# Brandon: Assemblers (Tuesday, June 14) ## Defining Assemblers :::{.remark} Toward \(\K\dash\)theory: consider finite decompositions of the form $B = A + C$. Some places this comes up: | Category | Decompositions | |---------|------| | $\rmod$ | SESs | | $\Finset$ | $A\injects B \injectsfrom C \da B\sm A$ | | $\Var\slice k$ | Similar to $\Finset$ | | Polytopes | Same as $\Finset$ | We'll be defining a formalism describing how to take \(\K\dash\)theory of such things: assemblers. Assume $\cC$ has pullbacks -- this is not strictly necessary, but makes things easier. ::: :::{.definition title="Sieves"} A **sieve** on $C\in \cC$ is a full subcategory of $\cC\slice{C}$ closed under precomposition. ::: :::{.remark} A collection of morphisms in a sieve $\ts{C_i\to C}$ generate a sieve on $C$. ::: :::{.definition title="?"} For $f: B\to C$ and a sieve $S$ on $C$, the sieve $f^* S$ is the collection of pullbacks $\ts{f^* C_i}$ for all covers ${C_i\to C}\in S$. ::: :::{.definition title="Grothendieck topologies"} A **Grothendieck topology** on $\cC$ is a collection of sieves $J(C)$ for $C\in \cC$, which we'll refer to as *covering sieves*. This is required to satisfy the following: - For all $S\in J(C)$ and all $f: B\to C$, $f^* S\in J(B)$. - For all $S\in J(C)$ and $T$ a sieve on $C$, if $f^* T\in J(C)$ for all $C_i \mapsvia{f} C$ in $S$, then $T\in J(C)$. - The subcategory of $\cat{C}\slice{C}$ generated by $\id_C$ is in $J(C)$. ::: :::{.definition title="Assemblers"} A **(closed) assembler** is a category $\cC$ with a Grothendieck topology such that - $\cC$ has pullbacks (the "closed" condition), - $\cC$ has an initial object $\emptyset$, - The empty sieve covers $\emptyset$, - All morphisms in $\cC$ are monic. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Let $\mcg_n$ be the assembler whose objects are $n\dash$dimensional closed polytopes in $\RR^\infty$ and morphisms are "inclusions-after-isometries": ![](figures/2022-06-14_11-56-14.png) Take covers to be $\ts{A_i\to A}_{i\in I}$ where $A = \union_i A_i$. ::: :::{.definition title="Disjoint covers"} A cover is **disjoint** if it's generated by $\ts{A_i \to A}_{i\in I}$ where all pullbacks satisfy $\lim(A_i \to A \from A_j) = \emptyset$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} This captures the notion of intersections being lower-dimensional. Let $\OO$ be the assembler of all polytopes (not necessarily closed). ::: ## \(\K\dash\)theory :::{.remark} We'll want a spectrum $K(\cC)$ where we'll define $\K_i(\cC) \da \pi_i \K(\cC)$. ::: :::{.definition title="Formal sums"} A **formal sum** $X$ of elements in $\cC$ is a finite set $I$ and for all $i\in I$ an object $C_i \in \cat{C}$. We'll write this as the pair $(I, (A_i))$. A *morphism* of formal sums is an assignment $(I, (A_i)) \to (J, (A_j))$ where $I \injectsvia{f} J$ is an inclusion of sets and $A_i \cong B_{f(i)}$ for all $i\in I$. An equivalence (which we'll denote a *weak equivalence*) is a surjection $I\surjects J$ and for all $j\in J$ a disjoint cover $\ts{A_i\to B_j}_{i\in f\inv(j)}$ Note that if $J=\emptyset$, this is a disjoint cover of $B$. ::: :::{.definition title="Scissors congruence"} Two objects $A, B\in \cC$ are **scissors congruent** iff there exists a set $I$ and weak equivalences \[ (A, (A_i)) \iso (\emptyset, A) \\ (B, (B_i)) \iso (\emptyset, B) .\] In particular, this induces isomorphisms $A_i \cong B_i$. ::: :::{.definition title="K theory"} For $\cat{C}$ a closed assembler, \[ \K(\cC) = \Loop \realize{ wS_\cdot (\cC)} \] where $wS_\cdot$ is a simplicial category and this is the realization of the diagonal bisimplicial set $[n] \mapsto \nerve{wS_\cdot(\cC)}$. ::: :::{.remark} On the Waldhausen construction: $wS_n(\cC)$ is the category whose objects are sequences of formal sums $X_i$: \begin{tikzcd} & {X_2} &&& {X_{n-1}} \\ {X_1} && {X_3} & \cdots && {X_n} \arrow["\sim"', from=1-2, to=2-1] \arrow["\sim"', from=1-5, to=2-4] \arrow[tail, from=1-5, to=2-6] \arrow[tail, from=1-2, to=2-3] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNixbMCwxLCJYXzEiXSxbMSwwLCJYXzIiXSxbMiwxLCJYXzMiXSxbNSwxLCJYX24iXSxbNCwwLCJYX3tuLTF9Il0sWzMsMSwiXFxjZG90cyJdLFsxLDAsIlxcc2ltIiwyXSxbNCw1LCJcXHNpbSIsMl0sWzQsMywiIiwyLHsic3R5bGUiOnsidGFpbCI6eyJuYW1lIjoibW9ubyJ9fX1dLFsxLDIsIiIsMix7InN0eWxlIjp7InRhaWwiOnsibmFtZSI6Im1vbm8ifX19XV0=) Morphisms are commuting ladders with levelwise weak equivalences where squares between weak equivalences are pullbacks and the remaining squares commute. ::: :::{.remark} Waldhausen showed that this is gives an infinite loop space, and thus there is a naturally associated spectrum. ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} \[ \K_0(\cC) = \gens{[A] \in \cC \st [A] = \sum_j [A_j] \text{ if } \ts{A_i \to A}_{i\in I} \text{ is a cover}} .\] ::: :::{.example title="?"} If $\cat{C} = \emptyset \to \pt$ and $\pt\to \pt$ is the only cover, $\K(\cat C) = \SS$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} $\K_0(\mcg_n)$ is the scissors congruence group of $n\dash$dimensional polytopes, and $\K(\OO)$ is the group for *all* polytopes. ::: :::{.remark} For suitably nice assemblers with $\cat D \injects \cat C$, there is a cofiber sequence \[ \K(\cat D)\to \K(\cat C) \to \K(\cat C \sm \cat D) .\] Since $\OO$ has a dimension filtration $\OO_0 \injects \OO_1 \injects \cdots \injects \OO$ where $\OO_n$ are the polytopes of dimension at most $n$, and there is an induced cofiber sequence \[ \K(\OO_{n-1}) \to \K(\OO_n) \to \K(\mcg_n) .\] :::