# Problem Set 4 (Tuesday, October 06) ::: {.problem .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv title="Gathmann 3.20"} Let $X\subset {\mathbb{A}}^n$be an affine variety and $a\in X$. Show that ` \begin{align*} {\mathcal{O}}_{X, a} = {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{A}}^n, a} / I(X) {\mathcal{O}}_{A^n,a} ,\end{align*} `{=html} where $I(X) {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{A}}^n, a}$ denotes the ideal in ${\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{A}}^n, a}$ generated by all quotients $f/1$ for $f\in I(X)$. ::: ::: {.problem .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv title="Gathmann 3.21"} Let $a\in {\mathbb{R}}$, and consider sheaves $\mathcal{F}$ on ${\mathbb{R}}$ with the standard topology: 1. $\mathcal{F} \coloneqq$ the sheaf of continuous functions 2. $\mathcal{F} \coloneqq$ the sheaf of locally polynomial functions. For which is the stalk $\mathcal{F}_a$ a local ring? > Recall that a local ring has precisely one maximal ideal. ::: ::: {.problem .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv title="Gathmann 3.22"} Let $\phi, \psi \in \mathcal{F}(U)$ be two sections of some sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ on an open $U\subseteq X$ and show that a. If $\phi, \psi$ agree on all stalks, so $\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5mu(U, \phi)\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu = \mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5mu(U, \psi)\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu \in \mathcal{F}_a$ for all $a\in U$, then $\phi$ and $\psi$ are equal. b. If $\mathcal{F} \coloneqq{\mathcal{O}}_X$ is the sheaf of regular functions on some irreducible affine variety $X$, then if $\psi = \phi$ on one stalk $\mathcal{F}_a$, then $\phi = \psi$ everywhere. c. For a general sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ on $X$, (b) is false. ::: ::: {.definition .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv title="Stalk at a subspace"} Let $Y\subset X$ be a nonempty and irreducible subspace of $X$ a topological space with a sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ on $X$. Then the stalk of $\mathcal{F}$ at $Y$ is defined by the pairs $(U, \phi)$ such that $U\subset X$ is open, $U\cap Y$ is nonempty, and $\phi \in \mathcal{F}(U)$, where we identify $(U, \phi) \sim (U',\phi')$ iff there is a small enough open set such that the restrictions agree. ::: ::: {.problem .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv title="Gathmann 3.23: Geometry of a Certain Localization"} Let $Y\subset X$ be a nonempty and irreducible subvariety of an affine variety $X$, and show that the stalk ${\mathcal{O}}_{X, Y}$ of ${\mathcal{O}}_X$ at $Y$ is a $k{\hbox{-}}$algebra which is isomorphic to the localization $A(X)_{I(Y)}$. ::: ::: {.problem .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv .proofenv title="Gathmann 3.24"} Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a sheaf on $X$ a topological space and $a\in X$. Show that the stalk $\mathcal{F}_a$ is a *local object*, i.e. if $U\subset X$ is an open neighborhood of $a$, then $\mathcal{F}_a$ is isomorphic to the stalk of ${ \left.{{ \mathcal{F} }} \right|_{{U}} }$ at $a$ on $U$ viewed as a topological space. :::