = -1$ - The minus by $\eta$ being invertible and $\eps = +1$ For $S$ regular, the plus part is equivalent to $\qty{ \DM\slice{S}}_\QQ$. Writing $S^0 \da S\tensor_\ZZ \QQ$, the minus part is equivalent to the Witt sheaf $\sheaf{W}^{\QQ}_{S^0}$, which is connected to quadratic forms. Reindexing and setting $\tilde \SS^{n, i} \da S^{n-i} \smashprod \GG_m\tensorpower{k}{i}$, one can define cohomotopy groups \[ \qty{\pi^{n, i}\slice{S}}_\QQ &\da [ \SS, S^{n-i} \smashprod \GG_m^i ] _{\qty{\SH\slice{S}} _\QQ} \\ & =[ \SS, \tilde \SS^{n, i}] _{\qty{\SH\slice{S}} _\QQ} \\ &= [\one, \one(s)[i] ] \\ & \mapsvia{\sim} \gr_\gamma^i \qty{ (K_{2i-n}) \slice{S}}_\QQ \oplus H^{n-i}_\Nis(S^0; \sheaf{W} ) ,\] where $\gr$ is a grading. For $E\in\Field$, this yields \[ \pi^{n, i}(E)_\QQ = H_\mot(E)_\QQ \oplus W(E)_\QQ .\] ::: :::{.remark} There is a Grothendieck-Verdier duality: for $f:X\to S$ smooth finite type with $S$ regular, then $f^!(\one_S) \homotopic \Th(Lf)$. If $\EE$ is a compact (constructible) object of $\SH\slice{S}$ the $\EE\dual = \ul{\Hom}(\EE, D_*)$ and there is an isomorphism $\EE\to (\EE\dual)\dual$. :::