# Talk 2: Symplectic L-functions and their topological analogues > Abstract: The topology of the symplectic group enters into many different areas of mathematics. After discussing a couple of “classical” manifestations of this, I will explain a new one, in the theory of L-functions, as well as a purely topological analogue of the statement. I am not going to assume any familiarity with the theory of L-functions for the talk. Joint work with Amina Abdurrahman. ## Symplectic Spaces :::{.remark} Note: for $L$ a field, \[ \squares L \da \ts{a^2 \st a\in L} .\] ::: :::{.remark} Recall that any symplectic vector space is isomorphic to $\qty{\RR^{2g}, J\da \matt{0}{\id_g}{- \id_g}{0}}$. Write \[ \SP(V) = \ts{g: V\to V\st \inp{gx}{gy} = \inp{x}{y}} = \ts{A\in \GL_{2g}(\RR) \st A^tJA = J} .\] Note \[ \SP_2(\RR) = \ts{M\in \GL_2(\RR) \st \det M = 1} ,\] and $\SP_{2g}(\RR)$ is connected but $\SP_{2g}(\RR) \homotopic \RR^2\smz$. Let $p: G\to \SP_{2g}(\RR)$ be the universal cover; since the base is a topological group, picking any $p\inv(1)$ yields an essentially unique group structure on $G$ by analytically continuing the group law. In fact $G$ is a Lie group and $\ker p \cong \ZZ \in Z(G)$ is central, so there is a SES \[ \ZZ\to G\to \SP_{2g}(\RR) .\] Note that there are not faithful finite-dimensional reps of $G$, but there are infinite-dimensional reps important to quantization in physics. ::: ## Surfaces :::{.remark} A theorem of Meyer on surfaces: let $\Sigma$ be a (compact closed oriented smooth) surface and $\rho: \pi_1 \Sigma\to \SP_{2g}\RR$; this corresponds to a local system, so form the twisted cohomology $H^1(\Sigma; \rho)$. Using the cup product and symplectic pairing, one can produce a *symmetric* pairing \[ L: H^1(\Sigma;\rho)\tensorpower{\RR}{2}\to \RR .\] There is an isomorphism $(H^1, L)\cong (\RR^{p+q}, \diag_{p}(-1) \oplus \diag_q(1))$, so $\signature(\Sigma, \rho) \da \signature L \da p-q$ is an interesting invariant. ::: :::{.remark} Recall that 4-manifolds $M$ also admit a signature on $H^2(M; \RR)$. Let $M\to\Sigma$ be surface bundle over a surface -- if $M$ is a product, $\signature M = 0$. Chern-Hirzebruch-Serre: there is a monodromy morphism $\pi_1\Sigma\to \SP_{2g}\RR$ which is trivial if $\signature M = 0$. In fact $\signature(M) = \signature(\Sigma, \rho)$, so this situation naturally arises for fibered 4-manifolds. ::: :::{.remark} Recall $\pi_1 \Sigma_g = \gens{a_i,b_i \st \prod_i [a_i, b_i] = e}$. Consider trying to form a lift: \begin{tikzcd} && G \\ \\ {\pi_1\Sigma} && {\SP_{2g}(\RR)} \arrow[from=3-1, to=3-3] \arrow[from=1-3, to=3-3] \arrow[dashed, from=3-1, to=1-3] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsMyxbMCwyLCJcXHBpXzFcXFNpZ21hIl0sWzIsMiwiXFxTUF97Mmd9KFxcUlIpIl0sWzIsMCwiRyJdLFswLDFdLFsyLDFdLFswLDIsIiIsMix7InN0eWxlIjp7ImJvZHkiOnsibmFtZSI6ImRhc2hlZCJ9fX1dXQ==) Note $m\da \prod [\tilde\rho a_i, \tilde\rho b_i] \in \ker p \cong \ZZ$, and it turns out that \[ \signature(\Sigma, \rho) = p-q = 4m .\] The fact that $\ker p \in Z(G)$ was essential in making sure this doesn't depend on choices. Note that this only determines $m$ up to sign! ::: :::{.remark} Toward generalizing, the above central extension determines a class $b\in H^2(\SP_{2g}(\RR); \ZZ)$ and $p^* b\in H^2( \Sigma; \ZZ)$. Using the pairing against the fundamental class $[\Sigma]$ yields \[ \signature(\Sigma, \rho) = 4 \int_\Sigma p^* b .\] When replacing $\RR$ with $L$, replace $\ZZ$ by $W_L$, the Witt group of quadratic forms over $L$. ::: # 3-manifolds :::{.remark} Consider now varying the situation in a 1-dimensional family -- take $\Sigma\to M\to S^1$ a surface bundle over a circle with fibers $\Sigma_t$, each yielding $\rho_t: \pi_1\Sigma_t \to \SP_{2g}(\RR)$ for $t\in S^1$. Each $t$ yields a quadratic vector space $H^1(\Sigma_t,\rho_t)$ of signature $(p, q)$. Monodromy yields an element $m\in \Aut H^1(\Sigma_0, \rho_0) \subseteq \Orth_{p, q}$. If $p,q>0$ then $\size\pi_0\Orth_{p, q} = 4$ -- which connected component does this land in? How to separate the components: there is a determinant map \[ \det: \Orth_{p, q} \to \ts{\pm 1} .\] There is a *spinor norm* \[ \spinornorm: \Orth_{p, q} &\to \ts{\pm 1} = \RR\units/\squares\RR\units \\ \mathrm{reflection}_v &\mapsto \inp{v}{v} .\] This works with $\RR$ replaced by $L$, using the fact that $\Orth_{p, q}$ is generated by reflections. For $(V, L)$ a symmetric space, one gets \[ \det: \Orth(V) &\to \ts{\pm 1} \] and \[ \spinornorm: \Orth(V) &\to L\units/\squares L\units .\] ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} It turns out that - $m\in \Orth(H^1(\Sigma_0, \rho_0))$, - $\det m = 1$, and - $\spinornorm(m) = \int_M p^* c\in L\units/\squares L\units$. Note that there is a Soulé etale Chern class \[ m\in H^3(\SP_{2g}(L), L\units/\squares L\units) .\] Pulling this back and integrating yields \[ p^* c\in H^3(M; L\units/\squares L\units) \mapsvia{\int_M} L\units/\squares L\units .\] ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Re-interplay $\spinornorm(m)$ as a quantity $\RT(M, \rho)$ where $\RT$ is the *Reidemeister torsion*, which makes sense for any $(M, \rho)$ (not just those fibered over $S^1$). This is a bordism invariant, i.e. if $M\sim N$ are bordant then $\RT(M,\rho) = \RT(N,\rho')$. Thus there exists some formula of the desired type, where $c$ is unknown -- the trick is to compute enough examples to determine $c$. ::: ## Symplectic $L\dash$functions :::{.remark} For $X\in\smooth\proj\Var\slice{\FF_q}$ and $\rho: \pi_1 X\to \SP_{2g} k$ for $k$ finite containing $\sqrt{q}$, there is an associated $L\dash$function $L(X, \rho; T)\in k(T)$ where $T\approx q^{-s}$. There is a functional equation relating $T\mapstofrom {1\over qT}$. Evaluate at the center of symmetry $T = {1\over\sqrt q}$ to define $L(X, \rho) \da L(X, \rho; 1/\sqrt q)$. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Suppose $L(X, \rho) \neq 0$; then modulo squares \[ L(X, \rho) = \int_X \rho^* c \qquad \in k\units/\squares k\units ,\] which is a spinor norm of Frobenius (see Zassenhaus). This requires some conditions, e.g. $\rho\mid_{\pi_1 X}$ is surjective, congruences on $\size k$ and $q\mod 8$, and $\gcd(q,\size \SP_{2g}(k)) = 1$ (which may not be necessary). ::: :::{.remark} Interpretation: $L(X,\rho) = ab^2$ where $a$ is simple and $b$ is complicated. BSD gives a conjectural formula for this which includes a lot of squares. So there is a cohomological obstruction to the existence of a square root of $L(X, \rho)$. ::: :::{.remark} On the proof: try to pass validity from one known example $(X,\rho)$ to other examples $(X', \rho')$ with $X\slice{\FF_q}, X'\slice{\FF_q'}$ and images in $\SP_{2g}(k), \SP_{2g}(k')$ respectively. - Pass from $q$ to $q'$ using a moduli space of pairs $(X,\rho)$ where a topological theorem controls the fiber over $\CC$. - Pass from $k$ to $k'$ using *compatible local systems* from NT. ::: :::{.remark} Final comparison: - For 2-manifolds, $\signature(\Sigma, \rho) = \int_\Sigma p^* b$. - For 3-manifolds, $\RT(M,\rho) = \int_M p^* c$. - Symplectic $L\dash$functions: ? :::