# Thursday, November 03 :::{.remark} Today: semistable sheaves on a projective variety $X \subseteq \PP^N$, where $\OO_X(1)$ is the pullback of $\OO_{\PP^N}(1)$. Let $\mcf\in \Coh(X)$, e.g. a vector bundle (locally free of rank $r$) or a line bundle (vector bundle with $r=1$). Note $X$ is covered by affine varieties $\spec R_i$ corresponding to rings $R_i$, and on affine varieties, - quasicoherent sheaves $\ro{\mcf}{\spec R_i}$ correspond to modules $M\in \mods{R_i}$, - coherent sheaves $\ro{\mcf}{\spec R_i}$ correspond to modules $M\in \mods{R_i}^\fg$ which are finitely generated. For vector bundles, $M\cong R^r$. By Serre vanishing, \[ H^{> 0}(X; \mcf(n)) = 0\,\, n \gg 0, \qquad \dim_k H^0(X; \mcf(n)) < \infty\,\,\forall n ,\] and Grothendieck vanishing yields $H^{> \dim X}(X; \mcf) = 0$ for any $\mcf\in \QCoh(X)$. By Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch, the Hilbert series \[ h_\mcf(n) \da \chi(\mcf(n)) \da \sum (-1)^i h^i(\mcf(n)) = h^0(\mcf(n)),\,\, n\gg 0 \] is a polynomial in $n$. This is proved by writing $Y \da X \intersect H$ to get $\mcf(-1)\injects \mcf\surjects \ro{\mcf}{Y}$ and $h_\mcf(n) - h_\mcf(n-1) = h_Y(n)$. Thus it suffices to know $h_Y$ is a polynomial, since the LHS is the discrete derivative of $h_\mcf$, and $\dim Y < \dim X$. ::: :::{.remark} We define the **reduced Hilbert polynomial** as $\bar h_\mcf(n) \da h_\mcf(n)/h_n$ where $h_n$ is the leading coefficient of $h_\mcf(n)$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Let $\dim X = 1$ be a smooth curve of genus $g$ and $\mcf\in \Coh(X)$ be locally free of rank $r$ Then Riemann-Roch yields \[ \chi(\mcf) = \deg(\mcf) +r (1-g) = \deg(\mcf) + \chi(\OO_X\sumpower{r}) ,\] using that $h^0(\OO_X) = 1, h^1(\OO_X) = g \implies \chi(\OO_X) = g-1$. Twist by $n$ to obtain \[ \chi(\mcf(n)) = \deg(\mcf) + nr \deg(\mcf) + r(1-g) = h_\mcf(n) ,\] which yields \[ \bar h_\mcf(n) &= n + {\deg \mcf \over \rank \mcf}{1\over \deg(\OO_X(1))} + { r(1-g)\over r\deg \OO_X(1) } \\ &\da n + \mu(\mcf) c_1 + c_2 \] where $\mu(\mcf)$ is the **slope** and the $c_i$ are constants that do not depend on $\mcf$. ::: :::{.definition title="Hilbert stable"} A sheaf $\mcf\in \Coh(X)$ is **Hilbert stable** (resp. semistable) iff for any nonzero subsheaf $\mce \leq \mcf$ satisfies a. $\dim \supp \mce = \dim \supp \mcf$, noting the LHS equals $\bar\deg h_{\mce}$ and the RHS equals $\bar\deg h_\mcf$ where $\supp \mcf\da \ts{x\in X\st \mcf_x\neq 0}$ (which is always closed). b. $\bar h_{\mce} \leq \bar h_\mcf$, resp. $\bar h_{\mce} \leq \bar h_{\mcf}$, where $f < g$ iff $f(n) < g(n)$ for $n \gg 0$ iff $f