# Aaron Pollack, Talk 4: Beyond $\G_2$ :::{.remark} Upshot for today: there exist groups $\G_3, \F_4, \E_{n, 4}$ for $n=6,7,8$ where $\G_2$ is split and the $\E$ groups are rank 4 over $\RR$. These admit modular forms with Fourier expansions and coefficients similar to the $\G_2$ story. We'll define these exceptional groups today. ::: ## Exceptional Algebras :::{.remark} Let be a composition algebra over $k$, where $\characteristic k = 0$, with a multiplication $C\tensorpower{k}{2}\to C$ which is not necessarily commutative or associative. There exists a norm map $n_C: C\to K$ given by a nondegenerate quadratic form with $n_C(xy) = n_C(x) n_C(y)$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} \envlist - $C = k$ and \[ n_c: k &\to k \\ x&\mapsto x^2 .\] - $C = E/k$ for $E$ a quadratic etale extension, $n_C = \Norm_{E/k}$. - $C = B/k$ for $B$ a quaternion algebra with $n_C = n_{B, \red}$ - $C = \Theta$ an octonion algebra, with $\Theta = B \bigoplus B$. There is an involution $C\to C$ with - $x + x^* = \Trace_C(x) 1\in k1$, - $xx^* = n_C(x)1\in k1$ ::: :::{.definition title="?"} Let $J_C = H_3(C)$ be Hermitian $3\times 3$ matrices with coefficients in $C$, so \[ J_C = \ts{ \begin{bmatrix} c_1 & x_3 & x_2^* \\ x_3^* & c_2 & x_1 \\ x_2 & x_1^* & c_3 \end{bmatrix} \st c_i\in k, c_i\in C } .\] This has dimension $3+3C$ over $k$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} For $C=k, H_3(K)$ are symmetric $3\times 3$ matrices and there is a determinant map \[ \det: J_C &\to k \\ X&\mapsto c_1c_2 c_3 - \sum c_i n_C(x_i) + \Trace_C(x_1(x_2 x_3)) .\] If $C=k$ this is the usual determinant. Note that $M_J' = \ts{g\in \GL(J_C) \st \det(gX) = \det(X) \forall X\in J_C}$ has positive dimension, and is thus infinite, making it an interesting algebra. ::: :::{.remark} Idea: there exists a group $G_{J_C}$ such that - $C = \QQ \leadsto \F_4$, - $C = K$ quadratic imaginary $\leadsto \E_{6,4}$, - $C= B$ a quaternionic algebra $\leadsto \E_{7,4}$, - $C = \Theta$ an octonionic algebra $\leadsto \E_{8, 4}$. All have a good notion of quaternionic modular forms and Fourier expansions/coefficients. A degree map $J_C \mapsvia{\deg} k$ commuting with $x\mapsto x^3$ and $\det$ recovers $G_{J_C = k} = \G_2$. Recall \[ \lieg_2 = \liesl_{2, \ell}[0] + \liesl_{2, s}[0] + V_2 \tensor W[1] \] which is $C_2\dash$graded; we'll mimic this to construct $\lieg_{J_C}$. ::: ## Freudenthal Construction :::{.definition title="Quaternionic exceptional groups"} Let $J = J_C/\QQ$ and $k=\QQ$ and \[ W_J = \QQ \bigoplus J \oplus J\dual \oplus \QQ .\] There is a symplectic form \[ \inp{\tv{a,b,c,d}}{\tv{a,b,c,d}} = ad' - (b,c') - (c, b') - dc' .\] There is a degree 4 polynomial map $q: W_J\to \QQ$. Define \[ H_J^1 = \ts{g\in \GL(W_J) \st \inp{gw}{gw'} = \inp{w}{w'} \,\forall w,w'\in W_J,\, q(gw) = q(w)} .\] This recovers: | $C$ | $H_J^1$ | $\lieg_J$ | |---------- |--------- |----------- | | $\QQ$ | $\operatorname{C}_3$ | $\F_4$ | | $K$ | $\operatorname{A}_5$ | $\E_6$ | | $B$ | $\D_6$ | $\E_7$ | | $\Theta$ | $E_7$ | $\E_8$ | | | | | Define \[ \lieg_J =\liesl_2[0] + \lieh_J^0[0] + (V_2\tensor W_J)[1] ,\] where $\lieh_J^0 = \Lie(H_J^1)$, and define \[ G_J \da \Aut^0(\lieg_J) .\] If $n_C: C\tensor\RR\to \RR$ is positive definite, we say $\G_J$ is a **quaternionic exceptional group**. ::: :::{.fact} If $K_J \subseteq \G_J(\RR)$ is a maximal compact, then \[ K_J = {\SU_2 \times L_J' \over \mu_2} \] where $L_J^1$ is a compact form of $H_J^1$. There is a Cartan involution $\theta: \lieg_J\to \lieg_J$, which over $\CC$ yields \[ \lieg_J^{\theta = \id} &= k_0\tensor \CC \cong \liesl_2 + \lieh_J^0 \\ \lieg_J^{\theta = -\id} &= p_0\tensor \CC \cong V_2 + W_J .\] ::: :::{.remark} There is an action $K_J\actson V_\ell = \Sym^{2\ell}(\CC^2)\tensor \one$ ::: :::{.definition title="Modular forms"} A **modular form** on $\G_3$ of weight $\ell$ is an automorphic form \[ \phi: \dcosetl{G_J(\RR)}{G_J(\AA)} \to V_\ell \] such that 1. $\phi(gk) = k\inv \phi(g)$ for all $k\in K_J$ 2. $D_\ell \phi \equiv 0$ Here $D_\ell$ is defined as in the $\G_2$ case, replacing $\Sym^3(V_2) = W$ with $W_J$. ::: :::{.remark} There is a Heisenberg parabolic $P = MN \leq G_J$ with $M = H_J$, and $N \contains Z$ a two-step filtration with $Z$ 1-dimensional and $N/Z \cong W_J$ abelian. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Modular forms on $G_J$ of weight $\ell$ 1. Have Fourier coefficients and expansions along $N/Z$: \[ \phi_Z(g) = \phi_N(g) + \sum_{w\in W_J(\QQ), w\geq 0} a_\phi(w) W_w(g) ,\] where $a_\phi(w)\in \CC$ are the Fourier coefficients of $\phi$ and $W_w$ are completely explicit. 2. Under appropriate embeddings \[ \G_2 \embeds \F_4 \embeds \E_{6,4}\embeds E_{7,4} \embeds E_{8,4} ,\] for a modular form $\phi$ of weight $\ell$ of one groups, the pullbacks $i^* \phi$ to a smaller group are again modular forms of weight $\ell$ whose Fourier coefficients are sums of Fourier coefficients of $\phi$. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} \envlist 1. There exists a nonzero weight 4 modular form $\theta_{\min}$ on $\E_{8, 4}$ with rational Fourier coefficients. 2. There exists a nonzero weight 8 modular form $\tilde\theta_{\min}$ on $\E_{8, 4}$ with rational Fourier coefficients. ::: :::{.proof title="Sketch"} \envlist - Construct $\tilde\theta_{\min}$ using Eisenstein series - Savim: most of the Fourier coefficients are zero, particularly the ones that are harder to compute explicitly - By explicit computations, the remaining coefficients are rational. ::: :::{.definition title="?"} Say a modular form $\phi$ on $\G_3$ is **distinguished** iff - There exists a $w_0\in W_J(\QQ)$ such that $q(W_0)\neq 0$ and $a_\phi(w_0) \neq 0$ - If $w\in W_J(\QQ), a_\phi(w)\neq 0$, then $q(w)\equiv q(w_0) \mod (\QQ\units)\cartpower{2}$. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Suppose $K/\QQ$ is quadratic imaginary, then there exists a distinguished modular form of weight 4 $\Theta_K$ on $G_{J_K} = \E_{6,4}$. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Set $\Theta_K i^*(\Theta_{\min})$, pullback to $\E_{6,4}$. By arithmetic invariant theory, one shows it is distinguished. :::