# Talk 1: Jordan Ellenberg, Sparsity of rational points on moduli spaces [ADDING Conference](https://www.daniellitt.com/adding) > [Reference for this talk](https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.01043) :::{.question} How many homogeneous forms in $\ZZ[x_0,\cdots, x_n]$ are there with discriminant equal to 1? More accurately, there is a $\PGL\dash$action, so how many $\PGL$ orbits are there? More generally: how many are there with discriminant divisible only by primes in some finite set $S$? ::: :::{.conjecture title="Shafarevich conjecture-esque"} There are finitely many. ::: :::{.remark} The general philosophy is that there should be only finitely many classes of $X$ with good reduction outside of $S$ -- this is known e.g. for abelian varieties of dimension $g$, see Faltings' proof of Mordell. ::: :::{.remark} In terms of rational points, there is a trichotomy: - $g=0$, - $g=1$, - $g > 1$. This in fact breaks into a dichotomy: - $g\leq 1$, - $g > 1$. ::: :::{.definition title="Sparse points"} There are bounds on rational point counts on $X$ with height at most $B$: - $g=0 \leadsto \ll_X B^2$ - $g=1\leadsto \ll_X \log B$ (Mordell) - $g\geq 2\leadsto \ll_X C_X$ where $C$ is a constant depending on $X$ (Faltings) Here we'll dichotomize this in a different way: $g=0$ and $g > 0$. We say $X$ has **sparse points** if $\size X(\QQ) \ll B^\eps$. ::: :::{.theorem title="E, Lawrence, Venkatesh 2021"} Let $K\in \NF, S\in \Places(K)$ finite, $U_K \injects \PP^N$ a quasiprojective variety with a geometric variation of Hodge structure with finite-to-one period map, making $U_X$ an interesting moduli space of something. Then the periods of $U(\OO_K\invert{S})$ are sparse. ::: :::{.remark} The anabelian part: $U$ has large $\pi_1$, so lots of etale covers. E.g. if $U$ is a moduli of hypersurfaces, take the universal curve $\mch\to U$, then $H^n(\mch_t; C_m)$ varies and this can be interpreted as a moduli space with level structure. We try to show that large $\pi_1$ implies sparseness. This isn't quite true, since e.g. blowing up introduces lots of rational points, so a stronger condition is needed: $\pi_1(U)$ is infinite and for every finite-dimensional $V \subseteq U$, $\pi_1(V)\to \pi_1(U)$ has infinite image. ::: :::{.remark} Why is it useful to have lots of etale covers? Consider $x-y=1$ for $x,y\in \ZZ\invert{S}\units$ and $S = \ts{2,3}$. The $S\dash$units theorem of Siegel guarantees there are only finitely many solutions. One way to approach this: if $x=2^a3^b$, we know $x$ up to squares: $x=s,2s,3s,6s$ for $s$ a square, as is $y$. This yields a system \[ m^2-n^2 &=1 \\ m^2-2n^2 &= 1 \\ 2m^2-n^2 &= 1 \\ \vdots & \qquad ,\] which e.g. some can be solved using techniques for Pell equations. Having higher degree rigidifies the situation, so perhaps there are more techniques to solve them. Strategy: trade one hard equation for a finite list of higher degree easier equations. ::: :::{.fact} A partitioning trick for integral points: $Y\to U$ is a finite etale cover, then there are a finite number of twists $\ts{Y_1,\cdots, Y_m}$ (all isomorphic over $\QQbar$) with $Y_i\to U$ such that every point in $U(\ZZ\invert{S})$is in the image of $Y(\ZZ\invert{S})$ for some $i$. So \[ \disjoint_i Y_i(\ZZ\invert{S}) \covers U(\ZZ\invert{S}) .\] ::: :::{.theorem title="Heath-Brown 2004 (determinantal methods)"} Let $X \subset \PP^2$ be a plane curve of degree $d$, then there is a uniform bound: \[ \size \ts{ p\in X(\QQ) \st \height(p)\leq B} \leq C_{d, \eps}B^{2d+\eps} .\] > Note: missed the exponent on $B$, need to fix. ::: :::{.remark} Useful to control numbers of points for curves you know nothing about. Walsh removes the $\eps$ in all terms, Selberg, Brolog generalized to higher dimensions, CCDN make the constant effective. Pitch: these theorems are useful for other theorems which are not ostensibly about uniformity! ::: :::{.remark} All we can control in this situation is the degree of $Y_i\to U$ and $U\subseteq \PP^N$ has a degree, so we can control the degree of the $Y_i$. Broberg gives a bound $\ll B^{n+1\over d^{1\over n}}$ where $n=\dim U$. It doesn't actually matter what this is, just that it decreases in $d$, and we can take higher degree covers. ::: :::{.remark} "Anabelian": $\pi_1$ somehow tells the entire story. ::: :::{.remark} Heath-Brown's technique uses $p\dash$adic repulsion of points for $X(\QQ)\to X(\QQpadic)$ where low-height points do not end up nearby. Recall that there is a SES \[ 1\to \pi_1^\et(X_{\QQbar}) \to \pi_1^\et(X_\QQ) \to G_\QQ\to 1 ,\] and any point $p\in X(\QQ)$ gives a section, thought of as $X(\QQ) \to H^1(G_\QQ; \pi_1^\et(X_{\QQbar}))$. Anabelian-ness: embed into some large interesting geometric space like this. This cohomology group has a topology where $p, q\in X(\QQ)$ are nearby iff there exists a higher degree etale cover $Y\to X$ (small subsets correspond to large index subgroups in the profinite topology) such that $p, q$ both lift to $Y(\QQ)$. ::: :::{.remark} How this goes for curves: $C(\QQ) \to \Jac(\QQ)$, and one can tensor up to $\Jac(\QQ) \tensor_{\ZZ} \ZZpadic$. Modern take: points are close if they differ by a power of $p$ in the Mordell-Weil group. Interpretation of the main theorem: Heath-Brown in more general profinite topologies. :::