# Fenglong You, Degenerations, fibrations and higher rank Landau-Ginzburg models (Friday, July 22) :::{.remark} Mirror symmetry: | A model | B model | |---------|---------| | Symplectic geometry | Complex geometry | | GW invariants | Periods (related by Givental et al) | | Degenerations to relative GW invariants | Relative periods (related by You et al) | Today: how are periods related to relative periods? Fibration structures. See Gross-Siebert program. ::: :::{.remark} Degenerations: let $X \mapsvia{\pi} A$ with $\pi\inv(t) = X$ a Calabi-Yau and $\pi\inv(0) = X_1 \union_D X_2$ where $D\in \abs{-K_X}$ is smooth. Example: a quintic degenerates to $\Bl \PP^3 \union_{\mathrm{K3}} Q_4$. LG models: $X_i\dual \mapsvia{W_i} \CC$ with generic fiber $D\dudal$? Doran-Harder-Thompson conjecture: one can glue $W_1, W_2$ to get $X\dual \to \PP^1$ whose fiber $D\dual$ is mirror to $D$. Thus the mirror of a degeneration is a fibration. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Examples of periods: - $f_{Q_5} = \sum_{d\geq 0} q^d {(5d)! \over (d!)^5}$ - $f_{\mathrm{K3}} = \sum_{d\geq 0} q^d {(4d)! \over (d!)^4}$ How these are related: there is a rational function $A = {9\over y(y-1)^4}$? One can check the following easily using the residue theorem: \[ {1\over 2\pi i} \oint { f_{\mathrm{K3}} \over y(1-y)}\dy = \sum_{d\geq 0} q^d {(5d)! \over (d)^5} .\] ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Similar identities hold for relative periods (using the Hadamard product) for toric complete intersections and holds for a basis of solutions for DEs. ::: :::{.remark} Degenerations of Fanos, the quartic case: $Q_4\leadsto Q_3 \union_{D_0} \Bl \PP^3$ where $D_0$ is a cubic surface. What is the mirror of $(Q_3, D_0)$ and $(\Bl\PP^3, D_0)$? These are not CY, so add an anticanonical divisor $D$ and degenerate not just the Fano but rather the pairs $(Q_4, D)$ where $D \leadsto D_1\union_{D_{12}} D_2$ for $D_i$ hypersurfaces in $Q_3$ and $\Bl \PP^3$ respectively. This is degeneration of log CYs? ::: :::{.remark} Gluing conjecture: $(X, D) \leadsto (X_1, D_0 + D_1), (X_2, D_0 + D_2)$ which have mirrors (?) which can be glued along the first factors so obtain $(X\dual, W)$. Evidence toward this: an Euler characteristic formula $\chi(X) = \cdots$, and an integral formula: \[ {1\over 2\pi i}\oint f_{X_1, D_0 + D_1} \ast f_{X_2, D_0 + D_2} {\dy\over y} = f_{X, D} \ast f_{D_{0}, D_{12}} .\] ::: :::{.remark} See degeneration to the normal cone, quantum Lefschetz principle. > LG models are complex versions of Morse theory?? :::