# Tuesday, March 15 > See :::{.remark} Last time: classifying tight contact structures on $T^3$. Some contact structure: \[ \xi_n = \ker( \cos(2\pi n z) \dx - \sin(2\pi n z)\dy ) .\] Realize $T^3$ as a cube with faces glued, then moving in the $z$ direction twists $n$ times as you traverse the cube. We can reduce this to $\xi_1$ using $\tv{x,y,z}\mapsto \tv{x,y,nz}$. ::: :::{.remark} Goal: classify tight contact structures on lens spaces $L_{p, q} = T^2\times I/\sim$. We can discretize the contact structure on $\Sigma\times I$ into a finite number of *bypass moves* on the dividing sets. The basic move: ![](figures/2022-03-15_11-30-20.png) ::: :::{.definition title="Basic slice"} A **basic slice** is a contact structure on $T^2$ such that - $T^2\times\ts{0}$ is convex with 2 dividing curves of slope 0 - $T^2\times\ts{1}$ is convex with 2 dividing curves of slope -1 - $\xi$ is tight - $\xi$ is minimally twisting, so if $T^2 \subseteq T^2\times I$ is convex then $\slope(r) \in [-1, 0]$. ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} There are exactly 2 basic slices. Both embed in $(T^3, \xi_1) = \ker(\cos(2\pi z)\dx - \sin(2\pi z)\dy) = T^2\times I/\sim$, and are given by - $(T_2\times [0, 1/8], \xi_1)$ - $(T_2\times [1/2, 5/8], \xi_1)$ ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Step 1: There are at most 2 basic slices. Reduce to $S^1\times D^2$ by removing a convex annulus. Note that $T^2\times I\sm (S^1\times I) \cong S^1\times I^2 \cong S^1\times D^2$. ![](figures/2022-03-15_11-40-54.png) Since the boundary is convex, we can make the foliations on both of the ruling curves of slope $\infty$. > ? Take an annulus $A$ with some condition on $\bd A$, perturb to be convex? Something contradicts the "minimally twisting" assumption, involving these pics: ![](figures/2022-03-15_11-51-21.png) Smooth corners? > ? ::: :::{.definition title="Relative Euler class"} Let $(M,\xi)$ be a contact 3-manifold with $\ro{\xi}{\bd M}$ trivial. Let $s$ be a nonvanishing section of $\ro{\xi}{\bd M}$, then the **relative Euler class** $e(\xi, s) \in H^2(M, \bd M;\ZZ) \cong H_1(M)$ (by Lefschetz duality) is the dual of the vanishing set of an extension of $s$ to a section of $\xi$ on $M$. ::: :::{.remark} In this case $\dim s\inv = \dim M - \dim \xi$. ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} If $\Sigma \embeds (M,\xi)$ is a properly embedded convex surface and $s$ is a section of $\ro{\xi}{\bd M}$ that is tangent to $\bd \Sigma$ with the correct orientation, then \[ \inp{e(\xi, s)}{\Sigma} = \chi(\Sigma_+) - \chi(\Sigma_-) .\] where $\inp\wait\wait: H^2(M, \bd M;\ZZ) \times H_2(M, \bd M; \ZZ) \to \ZZ$. ::: :::{.remark} Note $H_2(T^2\times I, \bd; \ZZ) = \gens{[\alpha\times I], [\beta\times I]}$ where $H_2(T^2) = \gens{\alpha, \beta}$. :::