# Michel van Garrel, N. Takahashi's 3 Conjectures (Friday, July 22) ## The first two conjectures :::{.remark} This talk: 3 conjectures from a 2000 paper of Takahashi. Main topic for today: mirror theorem within the Gross-Siebert mirror construction. Outline: - The 3 conjectures - Describe the GS mirror - Deduce one of the conjectures. ::: :::{.remark} Takahashi's 96 paper: let $E \subseteq \PP^2$ be an elliptic curve, choose $0\in E$ a flex point, a point $P_d$ of order $3d$ for $d\geq 1$, and consider the curve count \[ m_d \da \size \ts{\PP^1 \mapsvia{f} \PP^2 \st f_*[\PP^1] = dH , f(\PP^1) \intersect E = 3d\cdot P_d} \] where $H \in c_1(\OO(1))$. Takahashi computes $m_d$ for $d=1,\cdots 6$. ::: :::{.conjecture} Consider $\mcm_d$ the moduli of stable sheaves $F$ on $\PP^2$, $\chi(F)$, and $[F] = dH$. Define $n_d = (-1)^{d-1} \chi(\mcm_d)$. Then there is a conjectured formula \[ n_d = (-1)^{d-1} 3d m_d ,\] so this moduli space knows about the enumerative counts from before. ::: :::{.remark} This was proved around 2019, complicated and involves Bridgeland stability conditions. Is there an invariant that is independent of choice of the point $P$? The answer is yes, look at a moduli space $\bar{\mcm_d^{\log}}$ of stable log maps $f: C\to \PP^2$ (stable: tree of copies of $\PP^1$ in this case) where $f_*[C] = d H$ is degree $d$, and $f(C) \intersect E = 3d P$ where $P$ is not a particular specified point. ::: :::{.example title="?"} An example of $\bar{\mcm_f^{\log} }$: ![](figures/2022-07-22_15-06-54.png) ::: :::{.conjecture} By some virtual intersection theory magic, there is a log GW invariant $N_d^{\log} = \deg [ \bar{ \mcm_d^{\log} } ]^{\vir} \in \QQ$. A conjectured formula: \[ N_d^{\log} = (-1)^{d-1} 3d \sum _{k\divides d} k^{-3} n_{d\over k } .\] This was proved by Gathmann in 2000. ::: ## The mirror symmetry conjecture :::{.remark} There is a mirror family \[ \hat E_\phi = Z(xy - \phi(x^3+y^3 + 1)) \subseteq (\CCstar)^2 ,\] which determines an affine elliptic fibration whose fibers are 3-punctured elliptic curves, where there are 3 singular fibers. Tracing out the vanishing cycles horizontally yield *Lefschetz thimbles*: ![](figures/2022-07-22_15-18-00.png) He studies $I(\phi) = \int_{\Gamma_\phi} {\dx\over x}\wedge {\dy\over y}$ and finds a basis for solutions of the Picard-Fuchs equations $I_0(\phi^3) = 1, I_1(\phi^3) = \log(\phi^3) + \cdots, I_2(\phi^3) = {1\over 2}\log^2(\phi^3) + \log(\phi^3) + \cdots$ where the omitted terms form holomorphic functions. ::: :::{.conjecture title="Mirror symmetry"} There is a transcendental coordinate change (the mirror map) $\phi\to Q$, and after this change, \[ I_3(Q) = {\log^2(-Q) \over 2} + \sum_{d\geq 1} N_d^{\log} (-Q)^d .\] ::: :::{.remark} Why these integrals know about the enumerative counts: VHS on one side and extract Yukawa coupling, VHS on the other side with Gauss-Manin, and they match by mirror symmetry. Can we extract this somehow from the GS mirror construction? Upshot of the talk: yes. ::: :::{.remark} Will use the GS construction and the A-model correspondence: \[ (\PP^2, E) \mapstofrom (\mcx_t, E\dual_t) \] where $\mcx_t\to \AA^1$ is an elliptic fibration and $t$ is a GS parameter. ::: :::{.remark} Some heuristics: there is a tropicalization functor $(\PP^2, E) \to T$ the infinite Toblerone with a cross-sectional triangle $E$ mirror to the original $E$. There is a moment map $\mathrm{mm} (\mcx_t, E\dual_t)\to T$? $N_d^{\log}$ for $(\PP^2, E)$ gets sent to some tropical curves, and the flex line to an infinite line starting at the vertex. ![](figures/2022-07-22_15-35-37.png) ::: :::{.remark} The situation: \begin{tikzcd} {[v_i]\in H^{i, i}(\PP^2, E)} &&& {} & {[L_i] \in H^{i, 2-i}(\mcx_t, E\dual_t)} \\ \\ && {[\mathrm{trop}(v_i)] = \mathrm{mm}(L_i)} \arrow[from=1-1, to=3-3] \arrow[from=3-3, to=1-5] \arrow["{\text{duality of Hodge diamond}}", from=1-1, to=1-5] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNCxbMCwwLCJbdl9pXVxcaW4gSF57aSwgaX0oXFxQUF4yLCBFKSJdLFszLDBdLFs0LDAsIltMX2ldIFxcaW4gSF57aSwgMi1pfShcXG1jeF90LCBFXFxkdWFsX3QpIl0sWzIsMiwiW1xcbWF0aHJte3Ryb3B9KHZfaSldID0gXFxtYXRocm17bW19KExfaSkiXSxbMCwzXSxbMywyXSxbMCwyLCJcXHRleHR7ZHVhbGl0eSBvZiBIb2RnZSBkaWFtb25kfSJdXQ==) Here $L_i$ is a Lagrangian fibred over a tropical $i\dash$cycle, and it turns out that integrating over tropical cycles recovers the conjectural equation by looking at periods. Note that for $[\pt]\in H^{0, 0}(\PP^2, E)$ one obtains ${1\over (2\pi i)^2} \int {\dx\over x} \wedge {\dy\over y} = 1$, recovering $I_0(\phi^3) = 1$: ![](figures/2022-07-22_15-42-52.png) Ruddat-Siebert show that for a curve $[M] \in H^{1, 1}(\PP^2, E)$: ![](figures/2022-07-22_15-45-12.png) RJ show that \[ \exp\qty{{1\over 2\pi i} \int_\Sigma {\dx\over x}\wedge {\dy\over y}} = -t^3 = Q .\] ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} In the case $[\PP^2] \in H^{2, 2}$ yields a cycle $\Sigma$ determined by GS over $\RR$, and \[ Q\partial_Q \int_\Sigma {\dx\over x} \wedge {\dy\over y} = \log(-Q) = \sum_d dN_d^{\log}(-Q)^d .\] The novelty here is that this falls out of the GS construction by a simple calculation. :::