# Talk 1: Number Theory and 3-Dimensional Geometry > Abstract: There is a wonderful analogy between the theory of numbers, and 3-dimensional geometry. For example, prime numbers behave like knots! I will explain some of the history of this analogy and how it is evolving. :::{.remark} - 60s, Mazur's *Remarks on the Alexander polynomial*: primes are analogous to knots. - Impetus: Thomson 1867, *On vortex atoms*. - Idea: topological distinction of knots may explain distinct atoms, and links for molecules. - P. G. Tait (and Kirkman? Around 1880) tabulates many knots. - Rigorous tools to distinguish: Wirtinger, Dehn, Alexander in late 1800s/early 1990s. - Dehn (1910), Wirtinger (1905): a presentation of the knot group $\pi_1(\RR^3\sm K)$ in terms of generators and relations. - Alexander (1927): *Topological invariants of knots and links*, observes difficulties distinguishing group presentations, introduces the simpler Alexander polynomial. - E.g. for the trefoil, $p(x) = 1 - x + x^2$. - He gives a simple algorithm computing it as the determinant of a matrix, and shows how it can be derived from the knot group. - Succeeded in distinguishing many tabulated knots (but not all). - See SnapPy! You can fly around the hyperbolic space of a knot complement, and compute a large number of invariants. ::: :::{.remark} - NT: consider solving $x^2+y^2=z^2$. - Factor $x^2+y^2 = (x-iy)(x+iy)$ and write $x\pm iy = (m\pm in)^2$ to obtain $x^2=m^2-n^2, y=2mn, z = m^2+n^2$. - This yields *all* solutions, using unique factorization in $\ZZ[i]$. - Consider $x^p+y^p=z^p$ (Fermat) - To solve: factor $z^p = \prod_k x+\zeta_p^k y$. - Lame (1847): an incorrect proof that falsely assumes $L_p \da \ZZ[\zeta_p]$ is a UFD, since $\cl(L_p) \neq 1$ for $p=23$ (shown by Kummer) and factorization fails. - Kummer fixes this proof assuming a weaker condition: $p\notdivides \cl(L_p)$, i.e. this is **regular**. - This fails for $p=37$. - Kummer proves FLT fails for regular primes. - Kummer (1850) shows $p$ is irregular iff $p$ divides on of the first $p-3$ coefficients of $x\over e^x-1$. - Iwasawa (59, 62) gives a polynomial $P_p$ whose degree quantifies the irregularity of $p$; $p$ is irregularity iff $P_p = 1$ is constant. - This definition uses a Galois group $G_p$. ::: :::{.remark} Mazur (63) observes similarity between the Alexander polynomial and Iwasawa's polynomial. Both are pure group theory, and the construction arises from action of $G^\ab\actson [G, G]^\ab$ and taking a characteristic polynomial. Analogies: - $G_p$ is similar to $\pi_1(S^3\sm K)$, - the linking number is similar to the quadratic residue $\qsymb{p}{q}$. - Symmetry of linking numbers is analogous to quadratic reciprocity. - $\spec \ZZ/p\ZZ \embeds \spec \ZZ$ is like a knot in a 3-manifold. - $\spec \ZZ$ is like $S^3$, with primes corresponding to embedded knots. Analogies (partially) due to Mazur, guided by results of Artin and Tate. ::: :::{.remark} Defining $G_p$: take all rings over $k$ with some finite rank $r$ which admit *exactly* $r$ embeddings in $\kbar$, take their union, take ring automorphisms. Constructing such rings: find polynomials $p$ with $\disc_p = p^k$ for some $k$. Problem: $G_p$ is very mysterious! Probably finitely generated but infinite, the only element we can produce is complex conjugation, $z\mapsto \bar{z}$. Tate (62) shows that $G_p$ cohomologically looks like a knot group, currently the strongest formal analogy. ::: :::{.warnings} Fixing a specific prime $p$, it is not analogous to any specific not, and $\ZZ$ is not analogous to any specific manifold. Instead, there is some unknown refinement which recovers properties of both. ::: :::{.remark} Idea: compare statistical properties of random knots vs random primes. ::: :::{.question} If $\ZZ\sim M^3$ and $p\sim K_p \embeds M^3$, what object is analogous to $K^c$? :::