## I.2: Projective Varieties $\star$ :::{.remark} \envlist - **Projective space**: $\ts{\vector a \da \tv{a_0, \cdots, a_n} \st a_i \in k}/\sim$ where $\vector a \sim \lambda \vector a$ for all $\lambda \in k\smz$, i.e. lines in $\AA^{n+1}$ passing through $\vector 0$. - **Graded rings**: a ring $S$ with a decomposition $S = \oplus _{d\geq 0} S_d$ with each $S_d\in \Ab\Grp$ and $S_d S_e \subseteq S_{d+e}$; elements of $S_d$ are **homogeneous of degree $d$** and any element in $S$ is a finite sum of homogeneous elements of various degrees. - **Homogeneous polynomials**: $f$ is homogeneous of degree $d$ if $f(\lambda x_0, \cdots, \lambda x_n) = \lambda^d f(x_0, \cdots, x_n)$. - **Homogeneous ideals**: $\mfa \subseteq S$ is homogeneous when it's of the form $\mfa = \bigoplus _{d\geq 0} (\mfa \intersect S_d)$. - $\mfa$ is homogeneous iff generated by homogeneous elements. - The class of homogeneous ideals is closed under sums, products, intersections, and radicals. - Primality of homogeneous ideals can be tested on homogeneous elements, i.e. it STS $fg\in \mfa \implies f,g\in \mfa$ for $f,g$ homogeneous. - $\kxn = \bigoplus _{d\geq 0} \kxn_d$ where the degree $d$ part is generated by monomials of total weight $d$. - E.g. \[ \kxn_1 &= \gens{x_1, x_2,\cdots, x_n}\\ \kxn_2 &= \gens{x_1^2, x_1x^2, x_1x_3,\cdots, x_2^2,x_2x_3, x_2x_4,\cdots, x_n^2} .\] - Useful fact: by stars and bars, $\rank_k \kxn_d = {d+n \choose n}$. E.g. for $(d, n) = (3, 2)$, ![](Reading%20Notes/1_Hartshorne/figures/2022-10-08_18-48-17.png) - Arbitrary polynomials $f\in \kxnz$ do not define functions on $\PP^n$ because of non-uniqueness of coordinates due to scaling, but homogeneous polynomials $f$ being zero or not is well-defined and there is a function \[ \ev_f: \PP^n &\to \ts{0, 1} \\ p &\mapsto \begin{cases} 0 & f(p) = 0 \\ 1 & f(p) \neq 0. \end{cases} .\] So $Z(f) \da \ts{p\in \PP^n \st f(p) = 0}$ makes sense. - **Projective algebraic varieties**: $Y$ is projective iff it is an irreducible algebraic set in $\PP^n$. Open subsets of $\PP^n$ are **quasi-projective varieties**. - **Homogeneous ideals of varieties**: \[ I(Y) \da \ts{f\in \kxnz^\homog \st f(p) =0 \, \forall p\in Y} .\] - **Homogeneous coordinate rings**: \[ S(Y) \da \kxnz/I(Y) .\] - $Z(f)$ for $f$ a linear homogeneous polynomial defines a **hyperplane**. ::: :::{.exercise title="Cor. 2.3"} Show $\PP^n$ admits an open covering by copies of $\AA^n$ by explicitly constructing open sets $U_i$ and well-defined homeomorphisms $\phi_i :U_i\to \AA^n$. :::