# Talk 3: Relative Langlands Duality > Abstract: If we are given a compact Lie group G acting on a space X, a powerful tool in “approximately” decomposing the G-action on functions on X is the orbit method. I will describe this method and how it sometimes refines to an exact algebraic statement which involves a “dual” group G^ and dual space X^. This is part of a joint work with David Ben-Zvi and Yiannis Sakellaridis about duality in the relative Langlands program. I will do my best to make the talk comprehensible without any familiarity with the framework of the Langlands program. :::{.remark} Today: relative Langlands duality. A toy model: let $G$ be a compact Lie group, e.g. $\SO_3$, and $X$ a compact $G\dash$space, e.g. $X=G/H$ or $X=S^2$. The functions $L^2(X)$ o $X$ decompose as a $G\dash$representation as $L^2(X) = \bigoplus _{\pi\text{irreducible} } ^{?}$. Goal: parameter all irreducible representations of $G$, and decide which occur. See Kirillov's approach. ::: :::{.remark} A simpler toy model: let $G\in\Fin\Ab\Grp$ and $H\leq G$, and let $X=G/H$. All irreps of $G$ are characters $\chi: G\to S^1$, and form a dual group $G\dual$. Note that $G\dual \cong G$, but there is no preferred isomorphism. Those that show are those that restrict to trivial reps on $H$, which form a subgroup. So representations are dual to conjugacy classes here -- what is the analogous duality for Lie groups as above? ::: :::{.remark} Let $G\in\Lie\Grp$ and $\lieg=\Lie(G) = T_e(G)$, e.g. for $G=\SO_3$, differentiate $AA^t=1$ to obtain $A+A^t=0$. Let $\lieg\dual$ be the $\RR\dash$linear dual, and note $G\actson \lieg,\lieg\dual$ by conjugation. Note that there is a map $\exp: \lieg\to G$. Kirillov's proposal: use $G\dash$orbits on $\lieg\dual$ as the analog of duals to conjugacy classes. This works will for nilpotent and even non-compact semisimple groups. ::: :::{.theorem title="Kirillov"} There is an injection \[ \Irrrep(G) &\injects \lieg\dual/G \\ \pi &\mapsto O_\pi .\] Pullbacks of characters of $\pi$ along $\exp$ are Fourier transforms using a unique $G\dash$invariant measure on $O_\pi$, which is normalized by a symplectic form. Here $\exp^*(\chi)$ sends to $X\to \chi(e^X)\sqrt{\Jac(X\mapsto e^X)}$. So the Fourier transforms give characters of irreducibles. For noncompact groups, everything is formulated in terms of distributions instead of functions. ::: :::{.example title="?"} For $G=\SO_3$, $\lieg\cong\lieg\cong\RR^3$ parameterizing the matrices as $\mattt 0 x y {-x} 0 z {-y} {-z} 0$. The orbits are spheres of radius $1/2, 3/2, 5/2,\cdots$ with the usual area measure induced by the Lebesgue measure on $\RR^3$, scaled by $2\pi r$. Consider the Fourier transform of ${1\over 2\pi r} \Vol_{S^2}$: \[ I = {1\over 2\pi r} \int_{S^2} e^{ikz} \dVol = \int_{-r}^r e^{ikz} \dz = {e^{ikz} - e^{-ikz}\over ik} ,\] using that slices of spheres have areas $2\pi r h$. ::: :::{.remark} Which $\pi$ occur in $L^2(X)$ for $X=G/H$? Parametrize them as orbits $O_\pi \subseteq \lieg\dual$. If $H\leq G$ corresponds to $\lieh\leq\lieg$ and $\lieh^\perp \leq\lieg\dual$, so a guess is that $\pi$ occurs iff $O_\pi$ meets $\lieh^\perp$. This is false in the above case, but is "asymptotically valid" -- see Duistermaat-Heckman, integrating over things of increasing size converges to the sum of multiplicities. ::: :::{.remark} The Langlands POV: there is an involution $G\mapstofrom \ldual{G}$ which e.g. matches up - $\SO_3\mapstofrom \SU_2$ - $\U_n \mapstofrom \U_n$ - $\SO_5\mapstofrom \SP_4$. There is a bijection between $\lieg\dual/G \mapstofrom \ldual{\lieg}/\ldual{G}$ where $\ldual{\lieg} = \Lie(\ldual{G})$, and orbits $O, O'$ match up. Moreover $O$ occurs as some $O_\pi$ iff for any \( \lambda\in O' \) the one-parameter subgroup $t\mapsto e^{t \lambda}$ as $\RR\to\ldual{G}$ factors through $S^1 = \RR/\pi \ZZ$, with some boundary condition where $\pi/2$ is sent to a certain central involution. Correspondingly $\pi$ matches to orbits $O_\pi\in\lieg^*/G$ match with functions $\phi: S^1\to\ldual{G}$ up to conjugacy. ::: :::{.remark} Which occur in $L^2(X)$? For nice $X$, there is a subgroup $H\leq G$ such that $\pi$ occurs in $L^2(X)$ iff $\phi_\pi$ can be conjugated into $H$. Then $\phi_\pi$ be conjugated in $H\dual$ iff $\phi_\pi S^1$ fixes a point on $\tilde G/\tilde H$. ::: # Langlands as an arithmetic TQFT :::{.remark} We'll be considered with $n=4$ TQFTs. Recall that $\TQFT_n$ assigns to $\tau_{\leq n}\Mfd$: - $W^n \mapsto A(M)\in \CC$ - $M^{n-1} \mapsto A(M)\in\kmod$ - $(W^n, M^{n-1} \bd W^n)\mapsto (A(\bd W) \in \Vectspace, \vector v \in A(\bd W))$. - Gluing: $L\disjoint M \mapsto \inp{L}{R} = A(L\disjoint M)$ - $M^{n-2}\mapsto \Cat$. ::: :::{.remark} Langlands takes in a reductive algebraic group e.g. $G=\GL_n$, and $R$ an arithmetic scheme, e.g. $\ZZ,\ZZ\invert{p},\ZZ\adjoint{\sqrt 2}$, curves over $\FF_q, \RR, \QQpadic, \FF_q\fps{t}$, etc. For each pair $(G, R)$ one associates (for $R=\ZZ$, local) the vector space of automorphic functions on $G(\RR)/G(\ZZ)$, or for $R=\RR$ (global) the category $\Rep G(\RR)$. Langlands supplies another description in terms of a dual group $\ldual{G}$. Idea: this story resembles an equivalence of TQFTs matching $A_G$ to $B_{\ldual G}$. If $G\actson X$ then consider the reps of $G(\RR)$ on $L^2(X)$. There are natural pairs $G\actson X$ and $\ldual G\actson \ldual X$ which again match. :::