# Matt Kerr, $K_2$ and quantum curves (Thursday, July 21) > Holy moly, Matt has a lot of equations and writes super fast! I was not able to record even half of what was written. ## A miraculous coincidence :::{.remark} Suppose $f\in \Mero(\CC, \CC)$ with no poles in the horizontal strip $\abs{\Im(z)} < 2\pi$, then $e^{\pm 2\pi i \dd{}{z}}$ is a shift operator $f(z) \mapsto f(z+2\pi i)$. Example: $e^{2\pi i \dd{}{z}} z^k = \sum_\ell \qty{ (2\pi i)^\ell \over \ell! } \qty{\dd{}{z}}^\ell z^k = (z+ 2\pi i)^k$. Consider \[ \hat\phi \da e^r + e^{-r} + e^{2\pi \dd{}{r}} + e^{-2\pi i \dd{}{r} }\actson L^2(\RR) .\] This is some kind of quantum Hamiltonian for a Fermi gas? Note that this is unbounded, but its inverse is bounded and self-adjoint with spectrum that can be enumerated. This suggests a curve of the form $x+x\inv+y+y\inv = \lambda$, is there any AG or Hodge theory arising in this spectral problem? ::: :::{.remark} Consider elliptic curves, pullbacks of the Legendre family $y^2 = x(x-1)(x-16t^2)$. This has two periods $A(t), B(t)$ given by integrating over the two torus cycles $\alpha,\beta$, which are complicated but annihilated by the Picard-Fuchs operator $L = D_t^2 - 16t^2 (D_t + 1)^2$. Solve $L(\wait) = c$ a constant using variation of parameters to get \[ C(t) \approx B(t) \int A(t) {\dt \over t} - A(t) \int B(t) {\dt \over t} .\] Can choose constant terms such that the monodromy of $C$ lies in $\ZZ(2) \gens{A(t), B(t)}$ where $\ZZ(2) = 2\pi i \ZZ$. Set $\nu(t) = {1\over \pi^2} \log^2(-t) + {7\over 6} + \bigo(t\log(t))$ and define $t_n$ by $\nu(t_n) = n+2$. Then $-\log(-t_n) = \pi\sqrt{n + {5\over 6}}$, which yields a sequence matching the exponents in the eigenvalues of $\hat \phi$. Something is going on! ::: :::{.remark} Local mirror symmetry conjecture linking inhomogeneous Picard-Fuchs equations of Hori-Vafa models and enumerative geometry of local CYs: the $B$ model mirror of $K_{\PP^1\times \PP^1}$ is the $\VMHS$ of $H^3$ of $Y_a = V(x+x\inv + y+y\inv + a + uv) \subseteq (\CCstar)^2\times \times \CC^2$ with coordinates $\tv{x, y}$ and $\tv{u, v}$. See Frobenius duality for differential operators? The Geneva conjectures connected difference operators and quantum curves to enumerative geometry of CYs. ::: ## Beilinson's Formula :::{.remark} Like $X\slice \CC$ smooth projective, and note \[ \K_2(\CC(X)) = { \CC(X)\units \wedge \CC(X)\units \over \gens{F \wedge (1-F)} } \mapsvia{\text{T}} \bigoplus _{p\in ?} \CCstar \] where $T$ is the *tame symbol*. We want to compute the regulator \[ \ker(T) = H_M^2(X, \ZZ(2)) \mapsvia{R_X} H^2_D(X, \ZZ(2)) \cong H^1(X^\an, \CC/\ZZ(2)) .\] Beilinson shows that if $\ts{f, g}\in \ker(T)$ and $\gamma\in \pi_1(X\sm ?, x_0)$ then \[ \inner{R_X\ts{f, g}}{[\gamma]} \equiv \int_\gamma \log(f) {dg\over g} - \log g(x_0) \int_\gamma {df\over f} .\] ::: :::{.remark} Consider $X \mapsvia{\pi} S$ a family of smooth curves and $z\in H_m^2(X, \ZZ(2))$ we can consider their fibers $z_2\in H_M^2(X_s, \ZZ(2))$. This maps to \[ R(S) = H^1(X_s, \CC/\ZZ(2)) \cong \Ext^1_{\MHS}(\ZZ(2), H^1(X_s, \ZZ)) .\] By Griffiths transversality, $\nabla R = F^1 H^1_{X\slice S} \tensor \omega_S^1$. If $z$ lifts to $\ts{F, G}$ (?) then $\nabla R = {dF\over F}\wedge {dG\over G}$. ::: ## Families of elliptic curves :::{.remark} Let $\Delta \subseteq \RR\times [-1, 1]$ be a reflexive polytope, e.g. the polytope for $\PP^n$, let $\Delta^\circ$ be is polar dual. Somehow construct an elliptic surface $\mce$ out of this! The symbol $\ts{-x, -y}\in \K_2(\CC(\mce))$ lifting to $z\in H^2_M(\Sigma\sm \mce_\infty, \ZZ(2))$ and take its regulator in $H^1(E_?, \CC/\ZZ(2))$. Idea: regulators of $\K_2$ of curves relate to Hori-Vafa models, so we've reduced to relating regulators to quantum curves: ![](figures/2022-07-21_10-53-34.png) ::: ## Quantum Curves :::{.remark} Theorems: - For all $a\in V$, there is a $\psi_a\in L^2(\RR)\smz$ such that $\hat\phi \psi_a = a\psi _a$. - Asymptotically, 100% of $\sigma(\hat \phi)$ belong to $V$. The first primarily uses Beilinson's formula, the second uses two-variable Fourier transforms. These establish a link between the spectrum $\sigma(\hat\phi)$ (quantum curve side) to the $\ZZ\dash$locus of truncated HNFs (regulator side). ::: :::{.remark} See Grothendieck period conjecture. :::