# Applications of GIT to Moduli of Varieties (Thursday, December 01) :::{.remark} Last time: moduli of sheaves on a fixed variety, a linear case where GIT works very well by reducing to a computation on a Grassmannian. - Successes: - $\Mgbar$ (compactification of moduli of genus $g$ curves) - Moduli of varieties with nef $K_X$, e.g. K3 surfaces, CYs, varieties of general type, all with (very) mild singularities. However, GIT does not give a compactification here. - Failures: - Compactifications for higher-dimensional varieties analogous to $\Mgbar$. Computations are infeasible most of the time, and unreasonable when computable. Recall $\Mg$ is the moduli of smooth projective genus $g$ curves, and for $g\geq 2$ it is known that $\dim \Mg = 3g-3$ which is locally a quotient of a smooth variety and is thus a smooth orbifold/stack. It is quasiprojective but not projective and not complete. One would like an inclusion $\Mg\injects \Mgbar$ a projective variety with mild singularities such that points in $\bd\Mgbar$ correspond to curves with certain singularities. This is constructed by Deligne-Mumford, locally $U/G$ where $U$ is smooth and $G\in\Fin\Grp$. Moreover $\bd \Mgbar = \Union_i D_i/G$ with $D_i$ smooth and SNC, and points in $\bd \Mgbar$ correspond to *DM-stable curves*: ::: :::{.definition title="?"} Let $C = \Union_i C_i$ be a connected reduced projective curve, then $C$ is **DM-stable** iff 1. (Singularities) $C$ has at worst double crossing points, so analytically-locally of the form $V(xy)$. 2. (Numerical) Any of the following equivalent conditions: a. $\size \Aut(C) < \infty$, b. For any $C_i\cong \PP^1$, $\size( C_i \intersect (C\sm C_i))\geq 3$, and for any $C_i$ which is rational nodal (elliptic), $\size(C_i \intersect (C\sm C_i)) \geq 1$. c. The dualizing sheaf $\omega_C$ is ample. ::: :::{.remark} Why these three conditions are the same: recall $\Aut \PP^1 = \PGL_2$ which has dimension 3. Note that $\Aut E\cong E \times G$ for $G\in \Fin\Grp$, usually $G\cong C_2$, and $\dim \Aut E = 1$. Consider the nodal curve $E$, equivalent to $\PP^1/ 0\sim\infty$, so $\Aut(C) = \CCstar \semidirect C_2$ which again has dimension 1. If $g(C) \geq 2$ then $\size \Aut(C) < \infty$. The 3 in condition b is due to the need to fix 3 points, to drop $\dim \PGL_2$ from dimension 3 to zero. If $X$ is Gorenstein then $\omega_X\in \Pic(X)$ and can be written $\omega_X = \OO(K_X)$ where $K_X$ is defined to be the canonical class. This holds if e.g. $X$ has hypersurface singularities. Note that $\omega_X$ is ample iff $\deg \ro{ \omega_X }{C_i} > 0$ for each $C_i$, and by adjunction one has \[ \deg \ro{\omega_X}{C_i} = \deg \omega_{C_i} + \size{ C_i \intersect (C\sm C_i) } = 2p_a(C_i) - 2 .\] Thus if $p_a(C_i) \geq 2$ this is always positive; if $p_a(C_i) = 0$ then $C_i = \PP_1$, otherwise if $p_a(C_i) = 1$ and we get the curves appearing in condition b. ::: :::{.remark} Consider a family $\mcc \to \Delta\interior$ of smooth projective curves. By the semistable reduction theorem, after a finite base change $\Delta'\to\Delta$ any family can be completed to $X'\to \Delta'$ such that $X'$ is smooth and $X_0'$ is SNC: \begin{tikzpicture} \fontsize{45pt}{1em} \node (node_one) at (0,0) { \import{/home/zack/SparkleShare/github.com/Notes/Class_Notes/2022/Fall/Moduli/sections/figures}{2022-12-01_13-16.pdf_tex} }; \end{tikzpicture} Note that $\deg \ro{\omega_X}{X_i} < 0 \iff C_i = \PP^1$ and $\size\qty{C_i \intersect (C\sm C_i)} = 1$, or just $\size\qty{C_i \intersect (C\sm C_i)} = 2$. If $C\cdot C_i = 0$ since $C$ can be replaced with a disjoint fiber $F$. Writing $0 = C\cdot C_i = C_i^2 + (C-C_i)C_i$, where get $C_i^2 = -1$ in the first case and $C_i^2 = -2$ in the second case. In the first case, $C_i$ can be contracted to yields $X\to X_1$ (Castelnuovo's lemma) with $X_1$ smooth, so we can get rid of $-1$ curves in stages to get a new surface with (potentially) only $-2$ curves, which is a *minimal model* and is smooth. Contracting all $-2$ curves yields the *canonical model*, which may be singular but has only *canonical singularities*. Note that $X$ has canonical singularities iff $(X, X_0)$ has slc singularities iff $X_0$ has slc singularities, which is a form of log adjunction for degenerating pairs. > See the BCHM paper. So it's clear how to degenerate in one parameter families, but how does one organize these various limits into a compactification? The idea is to construct $\Mg,\Mgbar$ using GIT to realize them as $H/\PGL_n$ where $H$ is a moduli of curves with additional data. The HM criterion gives stable and semistable points, and one hopes these coincide with the above notions. ::: :::{.remark} What is $H$? Two answers: the Chow variety, or the Hilbert scheme. Start with $C$ a smooth curve of genus $g\geq 2$ with $\deg K_C = 2g-2 \geq 2$ so that $K_C$ is ample. Then $nK_C$ is very ample for any $n\geq 2$, and there is an embedding $C \injectsvia{\abs{nK_C}} \PP^N$. Such an embedding is given by a choice of basis of $H^0(C; \OO(nK_C))$ where two bases differ by a $\PGL\dash$action. Note that $N = n(2g-2) - (g-1) - 1$ by Riemann-Roch. The Chow variety $\CH(d_1, d_2, \PP^N)$ parameterizes cycles of dimension $d_1$ and degree $d_2$ in $\PP^N$. For example, $\CH(1, n(2g-2), \PP^N) \embeds \PP H^0(\Gr, \OO(k))$ for some $k$ which sends a cycle to a certain hypersurface. Since $\PGL$ acts on the latter, it acts on the former, and there is a notion of *Chow stability*. ::: :::{.theorem title="Mumford"} For $n\geq 4$, DM curves are Chow stable ::: :::{.remark} The Hilbert scheme is preferable since Chow doesn't have an immediate deformation theory. We can take a scheme parameterizing closed embeddings $Z\embeds \PP^N$ with a given Hilbert polynomial; recalling $p_X = \chi(\OO_Z(X))$ and setting $p_Z(x) = n(2g-2)x + (1-g)$, consider $\Hilb(\PP^n, p_Z)$. Constructing this scheme: for $n\gg 0$, there is a surjection $H^0(\OO_{\PP^N}(n) ) \surjects H^0(\OO_Z(n))$ defines a point $g_n\in \Gr$ as the codomain varies. Mumford proves there exists an $N$ such that $(g_N, g_{N+1})$ defines $Z$ uniquely, although $N$ is not canonically defined. Thus $\Hilb$ embeds into a product of Grassmannians, and there is a notion of asymptotic Hilbert stability in terms of growth in $N$, and one takes the leading term. One shows that for $n\geq 4$, HM-stable curves are asymptotically Hilbert stable in this since. This almost completely fails for surfaces. ::: :::{.remark} The generalization: algebraic spaces, $H/G$ or more generally $H/R$ for $R\subset H\times H$ an equivalence relation. By Artin, these exist, and they are natural to consider for non-polynomial equations like $y = \sqrt{x^3+x+1}$. The construction of moduli spaces as algebraic spaces is easy, one then tries to prove they are projective. See KSB varieties and KSBA pairs. :::