# Masha Vlasenko, Integrality of instanton numbers (Friday, July 22) :::{.remark} Mirror symmetry: different manifolds give equivalent physics when used to describe particles in string theory. | A side | B side | |--------|------------| | Enumerative geometry (count curves of a fixed degree) | Solve DEs (Picard-Fuchs) for period integrals near MUM | | GW invariants | Instanton numbers | The A side is hard! Beginning of mirror symmetry: Candelas-Ossa-Parkes, exactly soluble superconformal theory from a mirror pair of CYs. Some polynomial operator $L$ has solutions $Ly=0$ given by $y_0(t)$ a hypergeometric function. Write $y_1(t) = f_0(t)\log(?) + f_1$ where $f_1\in t\QQ\fps{t}$, guaranteeing a unique solution. Canonical coordinate: $q(t) = \exp(y_1(t)/y_0(t))$, invert this power series to get the mirror map (near a point of MUM). Use Frobenius method to solve DE, do some mysterious computation to derive a power series called the Yukawa coupling \[ Y(q) = (q\dd{}{q})^2 {y_2\over y_0} = {1\over 5} \sum_{d\geq 0} n_d d^3 {q^d\over 1-q^d} ,\] and the $n_d$ are instanton numbers. These count degree $d$ curves -- in 93, this was shown to compute the number of cubic curves on a general quintic threefold (?). Perhaps not clear why the $n_d$ are integers. ::: :::{.theorem title="2020"} For quintics, the only primes that divide the denominators of $n_d$ are $p=2,3,5$. ::: :::{.remark} A 4th order differential operator $L\in \QQ\adjoin{t, {d\over dt}}$ is a Calabi-Yau operator if - Its singularities are regular, - $t=0$ is a point of MUM, - $L$ is self-dual, - $L$ satisfies integrality conditions: - A holomorphic solution $y_0(t)\in \ZZ[t]$, - Canonical coordinates $q=\exp(y_1/y_0) \in \ZZ\fps{t}$, - Instanton numbers $n_d$ are integral. ::: :::{.remark} Proving integrality goes through \(p\dash \)adic Frobenius structures (originally due to Dwork): equivalence of local systems for $L$ and its pullback under $t\mapsto t^p$ over the field $E_p = \hat{\QQ\rff{t}}$ of \(p\dash \)adic analytic functions. See *flat sections*. Can form a matrix $\phi$ representing the Frobenius structure by expanding in a basis of flat sections? Conjecturally, all Calabi-Yau differential operators have a \(p\dash \)adic Frobenius structure for almost all $p$, as checked against a large database. ::: :::{.theorem title="2020"} If $L$ admits a \(p\dash \)adic Frobenius structure, the previous theorem holds with integrality replaced by $p\dash$integrality, i.e. replace $\ZZ$ with $\ZZpadic$ everywhere. ::: :::{.remark} See \(p\dash \)adic Cartier operation, Dwork crystals. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} There is a decomposition of \(p\dash \)adic cohomology: fix $1 See classification of CYs into 14 deformation classes. :::