# Thursday, February 24 :::{.remark} Last time: there is a unique tight contact structure on $S^3$, using the existence of a contact structure on $S^3\times I$. Next: tight contact structures on - $T^2\times I$ - $S^1\times \DD^2$ - $L(p, q)$ - $T^3$ Given dividing sets of $\Gamma_0, \Gamma_1 \in T^2\times I$, how can contact structures vary in a family. Tightness implies no contractible components in $\Gamma$, so $\Gamma$ consists of $2n$ embedded curves of slow $p/q$. So the dividing set is governed by two parameters. ::: :::{.remark} The only change to the dividing set in a generic family can be: - Retrograde saddle-saddle, yielding by pass moves. ![](figures/2022-02-24_11-26-51.png) ::: :::{.proposition} Given any contact structure on $\Sigma \times I$ with dividing sets $\Gamma_0, \Gamma_1$, $\xi$ is determined by a finite number of bypass moves. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Diagrams? $\vdots$ ::: :::{.remark} Given $\Gamma_0$ with slope $p/q$ and $\Gamma_1$ with slope $r/s$, form a Farey graph: ![](figures/2022-02-24_12-00-24.png) $\vdots$ ::: :::{.proposition title="Legendrian Darboux"} If $L$ is a Legendrian knot in $M$, then a neighborhood of $L$ is contactomorphic to a neighborhood of a zero section in $J(S^1) \cong \RR\times \T\dual S^1 \cong S^1\times \RR^2$.. ::: :::{.remark} Write this in coordinates as $(z, (x, y))$, so $\alpha = \dz -y\dx$ with $x\in \RR/\ZZ$. Then $v(L) = \ts{y^2+z^2\leq \eps}$, $y=r\cos\theta, z=r\sin\theta$. $T^2 = \ts{x, \theta}, \ro{\alpha}{T^2} = y\dtheta -y\dx = \eps\cos\theta (\dtheta - \dx)$. Unwrap: ![](figures/2022-02-24_12-15-41.png) Note that $\dalpha > 0$ at $\pi/2$ and $\dalpha < 0$ at $3\pi/2$. Idea: given two unrelated surfaces with their own foliations, how do they interact at the boundary? Dividing sets on each can be extended into the annulus, and this reduces to a combinatorial problem of how to connected arcs: ![](figures/2022-02-24_12-26-17.png) :::