# Thursday, September 08 ## Dedekind domains :::{.remark} Last time: facts about Dedekind domains, e.g. $R \in \Dedekind$ iff every fractional ideal $I\in \Frac(R)$ is invertible iff every fractional ideal factors uniquely into primes (by a of Matusita). Check (exercise) that $v_{p_i}(x) \geq v_{p_i}(I)$ for $x\in I$. Recall that $\supp I = \st{p \in \mspec R \st v_p(I) \neq 0}$, and Weil=Cartier since these are nonsingular affine curves (invertibility of fractional ideals $\approx$ projectivity here). Recall that larger powers of ideals get smaller. Ideals are projective modules in a Dedekind domain. ::: :::{.lemma title="Strong approximation and the moving lemma"} Let $R\in \Dedekind$ and $S \da \ts{p_1,\cdots, p_n} \subseteq \mspec R$. - (Strong approximation) If $I\in \Frac(R)$ then there is an $x\in I$ such that $v_{p_i}(x) = v_{p_i}(I)$ where $I = \prod_{p} p^{ v_{p_i}(I) }$. - (Moving lemma) If $A\in \Frac(R)$ then there exists an integral ideal $b\normal R$ such that $\supp(b)$ is disjoint from $S$ and $[a] = [b]$ in $\Pic(R)$. ::: :::{.corollary title="?"} If $R\in \Dedekind$, then - Exactly one of the following holds: - $R$ is a PID. - There are infinitely many nonprincipal prime ideals. - If $R$ is semilocal ($\size \mspec R < \infty$) then $R$ is a PID by finiteness. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Suppose $R$ is not a PID, pick a nonprincipal prime $p$ and suppose the set $S$ of such nonprincipal primes is nonempty and finite. By the moving lemma, if $A\in \Frac(R)$ it can avoid $S$, so pick $[b] = [A] \in \Pic(R)$ with disjoint support from $S$. Therefore $b$ is a product of principal primes and thus principal, so $[b] = 1 = [A] \in \Pic(R)$ and $A$ must be principal. ::: :::{.exercise title="This fails for non-Dedekind domains"} Let $R = \ZZ\adjoin{\sqrt{-3}}$. Show this is not integrally closed (since $-3\equiv 1\mod 4$) and thus not a Dedekind domain. Moreover, show there exists a unique nonprincipal prime ideal, namely the one containing 3. > This yields a nonmaximal order, and 3 is a singular prime (the local ring is not a DVR, so dimensions of tangent spaces are $2>1$). > See equivalent characterizations for a 1-dimensional Noetherian ring to be a DVR. ::: :::{.proof title="of lemma, first part"} **Step 1**: Suppose $I\normal R$ is integral, write it as $I = \prod_{i=1}^r p_i^{a_i} \prod_{j=1}^s q_i^{b_j}$ with $a_i\in \ZZ_{\geq 0}$ and the $q_j$ are the other primes in the support of $I$, so the $b_j \in \ZZ_{> 0}$ -- i.e. formally include primes not in the support, just allowing exponent zero. By CRT, $R \surjects \prod_{i=1}^r R/p_i^{a_i + 1} \times \prod_{j=1}^s R/q_j^{b_j + 1}$ and so there is some $x \in p_i^{a_i} \sm p_i^{a_i+1}$ for all $i$ and in $q_j^{b_j} \sm qq_j^{b_j + 1}$ for all $j$ by minimality of valuations. Thus $v_{p_i}(x) = a_i = v_{p_I}(I)$ and similarly for $q_j$ and $b_j$, so $x\in I$. This proves the first part when $a$ is an integral ideal. **Step 2**: For $I\in \Frac(R)$, try to clear denominators. Write $I = {J\over b}$ with $J\normal R, b\in R\smz$, and by step 1 pick $x\in R$. Then for every $p\divides J$ we have $v_p(x) = v_p(J)$ and thus $x\in J$. We claim ${x\over b}$ works -- check ${x\over b}\in {J\over B} = I$, and for all $i$, \[ v_{p_i}(x/b) = v_{p_i}(x) - v_{p_i}(b) = v_{p_i}(J) - v_{p_i}(b) = v_{p_i}(J/\gens{b}) = v_{p_i}(I) .\] ::: :::{.proof title="of lemma, second part"} Apply the first part to $I \da a\inv$. Pick $x\in a\inv$ such that $v_{p_i}(x) = v_{p_i}(a\inv)$ for all $i$ and thus $v_{p_i}(a\inv x\inv) = 0$. So $\supp(a\inv x\inv)$ is disjoint from $S$, and $a\inv x\inv \contains a\inv(a\inv)\inv = R$ -- the exact opposite of being integral. Thus taking inverses, $ax \subseteq R$, and note that inverting an ideal doesn't change the support (just negate the exponents) so $\supp(ax)$ is still disjoint from $S$. ::: ## Modules over Dedekind domains :::{.remark} We'll focus on finitely-generated modules -- see [@CA, Ch.2] for more general modules. ::: :::{.theorem title="Structure theorem"} Let $R\in \Dedekind$ and $M\in\rmod$, then a. The quotient $P\da M/M_\tors$ is not free, but rather finitely-generated and projective of some finite rank $r$. b. If $r=0$ then $M = M_\tors$. If $r\geq 1$ then $\exists I\normal R$ nonzero such that $M\cong M_\tors \oplus P \cong M_\tors \oplus R^{r-1} \oplus I$ for some non-principal ideal $I$ -- more directly, $M \cong M_\tors \oplus P$ and $P \cong R^{r-1} \oplus I$ (since rank 1 projectives are isomorphic to ideals). c. The *Steinitz class* $\St(I) \da [I] \in \Pic(R)$ is an invariant of $M$. d. If $T\da M_\tors \neq 0$ then $M_\tors \cong \bigoplus _{i=1}^N R/p_i^{n_i}$ in a uniquely determined way. ::: \todo[inline]{ Check: free would imply principal for ideals? } :::{.remark} For the last part of the theorem, if $T$ is finitely-generated torsion, factor $\Ann_R(T) = \prod _{i=1}^r p_i^{a_i}$ and canonically $T\in \mods{R_{p_1,\cdots, p_r}}$ which is a semilocal Dedekind domain and hence a PID. But $R/p_i^{a_i} \iso R_{p_1,\cdots, p_r}/ (p_i R_{p_1,\cdots, p_r} )^{a_i}$. Note that $\Pic(R)$ is the only major complication in the structure theorem. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show $I \oplus J \cong R \oplus IJ$. :::