# Kiran Kedlaya: Crystalline companions as an anabelian phenomenon :::{.remark} Setup: $k = \FF_q, q=p^n, X\in \Sch\slice k$ smooth geometrically connected, $\ell\neq p$ arbitrary. Recall \[ 1\to \pi_1 X_{\kbar} \to \pi_1 X \to G_k = \ZZhat \to 1 .\] Anabelian philosophy: everything you'd want to know about $X$ is contained in $\pi_1 X$. ::: :::{.theorem title="Tamagawa"} If $X$ is an affine curve, then $\pi_1^{\tame} X$ determines $X$. ::: :::{.remark} Problem: if $X$ is an affine genus $g$ curve with $m$ punctures, $\pi_1^{\primetop} X_{\kbar}$ is the prime-to-$p$ completion of $\Free(2g+m-1)$, independently of $X$. Since sections induce $G_k\to \Out(\pi_1 X_{\kbar})$, we have lots of tame continuous $\bar{\QQladic}$ reps of $\pi_1 X_{\kbar}$, but very few are fixed by Frobenius. ::: :::{.conjecture title="Deligne"} Such representations only have "geometric origins", i.e. if $\mce$ is a lisse $\QQladic\dash$sheaf, i.e. a lisse $F\dash$sheaf with $[F:\QQladic] < \infty$, which is irreducible with determinant of finite order, then it appears on relative etale cohomology of $\pi:Y\to X$ for some $Y$. ::: :::{.remark} This is known in $\dim X = 1$, due to Deligne, around the same time Drinfeld proved Langlands for $\GL_2(k(X))$ for $k(X)$ a function field (or really the adeles). So all arithmetic reps of $\pi_1$ *come from geometry*. ::: :::{.remark} Note that $Y$ will eventually not even be a scheme. The determinant condition rules out transcendental twists. Galois side: lisse sheaves on $X$; automorphic side: reps values in $\GL_n(\AA_K)$ for $K$ a field. The proof above involves exhibiting the Galois objects as coming from relative etale cohomology in moduli of shtukas. A priori one only knows Frobenius traces, but this turns out to be enough to uniquely characterize things in this situation. ::: :::{.conjecture} Later Lafforgue did this for $\GL_n$, but the corresponding statement about arithmetic reps is wide open. ::: :::{.remark} If $\mce$ as above, the Frobenius traces at all closed points $x\in \abs{X}$ are algebraic over $\QQ$. ::: :::{.definition title="Companion sheaves"} Fix an algebraic closure $\QQbar$ and two primes $\ell, \ell'\neq p$ and fix embeddings $\QQbar\injects \QQbar_\ell$ and $\QQbar \injects \QQbar_{\ell'}$. Let $\mce,\mce'$ be lisse $\QQbar_\ell, \QQbar_{\ell'}$ sheaves (resp.) on $X$. Say $\mce,\mce'$ are **companions** iff for every $x\in\abs{X}$ the Frobenius traces at $x$ are equal in $\QQbar$. ::: :::{.remark} Note that $\mce$ determines $\mce'$ up to semisimplification, using $L\dash$function techniques. Moreover properties like being irreducible or having finite determinant hold simultaneously for them. ::: :::{.theorem title="Drinfeld, L. Lafforgue, Deligne"} With this setup, a lisse $\QQbar_{\ell}$ sheaf $\mce_\ell$ admits a compantion $\mce'$ which is a $\QQbar_{\ell'}$ for chosen embeddings of $\QQ$ for which all traces are in $\QQbar$, i.e. irreducible and finite determinant. This is true in arbitrary dimension. ::: :::{.remark} What about when $\ell=p$? There are somehow too many and too few lisse $\QQbar_p$ sheaves! E.g. the Lefschetz trace formula doesn't hold. Instead use the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence -- the \(p\dash \)adic analogues of lisse sheaves are certain \(p\dash \)adic integrable connections. How to construct: start with $X$ affine and glue. Choose a smooth affine formal scheme over $W(k)$ with special fiber $P_k \cong X$. Let $K = \ff W(k)$ and $P_K$ be the Raynaud generic fiber. See Tate model, Berkovich model, etc for rigid analytic geometry. Let $\AA_K^n \leadsto \hat{\AA^n}_{W(k)}$, a closed unit disc over $K$. ::: :::{.definition title="Convergent isocrystal"} Some definitions: - A **convergent isocrystal** is a vector bundle with an integrable connection on $P_K$. - A **convergent $F\dash$isocrystal** is this and a compatible action of (a lift of) Frobenius. - An **overconvergent $F\dash$isocrystal** is this on some structural enlargment of $P_K$ which takes the closed unit disc to the disc of radius $1+\eps$. ::: :::{.remark} These are similar to $\pi_1(X_{\kbar})\dash$representations. Issue: \(p\dash \)adic antidifferentiation is hard; the integral of a formal power series converging on the closed disc only converges on the open disc. ::: :::{.remark} If $X$ is smooth this recovers Berthelot's rigid cohomology, which is a refinement of crystalline cohomology if $X$ is proper. This yields a 6 functor formalism, and has the same moving parts as etale cohomology. ::: :::{.theorem title="Abe"} The Langlands correspondence extends to these when $\dim X = 1$. The content here: Lafforgue's original proof can now be run with \(p\dash \)adic coefficients instead of just \(\ell\dash \)adic coefficients. ::: :::{.theorem title="Abe-?, Drinfeld-Abe-Esmult, K"} The companion theorem extends to both $\ell=p$ and $\ell'=p$. ::: :::{.remark} Deligne posited the existence of a *petit camarade crystalline*, a little crystalline friend. ❇🙂 ::: ## Applications :::{.remark} A partial result toward a conjecture of Simpson. Let $X\slice \CC$ be a smooth cohomologically rigid local system (so no nontrivial deformations) which is irreducible with finite determinant. Are these of geometric origin? In particular, is there a $\ZVHS$? Esnault-Groecherig show that the monodromy representation factors through $\GL_n(\OO_K) \to \GL_n(\CC)$ for some $K\in \NF$. Idea: start from complex geometry, go to \(p\dash \)adic geometry, yields an overconvergent $F\dash$crystal. This yields integrality at $p$; use companions to go back to a lisse \(\ell\dash \)adic sheaf, then back to $\CC$ to get integrality at $\ell$. ::: :::{.remark} Going the other way, $\ell\to p$: one can prove "of geometric origin" results when $\rank \mce = 2$ (Krishnmorthy-Pal). Idea: go from $\ell\to p$, make a candidate for the crystalline Dieudonne module for some family of AVs. One will have a bound on the motivic weight, which is at most $\rank \mce - 1$. A word on the proof: define a moduli stack $M_n$ of mod $p^n$ $F\dash$crystals, which is a horrendous algebraic stack. These are roughly coherent sheaves with extra data. Study some finite-type pieces using slops, and is universally closed since one can take flat limits along curves. Take the Zariski closure of companion points, then take stable images to get some $M_n''$. Show that every point in each component of it is a companion point using horizontal companions (as opposed to vertical in the fiber direction). Then show each component maps isomorphically to $S$, which is a pointwise condition on $S$. This only uses the companion on the fiber, which is easier to study. :::