# Thursday, February 24 ## Going up, going down :::{.theorem title="Going Up I"} Let $A \subseteq B\in \CRing$ with $B$ integral over $A$. Then for every $p\in \spec A$ there is a $q\in \spec B$ with $p = A \intersect q$. ::: :::{.remark} Idea: $\spec B\to \spec A$ has finite fibers. ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} If $A \injects B$ is an integral extension, then $A\in \Field\iff B\in \Field$. ::: :::{.proof title="of lemma"} $\implies$: Last time. $\impliedby$: Given $x\in A$ we have $x\inv \in A$. Then if $f(x) = x^{-n} + \sum_{0\leq k \leq n-1} a_k x^{-k}$, with $f(x) = 0$, then $x^{n-1}f(x) = 0 \implies x\inv = -\sum a_k x^k \in A$. ::: :::{.proof title="of Going Up"} Note $A\localize{p} \injects B\localize{p}$ is still integral, and let $q'\in \mspec B\localize{p} \neq \emptyset$. Write $p$ for the maximal ideal of $A$, then (claim) $A\localize{p} \intersect q' = p$. STS $A\localize{p} \intersect q'$ is maximal, since these are local rings, and so it's ETS $A\localize{p}/(A\localize{p} \intersect q') \in \Field$. Since this is integral iff $B\localize{p}/q'$ is integral, which it is, by the lemma this is a field too. :::{.exercise title="?"} Show tat taking the preimage of $q'$ in $B$ works. ::: ::: :::{.theorem title="Going Up II: partial lifts of chains of primes extend"} Given $A \injects B$ integral and \[ p_1 &\subseteq p_2 \subseteq \cdots \subseteq p_n \in \spec A \\ q_1 &\subseteq q_2 \subseteq \cdots \subseteq q_m \in \spec B \\ ,\] where $p_i = q_i \intersect A$ and e.g. with $m\leq n$, then there exist $q_{m+1}, \cdots, q_n$ with $q_j \subseteq q_{j+1}$ and $q_i \intersect A = p_i$. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Note that it's enough to lift one stage and induct. So given $q_1 \subseteq \cdots q_n$, it's ETF $q_{m+1} \contains q_m$ with $q_{m+1} \intersect A = p_{m+1}$. Strategy: - Replace $A$ with $A/p_n$ and $B$ with $B/q_n$. - Find $\bar q \in B/q_m$ with $\bar q \intersect A/p_n$ the image of $p_{n+1}$ - Use that $\bar q$ exists by Going Up I. ::: :::{.remark} The geometry: $A\to B\leadsto \spec B \mapsvia{\pi} \spec A$. Increasing chains $p_i$ means $p_{i+1}\in \cl_{\spec A} p_i$, and "going up" means sequences can be completed with points in closures in $\spec B$ I.e. $\pi$ is a closed map, i.e. closed under specialization (passing to a point in the closure). Idea: covering map, possibly with ramification or splitting. ![](figures/2022-02-24_13-20-20.png) ::: :::{.example title="?"} Consider $k[x]\injects k[x,y]/\gens{y^2-x}$ over $\characteristic k = 0$ and $k=\kbar$. Take $p=\gens{x-2}$ and $q = \gens{y-\sqrt 2}$ or $\gens{y+\sqrt 2}$ extend $p$. ![](figures/2022-02-24_13-21-53.png) Similarly, take $\ZZ\injects \ZZ[i]$ and consider how primes lift (see inert, split, ramified). ::: :::{.definition title="Integrally closed"} For $A \subseteq B$, say $A$ is **integrally closed in $B$** iff $A$ contains every element of $B$ which is integral over $A$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} $k[x] \subseteq k[x,y]$ is integrally closed, but $k[x] \subseteq k[x,y]/\gens{y^2-x}$ is not. ::: :::{.theorem title="Going Down"} For $A\leq B\in \IntDomain$ with $A$ integrally closed in $\ff(A)$ and $B$ integral over $A$. If \[ p_1 &\contains p_2 \contains \cdots \contains p_n \in \spec A \\ q_1 &\contains q_2 \contains \cdots \contains q_m \in \spec B \\ \] with $q_i \intersect A = p_i$, then there exist $q_m \contains q_{m+1} \contains \cdots \contains q_{n+1} \contains q_n$ with $q_i \intersect A = p_i$. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} See A&M, similar to proof of going up. ::: :::{.remark} Idea: closed under *generization* (opposite of specialization, given $x$ finding a point $y$ with $x\in \cl y$), so the geometric map is almost open. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Being integrally closed corresponds to a variety being **normal** and is a smoothness condition. ::: :::{.exercise title="Challenge"} Use $k[x,y]/\gens{y^2-x^3} \cong k[x^2, x^3] \injects k[x,y]$ to construct a counterexample to the going down theorem when $A \injects \ff(A)$ is *not* integrally closed. ::: ## Local Properties :::{.remark} On local properties: for $M\in \rmod^{\fg, \Noeth}$, a HW problem shows if $p\in \spec A$ and $M\localize{p} = 0$ then $M\localize{f} = 0$ for some $f$. This says that the property of being zero extends: ![](figures/2022-02-24_13-45-57.png) ::: :::{.definition title="Local"} A property $Q$ is **local** iff given $M\in \mods{A}$, TFAE: - $Q$ holds for $M$ - $Q$ holds for $M\localize{f_i}$ for every $\ts{f_i}$ with $\gens{\ts{f_i}} = \gens{1}$. ::: :::{.slogan} Local properties can be checked on an open cover of $\spec A$, and $\mods{A}$ corresponds to $\QCoh(\spec A)$. ::: :::{.remark} One can always take the set $\ts{f_i}$ to be finite since if such a collection generates the unit ideal, there is some finite sum $\sum a_i f_i = 1$. One can also reformulate the second condition as follows: for each $p\in \spec A$, there exists some $f_p \not\in p$ such that every $M\localize{f_p}$ satisfies $Q$. $\implies$: Check that $\gens{\ts{f_p}} = \gens{1}$; if not then there exists some $m\in \mspec A$ with $\ts{f_p} \subseteq m$ which is maximal and hence prime. $\impliedby$: The claim is that given $p$ there exist $f_i\not\in p$. If not, $\ts{f_i} \subseteq p$ and $1\in p$. ::: :::{.corollary title="?"} If $\gens{\ts{f_i}} = 1$ then $\spec A\localize{f_i} = \spec A\sm V(f_i) \subseteq \spec A$ is an open cover of $\spec A$. Thus $\spec A$ is quasicompact for any ring $A$. ::: :::{.remark} Some local properties: - Being zero - Being injective/surjective/bijective - Being finitely generated (and projective) - Being flat :::