# Alex Smith: Simple abelian varieties over finite fields with extreme point counts :::{.theorem title="Howe-Kedlaya"} Given $n > 0$, there is an $A\in \Ab\Var\slice{\FF_2}$ with $\size A(\FF_2) = n$. ::: :::{.remark} Recall the Weil bounds: given $A\slice{\FF_q}$, \[ (q-2q^{1\over 2} + 1)^g \leq \size A(\FF_q) \leq (q+2q^{1\over 2} +1)^g .\] Let $\ts{\alpha_i}_{1\leq i\leq 2g}$ be the eigenvalues of $\Frob\actson H_{\et}^1(A \fiberprod{\FF_q} \bar{\FF_q}; \ZZladic )$. Recall the Weil conjectures: - All embeddings $\QQ( \alpha_i) \injects \CC$ satisfy $\abs{ \alpha_i} = q^{1\over 2}$. - Lefschetz trace: $\size A(\FF_q) = \prod_{1\leq i\leq 2g}( \alpha_i - 1) = \prod(q+1 - \alpha_i - \bar{ \alpha_i} )^{1\over 2}$ Note that these real numbers sit in $[-2q^{1\over 2}, 2q^{1\over 2}] \subseteq \RR$. ::: :::{.definition title="Totally $\Sigma$"} Given $\Sigma \subseteq \CC$ we say $\alpha$ is **totally $\Sigma$** iff all conjugates of $\alpha$ are contained in $\Sigma$. ::: :::{.remark} Remarkably for AVs, the $\alpha_i$ tell the entire story! Honda-Tate theory gives a correspondence \[ \correspond{ \text{Abelian varieties over $\FF_q$} }/\sim_{\scriptscriptstyle \text{isogeny}} &\mapstofrom \correspond{ \text{Totally $I_q$ algebraic integers} }/\sim_{\scriptscriptstyle\text{conjgacy}} \] where $I = [-2\sqrt q, 2\sqrt q]$. Tate showed injectivity, Honda used CM theory to show surjectivity. ::: :::{.theorem title="von Bomel-Costa-Li-Poonen-S."} Given any $q$ and any $n \gg_q 0$, there is an $A\in\Ab\Var\slice{\FF_q}$ with $\size A(\FF_q) = n$. ::: :::{.remark} Idea: Howe-Kedlaya works infinitely often. One can't attain *every* integer in the Weil bound interval, but you can get pretty close: ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Given $g \gg_q 0$ and \[ n\in [(q-2\sqrt q + 3)^g, (q+2\sqrt q - 1 - q\inv)^g] ,\] there exists $A$ with $\size A(\FF_q) = n$. ::: :::{.proof title="Sketch"} Given $\alpha\in \RR$ and $\eps$, one can produce totally $I$ algebraic integers for $I = [ \alpha, 4+ \alpha+\eps]$ fitting the arcsin distribution: ![](figures/2022-05-01_15-53-12.png) For $\eps = \alpha = 0$, choose a large cyclotomic polynomial, whose roots are roughly equidistributed in $S^1$, then map to $[-2, 2]$. Solving this for non-rational $\alpha$ and $\eps=0$ is a big open problem. ::: ## Schur-Segal-Smyth trace problem :::{.problem title="?"} Find the minimal $t$ such that for any $\eps > 0$, infinitely many totally positive algebraic integers satisfy \[ \trace(\alpha)/\deg(\alpha) < t + \eps .\] ::: :::{.remark} Idea: all conjugates greater than zero, how can you minimize the average trace? The cyclotomic method above infinitely many whose trace is at most 2. So using the arcsin distribution yields $t< 2$, open question: is $t=2$? Progress has been slow and revolves around an old trick. ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} $t\geq 1$. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Take a totally positive algebraic integer with conjugates \( \ts{\alpha_i}_{i\leq n} \) with minimal polynomial $p$. Now apply AMGM: \[ 1\leq \abs{p(0)} = \qty{\prod a_i}^{n\over n}\leq_{\AMGM}\qty{\sum a_i \over n}^n .\] ::: :::{.remark} We can do slightly better. If $\abs{p(1)}\geq 1$, then $t\geq 1.05$. If $\abs{p(a)p(\bar a)} \geq 1$ for $a\da {3+\sqrt 5\over 2}$, then $t\geq 1.1$. More generally this is written as a resultant, i.e. $\resultant(p, x^3+3x+1)$. Smyth shows that $t = \trace(\alpha)/\deg( \alpha)\geq 1.771$ with 14 exceptions; Wang-Wu-Wu shows $t\geq 1.793$. Serre showed this argument can never show $t\geq 1.899$, Alex showed it can not show $t\geq 1.81$, so we're approaching the limit of Smyth's method. ::: :::{.theorem title="Alex"} Smyth's method limits to the right answer, and thus $t\leq 1.81$. In particular, $t\neq 2$. ::: :::{.remark} Consequence: there are things that work better than the arcsin distribution. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Given sufficiently large square $q$, there are infinitely many $A\slice{\FF_q}$ with \[ \size A(\FF_q) \geq (q + 2\sqrt q - 0.81)^{\dim A} ,\] but only finitely many with \[ \size A(\FF_q) \geq (q+2\sqrt q - 0.8)^{\dim A} .\] ::: :::{.definition title="?"} Given algebraic integers $\alpha$ with conjugates $\ts{\alpha_i}_{i\leq n}$, let \[ \mu_{\alpha}= {1\over n}\sum \delta_{ \alpha_i} .\] ::: :::{.remark} There is a weak-$*$ topology on the space of such measures. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Choose $\Sigma \subseteq \RR$ with countably many components (e.g. excluding Cantor sets) of *capacity* $c > 1$. TFAE are equivalent for a probability measure $\mu$ on $\Sigma$: - There are totally $\Sigma$ algebraic integers $\alpha_i$ whose distributions $\mu_{\alpha_i}$ as above conver to $\mu$. - For any integer polynomial $Q\neq 0$, \[ \int_{\Sigma} \log\abs{Q} \dmu \geq 0 .\] ::: :::{.remark} Idea of proof: apply Minkowski's 2nd theorem as a source of promising polynomials. Use an optimized distribution that avoids the 14 exceptions, whose average traces beat the previous averages: ![](figures/2022-05-01_16-31-56.png) :::