# Tuesday, March 29 :::{.remark} Goal: classification of tight contact structures on lens spaces. Lens spaces: $L_{p, q} = S^3/C_p$ where the action is $\tv{z_1, z_2} \mapsto \tv{e^{2\pi i\over p}, e^{2\pi iq \over p}}$ which has order $p$. Note $L_{p, q} \cong L_{p, q'}$ when $q\equiv q'\mod p$, so we can assume $-p ![](figures/2022-03-29_11-31-57.png) All lens spaces can be generated by genus 1 Heegaard splittings? ::: :::{.remark} $-p/q$ Dehn surgery is equivalent to a sequence of linked unknots with numbers $r_1,\cdots, r_k$. When can this be done in a way that preserves the contact structure? Idea: Legendrian surgery, which removes a Legendrian knot and reglues. ::: :::{.remark} Let $L$ be Legendrian and $\nu(L)$ is a standard neighborhood (so standard contact structure). Then $\bd \nu(L) \cong T^2$ is convex with 2 dividing curves, where "slope" is the contact framing. For $\tv{\theta, x, y} \in S^1\times \RR^2$, set $\alpha = \dx + y\dtheta$. Then $\tv{\theta, 0, 0}$ is Legendrian. When can we extend $\xi$ uniquely across surgery $S^1\times \DD^2$? Need to attach handles along integer framing (choice of integer in $\pi_1 \SO_2(\RR) \cong \ZZ$ corresponding to trivializing the normal bundle $\nu (K)$ in an embedding). Need good surgery slopes: $\ts{n}_{n\in \ZZ} \intersect \ts{1\over k}_{k\in \ZZ} = \ts{\pm 1}$, relative to the tb-framing. So $\mathrm{tb}-1$ is the best framing.: ![](figures/2022-03-29_12-11-25.png) Stabilize up to $r_K+1$ on each Legendrian knot. Fact: yields a Stein fillable thing, implies tight contact structure. ::: :::{.remark} There are $-r_0-1$ ways to perform $-r_0 - 2$ stabilizations. E.g. for $-r_0-2 = 3$, break into positive and negative stabilizations: - $(3, 0)$ - $(2, 1)$ - $(1, 2)$ - $(0, 3)$ So there are $\prod_{1\leq i\leq k} (-r_k - 1)$ tight contact structures on $-p/q = \tv{r_0, \cdots, r_k}$. :::