# Thursday, August 25 ## Projective modules :::{.remark} Recall - For my own edification: $R \in \Dom$ is a domain iff $R$ is reduced (no nonzero nilpotents) and irreducible (only one minimal prime). - We'll be considering modules equipped with a form, e.g. the trace form -- a very important construction for this course! - $P\in \rmod$ is projective iff $P \oplus Q$ is free for some $Q$. - Equivalently: every $A\to\B\to P$ splits. We'll soon find a local characterization. - If $R$ is commutative, $\rmod(M, N)\in \rmod$ (noting these are $R\dash$equivariant functions). - Duals: $M\dual \da \rmod(M, R)$. See the theorem and exercise below. - Over a domain $R$, define the rank of $M\in \rmod^{\fg}$ as $\rank(M) \da \dim_k (M\tensor_R K)\in \ZZ_{\geq 0}$. - Geometric interpretation: finitely-generated projective modules correspond to vector bundles, and ranks correspond to fiber dimensions. - Rank one projective modules correspond to line bundles/invertible sheaves. - For $P_i\in \rmod^{\fg, \proj}$ with $R\in\Dom$ then $\rank_R(\bigoplus P_i) = \sum \rank_R(P_i)$ and $\rank_R(\bigotimes P_i) = \prod \rank_R(P_i)$. - If $P_i$ are rank 1 projective then $\bigotimes P_i$ is again rank 1 projective. - $\rmod(R, M) \cong M$ and $R\tensor_R M = M\tensor_R R = R$ canonically. - There are inverses for tensoring rank 1 projectives, i.e. for $P$ there exists some $P'$ with $P\tensor_R P' \cong R$. See exercise below, use that projectives are locally free. - **Very important invariant of a ring**: taking isomorphism classes forms a commutative group under $\tensor_R$, the Picard group $\Pic R$. - $\Pic(R) = \cl(R)$ for $R \in \Dedekind$, the ideal class group. - Over domains, projective \(R\dash\)modules correspond to fractional ideals, and $\Pic R$ can be formulated in these terms. ::: :::{.slogan} Projectives are locally free. ::: :::{.theorem title="\autocite[7.32]{CA}"} For $A\in \rmod$, TFAE: - $A \in \rmod^{\fg, \proj}$ - For all $B\in \rmod$, there is an isomorphism \[ \Phi: A\dual \tensor_R B &\to \rmod(A, B) \\ (f, b) &\mapsto (a\mapsto f(a) b) .\] > See reflexive and torsionless modules. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that if $M\cong R^n$ is free then $M\dual \cong R^n$, and $\rmod^{\fg, \proj}$ is closed under duals. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} If $R\in\Dom$ and $I\in \Id(R)$ is nonzero, - Show $I$ is principal iff $I \in \rmod^{\free}$ and this $I\isoas_{\rmod} R$. - Show that if $I$ is projective then $\rank_R(I) = 1$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Let $P\in\rmod{\fg, \proj}$, then show \[ P\tensor_R P\dual \iso R ,\] so $P\dual$ is a inverse with respect to $\tensor_R$. ::: :::{.solution} Check $P\dual \tensor_R P = \rmod(P, P) = \endo_R(P) \cong R$. This is more clearly true for $P$ free of rank 1, since $\Hom_R(P, R) = R$. ::: ## Localization :::{.remark} We'll lean heavily on localization -- this is not a particularly fancy tool! - Local Dedekind domains are DVRs. - Step 1, the prototypical example: $R\in \Dom$ admits a fraction field $K = \ff(R)$. Define $K = (R\times R\smz)/\sim$ where $\sim$ denotes equivalence under cross-multiplication. Obtain a map $\iota: R\injects K$ where $a\maps [(a, 1)]$. - Step 2: this inverts everything, and localization inverts a subset. For $B\subseteq R\smz$, can take $R \subseteq R\adjoin{\ts{1/b \st b\in B}} \subseteq \ff(R)$. - This yields many more denominators than just $2,3,6$, so take the submonoid of $R\smz$ generated by $B = \ts{2,3}$, denote this $S_B$. - Multiplicative subsets of rings are submonoids of $(R, \cdot)$, i.e. subsets $S$ with $1\in S$ and $SS \subseteq S$. Then $R\adjoin{{1\over b}_{b\in B}} = R\adjoin{{1\over s}_{s\in S_B}}$. - Define $S\inv R \da R\adjoin{ {1\over s} \st s\in S } = \ts{{a\over s} \st a\in R, s\in S}$. - Step 3: for $R\in \Dom, S \subseteq R\smz$, define $S\inv R = (R\times S)/\sim$ with $(a_1, s_1)\sim(a_2, s_2) \iff s_2a_1 = s_1a_2$, so $S\inv R = R\adjoin{{1\over s}_{s\in S}} \subseteq \ff(R)$. - Step 4: for $R\in \CRing$ arbitrary, $S \subseteq R\smz$, the same thing works if $S$ contains no zero divisors and we get an injective ring morphism $\iota(R) = [(r, 1)]$. - If $S$ does contain zero divisors, fix the equivalence relation: $\exists s$ such that $ss_1a_2 = ss_2 a_1$. - $s\in R$ is a zero divisor iff $\cdot s$ is not injective. - This universally makes $s\in S$ a unit, but can kill other elements. - Localization at $I\normal R$ -- this is not quite a multiplicative set, but $I' = I\union\ts{1}$ is. One could take the *saturation* of $I$ by adding in all divisors, but here $I' = 0$, so $(I')\inv R = 0$. - Note that $R\sm I$ is multiplicative iff $I\in \spec R$, so denote $R_p \da (R\sm p)\inv R$. - If $p=\gens{0}$ then $R_p = \ff(R)$. - $R_p$ is local with maximal ideal corresponding to $p$. - Semilocalization: consider localizing at finitely many $p_i\in \spec R$, non containing any other. Note that $S \da \Intersect R\sm p_i$ is a multiplicative set and define $R_{p_1, \cdots, p_r} = S\inv R$, then $\mspec R_{p_1, \cdots, p_r} = \ts{p_1, \cdots, p_r}$. - This will be useful to us for Dedekind domains. - Push/pull: for $f\in \CRing(A, B)$ and $I\in \Id(A)$, define $f_*(I) = \gens{f(I)}_B\in \Id(B)$ and $f^*(J) \da f\inv(J) \in \Id(A)$. See exercise. - Consider $a\normal R$ and $q: R\to R/a$, then $q_*(I) = (I+a)/a, q^*J) = J$, and $J$ corresponds to $a \subseteq J \normal R$. Then $q^* q_* I = I+a$ and $q_* q^* J = J$, so $q^*$ identifies $\Id(R/a) = \ts{J\in \Id(R) \st J\contains a}$. - Localization is roughly "dual" to taking quotients in some sense. ::: :::{.example title="of inverting elements"} $\ZZ\adjoin{{1\over 2}, {1\over 3}} =\ts{ {a\over 2^{b_1}3^{b_2} } \st a\in \ZZ, b_i \geq 0}$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that if $S$ contains zero divisors, then $s_2a_1 = s_1a_2$ need not be an equivalence relation. Check transitivity. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that if $0\in S$, then $S\inv R = 0$. Show that this also holds if $S$ contains a nilpotent element. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that if $s\in S$ is a zero divisor and $s\in \Ann(a)$, so $sa = 0$, then $\iota(a) = 0$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that $\ker(R\to S\inv R)$ are elements $x\in R$ such that $\Ann_R(x)$ intersects $S$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that $\iota(S) \subseteq (S\inv R)\units$ universally, i.e. if $R \mapsvia{\phi} T$ with $\phi(S) \subseteq T\units$ then $\phi$ factors through $\iota$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that $f^* f_* I \contains I$ and $f_* f^* I \subseteq I$. ::: :::{.proposition title="\autocite[7.3]{CA}"} For all $J\normal S\inv R$, one has $i_* i^* J = J$. Moreover $i^*$ identifies $\spec S\inv R$ with $\ts{p\in \spec R \st p \text{ is disjoint from } S}$. :::