# Tuesday, August 30 :::{.remark} Goal: understanding quotients of varieties by general group actions, a basic notion for moduli. The easiest case: finite groups $G\actson X\in\Aff\Alg\Var\slice k$ for $k=\kbar$. ::: :::{.remark} Think of $X \subseteq \AA^n\slice k$ for some $N$, with coordinates $\tv{a_1,\cdots, a_n}$, so $X = V(f_1,\cdots, f_n)$. Note $\OO_{\AA^n} = \kxn$, and regular functions on $X$ are restricted polynomials, so we get a sequence \[ R = k[X] \from \kxn \from I = \sqrt{\gens{f_1,\cdots, f_n}} ,\] so $R\in \kalg^\fg$ without nilpotents -- in fact varieties biject with such algebras. If $G\actson R$ any ring, one can take **invariants** \[ R^G \da \ts{r\in R \st g^*(r) = r\,\,\forall g\in G} \] which is a subring and a $k\dash$subalgebra of $R$. Here $g^*$ is defined in terms of pullbacks of functions: \begin{tikzcd} X && X \\ \\ & k \arrow["g", from=1-1, to=1-3] \arrow["\varphi", from=1-3, to=3-2] \arrow["{g^*(\varphi)}"', from=1-1, to=3-2] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsMyxbMCwwLCJYIl0sWzIsMCwiWCJdLFsxLDIsImsiXSxbMCwxLCJnIl0sWzEsMiwiXFx2YXJwaGkiXSxbMCwyLCJnXiooXFx2YXJwaGkpIiwyXV0=) ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} If $\size G\notdivides \characteristic(k)$ then $R^G\in\kalg^{\fg}$.[^later_ask] [^later_ask]: For infinite groups, we'll again ask if $R^G$ is finitely generated -- this will be true when $G$ is a reductive linear algebraic group. ::: :::{.remark} There is a $k\dash$linear averaging map \[ S: R &\to R^G \\ r &\mapsto {1\over \size G} \sum_{g\in G} g^*(r) ,\] noting that $S$ is *not* a ring morphism. Let $a\in R$ and consider $p_a(x) \da \prod_{g\in G} (x - g^*(a) )$, a polynomial of degree $n = \size G$ whose coefficients are in the subring $R^G$ and are symmetric polynomials in the $g^*(a)$. Since $p_a(a) = 0 = a^n + \cdots$, $a^n$ is a linear combination of $1,a,\cdots, a^{n-1}]$ with coefficients in $R^G$ and these symmetric polynomials. So if $\ts{a_1,\cdots, a_m}$ generate $R$ as a $k\dash$algebra, the images of monomials $S(a_1^{k_1}\cdots a_m^{k_m})$ with $0 \leq k_i \leq n$ generate $R^G$. If $b\in R^G$, one one hand $b = S(b)$, and on the other hand $b = \sum c_k a_I^{k_I}$ so $S(b) = \sum c_k S(a_I^{k_I})$. Thus the $c_k$ are in the subring generated by elementary symmetric polynomials in the $g^*(a_i)$. There is another basis for elementary symmetric polynomials given by **Newton sums**. Recall - \( \sigma_1 = \sum x_i \) - \( \sigma_2 = \sum x_i x_j \) - \( \sigma_n = \prod x_i \) The Newton sums are - $N_1 = \sum x_i$ - $N_2 = \sum x_i^2$ - $N_n = \sum x_i^n$, and one can inductively show that one can be written in terms of the other. The advantage is that the averaging operator commutes with sums, so the $c_k$ like in the subring generated by Newton sums of the $S(a_i^{k_i})$ ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Assume $G$ is finite and acts on $X\in\Aff\Alg\Var\slice k$. There is a bijection \[ \ts{G\dash\text{orbits on } X} \mapstofrom \ts{\text{Points of an affine variety $Y$ with } k[Y] = k[X]^G} .\] Writing $X = \mspec R$ (since we're working with varieties over a field), one can write $Y = \mspec(R^G)$. There is a quotient map $\pi: X\to Y$ which is universal with respect to maps $G\dash$equivariant maps $\psi: X\to Z$ with $Z$ affine.[^in_fact_affine] This gives a geometric and a categorical quotient. [^in_fact_affine]: In fact "affine" can be removed here and $Z$ can be replaced by an arbitrary variety. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Since $R^G \injects R$ we obtain a morphism $X \mapsvia{\pi} Y$ of varieties and a pullback $k[Y] \mapsvia{\pi^*} k[X]$. Given $\phi\in k[Y]$, the pullback $\pi^*( \varphi)$ is constant on $G\dash$orbits. Given two orbits $O_1, O_2$, one can find an invariant function which is zero on $O_1$ and one on $O_2$. Any finite subset on a variety is closed. Delete a point from $O_2$ to get a proper containment of sets $O_1 \union (O_2\smts{p}) \subset O_1 \union O_2$ which are both closed in $X$. This corresponds to a proper containment of ideals, so pick a function vanishing on the former but not the latter and average. Thus the regular invariant functions separate orbits, and the images of the $O_i$ in $Y$ are distinct, making $X\to Y$ a geometric quotient. For the universal property, any $X\to Z$ defines a ring morphism $S\to R$, and $G\dash$equivariance factors this as $S\to R^G \injects R$, thus factoring $X\to Y\to Z$. ::: :::{.remark} The right classes of groups to take: geometrically reductive and linearly reductive.[^differences_linred] Over $\CC$ these coincide, and are e.g. $\GL_n(\CC)$ (trivial center, nontrivial $\pi_1$), the classical semisimples - Type A, $\SL_n(\CC)$ (nontrivial center, trivial $\pi_1$), - Types B and D, $\SO_{n}(\CC)$, - Type C $\Symp_{2n}(\CC)$, along with $(\CC\units)^n$, and their products and extensions, and the exceptional groups $E_6, E_7, E_8, F_4, G_2$. Here linearly reductive means any finite-dimensional representation decomposes into a sum of irreducible representations. The most useful for moduli: $\GL_n, \PGL_n, \SL_n$. Note that $\PGL$ and $\SL$ are almost the same, up to a finite group. For $\characteristic(k) = p$, the only linearly reductive group on this list is $\GG_m^n$, while "geometrically reductive" includes all of these groups. Over $\ZZ$, the **split** versions $\GL_n(\ZZ), \Symp_n(\ZZ)$, etc still work. [^differences_linred]: The main difference: linearly reductive is a condition after removing a hyperplane, and geometrically reductive involves replacing a hyperplane with a higher degree hypersurface. ::: :::{.remark} Nonsplit groups are e.g. those not isomorphic to $\GL_n(k)$ but become isomorphic over $\kbar$. Examples: compare $\GG_m$ over $\RR$ and $S^1 = k[x,y]/\gens{x^2+y^2-1}$; these only become isomorphic over $\CC$. ::: :::{.remark} Let $S_n\actson \kxn$ by permuting variables, then \[ \kxn^{S_n} = k[\sigma_1, \cdots, \sigma_n] = k[N_1, \cdots, N_n] ,\] generated by elementary symmetric functions or Newton polynomials. ::: :::{.theorem title="Todd-Shepherd"} Suppose $G\actson \CC[x_1,\cdots, x_n]$ with $G$ finite and generated by pseudo-reflections. Then the invariants are again a polynomial ring: \[ \CC[x_1,\cdots, x_n] ^G \cong \CC[z_1,\cdots, z_n] .\] ::: :::{.remark} More generally, a root lattice $\Lambda$ (e.g. for a Coxeter group) gives rise to a Weyl group $W(\Lambda)$, and one can consider $W\dash$invariant functions. For example, $W(A_n) = S_{n+1}$. For a torus, invariant functions are characters. For a Lie algebra $\lieg$, one can show that the $W\dash$invariants of symmetric functions on the torus, $S(\lieh)^W$, forms a polynomial algebra. The generators are referred to as the *fundamental weights*. Coming up next: groups of multiplicative type, infinite groups, and generalizing the above theorem by removing some problematic subsets. :::