# I: Definitions and Examples ## 1.1: Introduction :::{.remark} Machinery used to study varieties: - Various cohomology theories - Resolutions of singularities - Intersection theory and cycles - Riemann-Roch theorems - Vanishing theorems - Linear systems (via line bundles and projective embeddings) Varieties that arise as examples - Grassmannians - Flag varieties - Veronese embeddings - Scrolls - Quadrics - Cubic surfaces - Toric varieties (of course) - Symmetric varieties and their compactifications Misc notes: - Toric varieties are always rational ::: :::{.remark} \envlist - Toric varieties: normal varieties $X$ with $T\injects X$ contained as a dense open subset where the torus action $T\times T\to T$ extends to $T\times X\to X$. - Any product of copies of $\AA^n, \PP^m$ are toric. - $S_\sigma$ is a finitely-generated semigroup, so $\CC[S_\sigma] \in \alg{\CC}^\fg$ corresponds to an affine variety $U_\sigma \da \spec \CC[S_\sigma]$. - If $\tau \leq \sigma$ is a face then there is a map of affine varieties $U_\tau \to U_\sigma$ where $U_\tau = D(u_\tau)$ is a principal open subset given by the function $u_\tau$ picked such that $\tau = \sigma \intersect u_\tau^\perp$, so $u_\tau$ corresponds to the orthogonal normal vector for the wall $\tau$. - These glue to a variety $X(\Delta)$. - Smaller cones correspond to smaller open subsets. - The geometry in $N$ is nicer than that in $M$, usually. - Rays $\rho$ correspond to curves $D_\rho$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} \envlist - Show $F_a\to \PP^1$ is isomorphic to $\PP(\OO(a) \oplus \OO(1))$. - Let $\tau$ be the ray through $e_2$ in $F_a$ and show $D_\tau^2 = -a$. - Show that the normal bundle to $D_\tau \injects F_a$ is $\OO(-a)$. ::: ## 1.2: Convex Polyhedral Cones :::{.remark} \envlist - **Convex polyhedral cones**: generated by vectors $\sigma = \RR_{\geq 0}\gens{v_1,\cdots, v_n}$. Can take minimal vectors along these rays, say $\rho_i$. ![](Reading%20Notes/9_Fulton/figures/2022-10-18_20-35-45.png) - $\dim \sigma \da \dim_\RR \RR \sigma \da \dim_\RR (-\sigma + \sigma)$ - $(\sigma\dual)\dual = \sigma$, which follows from a general theorem: for $\sigma$ a convex polyhedral cone and $v\not\in \sigma$, there is some support vector $u_v\in \sigma\dual$ such that $\inp{u}{v} < 0$. I.e. $v$ is on the negative side of some hyperplane defined in $\sigma\dual$. - Faces are again convex polyhedral cones, faces are closed under intersections and taking further faces. - If $\sigma$ spans $V$ and $\tau$ is a facet, there is a unique $u_\tau\in \sigma\dual$ such that $\tau = \sigma \intersect u_\tau^\perp$; this defines an equation for the hyperplane $H_\tau$ spanned by $\tau$. - If $\sigma$ spans $V$ and $\sigma\neq V$, then $\sigma = \intersect_{\tau\in \Delta} H_\tau^+$, the intersection of positive half-spaces. - An alternative presentation: picking $u_1,\cdots, u_t$ generators of $\sigma\dual$, one has $\sigma = \ts{v\in N \st \inp{u_1}{v} \geq 0, \cdots, \inp{u_t}{v}\geq 0}$. - If $\tau \leq \sigma$ then $\sigma\dual \intersect \tau\dual \leq \sigma\dual$ and $\dim \tau = \codim(\sigma\dual \intersect \tau\dual)$, so the faces of $\sigma, \sigma\dual$ biject contravariantly. - If $\tau = \sigma \intersect u_\tau^\perp$ then $S_\tau = S_\sigma + \NN\gens{-u_\tau}$. :::