# Noncommutative minimal model program :::{.remark} Setup: - $X$ smooth projective over $\CC$, - $\cat C \da \dbcoh(X)$. Note that $\cat C$ often has "emergent" structure, e.g. ::: :::{.theorem title="Beilinson"} There is a full exceptional collection \[ \dbcoh(\PP^n) = \gens{\OO, \OO(1),\cdots, \OO(n)} ,\] i.e. these generate the derived category and no $\RHom$ in the reverse direction. As a result, the cohomology and $K\dash$theory decompose according to these pieces. ::: :::{.remark} There isn't much known about the class of varieties that might admit FECs. The only conjecture in this direction: ::: :::{.conjecture title="Dubrovin"} If $X$ is Fano, $X$ admits a FEC iff the big quantum cohomology $\QH^*(X)$ is generically semisimple. This is evidenced/motivated by e.g. homological mirror symmetry, but this is not a viable avenue of proof. ::: :::{.conjecture title="$D\dash$equivalence"} If $X\sim X'$ are birationally equivalent Calabi-Yau manifolds, then $\db(X) \iso \db(X')$. ::: :::{.remark} Progress: - 2000 (Bridgeland): this holds in dimension 3. - 2020 (HL): this holds if $X$ is a moduli space of twisted sheaves on a K3. Can reduce to a single flop, investigate a Fourier-Mukai kernel, variation of Bridgeland stability conditions. Very moduli-theoretic, so not clear how this might generalize. Goal: provide a mechanism for these conjectures. Some key points: 1. Semiorthogonal decompositions of $\db(X)$ arise from paths in the space of Bridgeland stability conditions $\Stab(X) \da \Stab(\db(X))$. 2. Paths converge in a partial compactification of $\Stab(X)/\GG_a$. 3. The noncommutative MMP yields conjectures existence of canonical paths. ::: :::{.remark} Setup: fix $v: \K_0(V) \to \Lambda\da H_{\alg}(X) \subseteq H(X; \CC)$ where $v = (2\pi i)^{\deg\over 2}\chern$. Compare: | Semiorthogonal decompositions | Stability condition | |-------------------------------|---------------------| | Subcategories $\cat C_1,\cdots, \cat C_n \leq \cat C$ | $\rho_\phi \leq \cat C$ with $\phi\in \RR$ | | Same | Semiorthogonality of homs | | Same with $\gr_i E \in \cat C_i$ | Every $E\in \cat C$ has a filtration with $\gr_\phi E \in \rho_\phi$ | | $\cat C_i[1] = \cat C_i$ | $\rho_\phi[1] = \rho_{\phi + 1}$. Add additional data of a charge morphism $z: \Lambda\to \CC$ such that $z(\rho_\phi) \subseteq \RR_{\geq 0} e^\phi$. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} There is a local homeomorphism \[ \Stab(X) &\to \Hom( \Lambda, \CC) \\ (\rho_\bullet, z) &\mapsto z ,\] so paths in the latter vector that *do* lift, lift uniquely. Moreover, quantum cohomology generates paths that might lift. ::: :::{.lemma title="Key"} Let $\sigma_t$ be a path in $\Stab(X)$ such that 1. $\forall E\in \cat C$, the HN filtration is constant for $t\gg 0$. 2. For all eventually semistable $E$, $\log z_t(E) = \alpha_E t + \beta_E + \bigo(1)$. 3. If $\Im(\alpha_E) = \Im( \alpha_F )$ then \( \alpha_E = \alpha_F \). Then there exists a semiorthogonal decomposition $\cat C = \gens{\cat C_1,\cdots, \cat C_n}$ and $\tl \alpha 1 n \in \CC$ with $\Im(\alpha_i)$ increasing with $i$ such that $\cat C_i$ is generated by eventually semistable objects $E$ with \( \alpha_E = \alpha_i \). Moreover each $\cat C_i$ has stability condition with $z_i(E) = e^{\beta_E}$. ::: :::{.remark} Look far enough out in $\gr E$ under the HN filtration, set $G_i \da \gr_i E$, then $\phi_{G_i} = \Im( \alpha_{G_i}t + \beta_{G_i} )/\pi$ and the imaginary parts of $\alpha_{G_j}$ are weakly decreasing. The filtration for the SOD comes from deleting steps in the filtration with the same $\alpha$s. ::: :::{.proposition title="Collins-Polishchuk"} Any SOD of $\cat{C}$ in which all factors admit a stability condition arise from this lemma. ::: :::{.slogan} Categorical birational geometry should be equivalent to the study of "polarizable SODs": SODs of $\db(X)$ where each factor admits stability conditions. Kähler structures are like ample Néron-Severi classes, and stability conditions are like Kähler structures. ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} Let $\cat C = \gens{\cat C_1,\cdots, \cat C_n}$ be a polarizable SOD and $\dim \K_0(\cat C_i)\tensor \QQ = 1$, then it comes from a FEC. ::: :::{.example title="?"} The Barlow surface $X$ has $\db(X) = \gens{L_1,\cdots L_{10}, \cat A_{L_11}}$ where the last term is an orthogonal complement containing some $L_{11}$, but there are phantoms (invisible to $\HH$ and $\K$) so does not yield a FEC and thus can't admit Bridgeland stability conditions. ::: :::{.remark} Proving: for $E\in \cat {C}$, look at $\log z_t(\gr_j(E))$ as $t\to\infty$. Degenerates to some limiting object, *generalized stability conditions*: 1. Marked genus 0 meromorphic differentials, 2. SOD $\cat C = \gens{\tl {\cat C} n }$ labeled by terminal components, 3. $\sigma_i \in \Stab(\cat C_i)/ \GG_a$ for all $i$. Denote this $\mathrm{GStab}(X)$. ::: :::{.conjecture} $\mathrm{GStab}(X)$ is a manifold with corners. ::: :::{.conjecture title="Noncommutative minimal model program"} A series of conjectures: 1. There exist canonical paths $\sigma_t^\psi \in \Stab(X)/\GG_a$ that satisfy the key lemma for generate $\psi$, and different $\psi$ give mutation-equivalent SODs. 2. $X'\to X$ birational for suitable parameterizations, yielding an SOD for $\db(X)$, where $\db(X') = \gens{ \ker \pi_*, \pi^* \db(X) }$ where the second factor is combined with the canonical SOD of $\db(X)$. ::: :::{.proposition title="Existence of a categorical minimal models"} Assuming these conjectures and that $h^0(K_X) > 0$, there exists a subcategory $M_X \leq \db(X)$ such that if $X' \birationaliso X$ then $M_X \leq \db(X')$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} The Atiyah flop: take blowups/blowdowns along centers which are $\PP^1$, $\roof{X}{Y}{X^+}$, then $\db(Y) = \gens{E_1 , E_2, \db(X)}$. Then take a mutation to get $\gens{E_2^+, E_1^+, \db(X^+)}$. ::: :::{.remark} Paths satisfy a quantum differential equation. :::