# Herbert Gangl, The Aomoto polylogarithm via iterated integrals (Wednesday, July 20) :::{.remark} The plan: - Iterated integrals and formal versions, leading to the "algebraic fingerprint" (i.e. symbols). - Aomoto polylogarithms - A new choice of coordinates on configuration spaces - Relating Aomoto polylogarithms to iterated integrals via the symbol ::: ## Classical Polylogarithms :::{.remark} Recall \[ \Li_n(z) = \sum_{k\geq 1} {z^k\over k^n } .\] Here $n$ is a *weight*, and the *depth* is 1 (the number of variables). More generally, for example, $\Li_{m, n}(x, y)$ has weight $m+n$ and depth 2. This can be written as an iterated integral: \[ \mathrm{II}(a_0; a_1,\cdots, a_n: a_{n+1}) = \int_{\Delta_\gamma} {dt_1 \over t_1-a_1} \wedge \cdots\wedge {dt_n \over t_n - a_n} \] where $\gamma: [0, 1]\to \CC\smts{a_1,\cdots, a_n}$ with $\gamma(0) = a_0, \gamma(1) = a_{n-1}$ and $\Delta_\gamma$ is a certain simplex. Some properties: - Form an algebra under the shuffle product - Path composition - Path reversal - An associated differential equation ::: :::{.remark} One can encode this formally as an algebra over a field $F$ with generators $I(a_0, \cdots, a_{n+1})$ and relations coming from the above properties. A new feature: a "semicircle coproduct" due to Goncharov, whose terms are indexed by polygons involving any subset of the $a_i$ when arranged along a semicircle: ![](figures/2022-07-20_09-14-37.png) In general, the symbol for $I(\cdots)$ will take values in $(F\units)\tensorpower{?}{n}$. ::: ## Aomoto Polylogarithms :::{.remark} Idea: attach a period to any pair of simplices $(L, M)$ in $\PP^n(\CC)$ determined by coordinates $(\ell_0,\cdots, \ell_n; m_0, \cdots, m_n)$. - To $L$, attach $\omega_L$ a differential form, $\dlog\qty{z_1\over z_0} \wedge \cdots\wedge \dlog\qty{z_n\over z_0}$. - To $M$ attach an integral cycle. This gives an assignment $(L, M) \mapsto \int_{\Delta_M} \omega_L$, which generalizes the classical polylogarithm. Some properties: - Degeneracies go to zero (?) - Skew-symmetry: $(\sigma L, M) = (L, \sigma M) = \sign(\sigma)(L, M)$ for any $\sigma\in S_n$. - Invariance for $g\in \PGL_{n+1}(\CC)$ in the sense that $(gL, gM) = (L, M)$. - Additivity, a type of scissors congruence property: $\sum_{i=0}^{n+1} (-1)^i (\ell_0, \cdots, \hat \ell_i, \cdots, \ell_{n+1}; M ) = 0$. BGSV ('89) formalized this in an $F\dash$algebra with generators $(L, M)$ and relations coming from these new properties, and found a good candidate for the category of mixed Tate motives over a field. An issue is that the coproduct is only defined on generic such pairs. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Consider $n=1$ and $(L, M)$ with $(\ell_0, \ell_1, m_0, m_1)$, then \[ A_1(L, M) = \int_{m_0}^{m_1} \dlog\qty{z_1 - \ell_1 \over z_0 - \ell_0} .\] One can extract a cross-ratio from this which lives in $F\units$. ::: :::{.remark} A surprise to BGSV: a certain expression can be written as a combination of Steinberg elements $a\tensor(1-a)$ which is related to motivic cohomology and the Bloch-Suslin complex. Goncharov also writes $A_3(L, M)$ in terms of polylogarithms, and attaches a symbol to general $A_n(L, M)$ in terms of Plucker coordinates. ::: :::{.theorem title="G-Charlton-Radchenko"} The symbol of $A_n(\vector v)$ can be written as a sum of iterated integrals. :::