# Thursday, January 13 :::{.remark} Last time: fields are simple rings. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Let $k\in \Field$ and show that - If $f\in R\da k[x]$ is irreducible then $\gens{f} \in \spec R$. - $\gens{xy} \in \Id(k[x,y])$ is not prime and not maximal. - There exist nonzero non-prime maximal ideals. - Show that $I\in \spec R \iff A/I$ is an integral domain. - Show that $I\in \mspec R \iff A/I\in \Field$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Prove that if $f: R\to S$ is a ring morphism then there is a well-defined map \[ f^*: \spec S &\to \spec R \\ \mfp &\mapsto f\inv(\mfp) ,\] i.e. if $\mfp$ is prime in $S$ then $f\inv(\mfp)$ is prime in $R$. Show that this doesn't generally hold with $\spec$ replaced by $\mspec$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that defining $V(I) \da \ts{\mfp\in \spec R \st \mfp\contains I}$ as closed sets defines a topology on $\spec R$. Show that $\spec R$ is Hausdorff iff it's discrete, and $V$ is functorial. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Describe - $\spec k$ for $k\in \Field$ - $\spec \ZZ$, show it is not Hausdorff, and $\gens{0}$ is a generic point, and the subspace topology on its closed points is cofinite. - $\spec R$ for $R$ a local ring. - $\spec R$ for $R$ a DVR - $\spec k[x,y]$ - $\spec R$ for $R = \ZZ[i]$. - $\spec \OO_K$, the ring of integers of a number field $K$. - $\spec R$ for $R$ a Dedekind domain ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that every $I\in \Id(R)$ is contained in some $\mfm \in \mspec R$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that the following rings are local: - For $p\in \ZZ$ prime, $R\da \ZZ\localize{S}$ for $S\da\ts{\ell \in \ZZ \text{ prime} \st \ell \neq p}$. - $k\in \Field$ - $k\powerseries{x}$ with $\mfm = \gens{x}$ - $k\powerseries{x, y}$. What is the maximal ideal? ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} For $(R, \mfm)$ a local ring, show that $\mfm = R\sm(R\units)$. ::: :::{.remark} Recall that - $\sum I_j$ is the smallest ideal containing all of the $I_j$. - $\Intersect I_j$ is again an ideal - $IJ \da \gens{xy \st x\in I, y\in J}$ is an ideal - $IJ \subseteq I \intersect J$. - $\nilrad{R}$ is the set of nilpotent elements. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Show that $\nilrad{R}$ is the intersection of all prime ideals. ::: :::{.slogan} Regarding elements $f\in R$ as functions on $\spec R$, $f$ nilpotent is like being zero at every point of $\spec R$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that $x\in \jacobsonrad{R} \iff 1-xy\in R\units$ for all $y\in R$. :::