# Claire: Classical and homological perspectives on scissors congruence (Monday, June 13) ## Classical scissors congruence :::{.remark} We'll be thinking about polytopes in $X = E^n, S^n, H^n$. We saw that in $\RR^2$, area determines SC. Outline: - Defining $P(X, G)$ and $I(X) \da \Isom(X)$. - Defining the Dehn invariant $D$ - Hilbert's 3rd problem - The Dehn-Sedler theorem - $\ker D$ and $\coker D$. - Recasting everything in terms of group cohomology - Action on the Steinberg module - The Tits building. ::: :::{.remark} Let $X=\RR^n$, note $I(\RR^n) = T(n) \semidirect \Orth_n$. ::: :::{.definition title="Simplices and polytopes"} A **geometric simplex** in $X$ is the convex hull of $(n+1)$ points, and we write $\sigma = \abs{(a_0,\cdots, a_n)}$. A **polytope** is a finite union of simplices ::: :::{.definition title="Scissors congruence"} Write $P = P' \disjoint P''$ if $P = P' \union P''$ and the interiors of $P', P''$ are disjoint. For $G\leq I(X)$, we say $P$ and $Q$ are **$G\dash$scissors congruent** if $P = \disjoint P_i$, $Q = \disjoint Q_i$, and $P_i = g Q_i$ for some $g\in G$. We write $P\sim_G Q$. Define $P(G, X)$ as the free abelian group generated by $[P]$ for polytopes $P$ with relations 1. $[P] = [P'] + [P'']$ if $P = P' \disjoint P''$ 2. $[P] = [gP']$ for some $g\in G$. ::: ## The Dehn Invariant :::{.remark} As seen in Inna's talk, volume alone is not enough to determine $\SC$ in $\RR^3$. ::: :::{.theorem title="Dehn-Sydler"} If $\vol(P) = \vol(P')$ and $D(P) = D(P')$ then $P\sim_g P'$, i.e. $P$ and $P'$ are $\SC$. The invariant is iven by \[ D: \mcp \to \RR \tensor_\ZZ \RR/\ZZ \\ P &\mapsto \sum_{e\in \mathrm{ edges of } P }\ell(p) \tensor \theta(e)/\pi ,\] ::: :::{.remark} Note that $\ker(D) \mapsvia{\vol} \RR$ is an isomorphism. The theorem can be recast as injectivity of $D$, and surjectivity is via scaling polytopes. One can also identify the cokernel: \[ P \mapsvia{D} \RR\tensor_\ZZ \RR/\ZZ \surjects \coker(D) \cong \Omega_{\RR/\ZZ} \to 0$. .\] ::: ## Scissors congruence in homological terms :::{.proposition title="Trivial scissors congruence group as homology"} Note that $P(X, 1) \cong H_n(\complex{C}(X)/\complex{C}^{n-1})$ where $\complex{C}(X)$ is the simplicial chain complex and this quotient can be written as the set of *proper* $n\dash$simplices. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Let $\eps_\sigma = \pm 1$ be the orientation of a simplex $\sigma$. Define a map \[ \phi: C_n(X) &\to P(X, 1) \\ \sigma &\mapsto \begin{cases} \eps_\sigma [\abs{\sigma}] & \text{ if $\sigma$ is proper} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise}; \end{cases} \] this is what induces the desired isomorphism after quotienting and taking homology. ::: :::{.proposition title="General scissors congruence as homology"} If $[P] = [gP]$ for some $g$ then $P(X, G) \cong H_0(; P(X, 1))$. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Group homology is the left-derived functor of $M \to M_G \da M/\gens{m-gm}$, or equivalently of tensoring in $\ZZ[G]$, and $H_0$ is precisely the coinvariants. ::: :::{.definition title="Steinberg"} The **Steinberg module** is defined as \[ \St(X) = H_n (\complex{C}(X)/ \complex{C}(X)^{n-1}) .\] ::: :::{.remark} Note that the induced map $\phi_*$ is not quite an isomorphism of $I(X)\dash$modules, the following square doesn't quite commute: \begin{tikzcd} {C_n(X)} && {P(X,1)} \\ \\ {C_n(X)} && {P(X,1)} \arrow["\phi", from=1-1, to=1-3] \arrow["\phi", from=3-1, to=3-3] \arrow["{g^*_{\text{twist}}}", from=1-1, to=3-1] \arrow["{g^*}", from=1-3, to=3-3] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNCxbMCwwLCJDX24oWCkiXSxbMiwwLCJQKFgsMSkiXSxbMCwyLCJDX24oWCkiXSxbMiwyLCJQKFgsMSkiXSxbMCwxLCJcXHBoaSJdLFsyLDMsIlxccGhpIl0sWzAsMiwiZ14qX3tcXHRleHR7dHdpc3R9fSJdLFsxLDMsImdeKiJdXQ==) One instead needs to twist by $\det(g) = \pm 1$, which yields the twist $P(X, 1) = \St(X)^t$. Thus \[ P(X, G) \cong H_0(G; \St(X)^t) ,\] which realizes $P$ as Lie group homology made discrete, i.e. we ignore the topology of $\Orth_n$ and more generally of $G$. ::: ## Steinberg as the homology of its Tits building :::{.remark} In the euclidean case, $\St(X)$ has a homological origin: ::: :::{.definition title="Tits Building"} For any vector space $X$, define the **Tits building** $\tau(X)$ as the geometric realization of the poset of proper nonzero subspaces of $X$ ordered by inclusion. Concretely, as a simplicial set this has - Vertices: proper nonzero subspaces, and - Simplices: flags in $X$. ::: :::{.definition title="Link of a vertex"} For $T$ a poset and $t$ a vertex, the **link** of $t$ is defined as \[ L_t \da \ts{s\in T \st s < t \text{ or } s > t} .\] ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Draw $\tau(\FF_2^3)$; it has 21 1-simplices! ::: :::{.theorem title="Homotopy type of the Tits building for $\RR^n$"} For $X = \RR^n$, Quillen showed $\tau(X) \homotopic \bigvee S^{n-2}$. ::: :::{.remark} $\tau(X)$ has one nontrivial homology group, and Dupont shows $H_{n-?}(\tau(X)) \cong \St(X)$. :::