# Tuesday, April 05 ## Symplectic Fillings :::{.example title="Properties of the standard contact structure on $S^3$"} Consider $(S^3, \xi_\std) \subseteq \CC^2$; some things that are true: - There is a symplectic form $\omega = dx_1 \wedge dy_1 + dx_2 \wedge dy_2$ where $d\omega = 0$ and $\omega \wedge \omega =2 d\mathrm{Vol} > 0$. Write $\phi = \sum x_i^2 + \sum y_i^2$, then $S^3 = \phi\inv(1)$. - Letting $\rho = \sum x_i \del x_i + \sum y_i \del y_i = {1\over 2}\grad \phi$ in the standard metric yields a contact form $\alpha = \omega(\rho, \wait)$. - Since $\ro{\omega}{\xi_\std} > 0$, this yields an area form on contact planes. - There is also a complex structure $J: \T_p \CC^2 \to \T_p \CC^2$ where $J(\del x_i) = \del y_i$ and $J(\del y_i) = - \del x_i$ with a compatibility $g(x, y) = \omega(x, Jy)$. ::: :::{.definition title="Fillings"} A complex symplectic manifold $(X^4, \omega, J)$ is a filling of $(Y^3, \xi)$ if $Y = \bd X$, - **Stein filling**: $(X^4, J)$ is a Stein manifold, and $\xi = \T Y \intersect J(\T Y)$. - **Strong filling**: if there is an outward pointing (Liouville) vector field $\rho$ with $\mcl_\rho \omega = \omega$ with $\xi \ker (\omega(\rho, \wait))$ (which is always contact). Note $\mcl_\rho \omega = d(\iota_\rho \omega) + \iota_\rho(d\omega)$ where the 2nd term vanishes for a symplectic form. - **Weak filling**: $\ro{\omega}{\xi} > 0$. > Note that we aren't defining what "Stein" means here. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} There are strict implications - Stein $\implies$ - Strong $\implies$ - Weak $\implies$ - Tight. Note that the last implication is the harder part of the theorem. ::: :::{.problem title="?"} Given $(Y, \xi)$, classify all fillings. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Consider $(T^3, \xi_n)$ -- if $n=1$, this is Stein fillable, and for $n\geq 2$ these are weakly fillable but not strongly fillable. In this case, all of the filling manifolds are $T^2 \times \BB^2$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} For lens spaces $L_{p, q}$ all tight contact structures are Stein fillable with the same smooth filling. Take the linear plumbing $X$ of copies of $S^2$ corresponding to $-p/q = \tv{r_1, r_2, \cdots, r_k}$ as a continued fraction expansion. They're distinguished by Chern classes $c_1(T_X, J)$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Brieskorn spheres are examples of fillings, related to Milnor fibers. For $p,q,r \geq 2$, define \[ \Sigma(p,q,r) \da \ts{F_{p,q,r}(x,y,z) = x^p + y^q + z^r = \eps} \intersect S^5 \subseteq \CC^3 = \spanof_\CC\ts{x,y,z} .\] In this case, we have: ![](figures/2022-04-05_11-58-26.png) Note that $\eps = 0$ yields a singular variety, while $\eps>0$ small yields a smooth manifold. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show $\Sigma_{p,q,r}$ is the $r\dash$fold cyclic branched cover of $S^3$ over the torus knot $T_{p, q}$. ::: :::{.remark} Let $J: \T X\to \T X$ with $J^2 = -\id$, so the eigenvalues are $\pm i$. So consider complexifying to $\T_\CC X \da \T X \tensor_\RR \CC$, so e.g. $\del x_k \mapsto (a_k + i b_k) \del x_k$. This splits into positive (holomorphic) and negative (antiholomorphic) eigenspaces $\T^{1, 0}_\CC X \oplus \T^{0, 1}_\CC X$. Take a change of basis $\tv{x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2} \mapsto \tv{z_1, \bar{z}_1, z_2, \bar{z}_2}$ which yields $\del z = {1\over 2}\qty{\del x - i \del y}$ and $\delbar z = {1\over 2}\qty{\del x + i \del y}$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Let $f(z) = \abs{z}^2$ and check - $\del \delbar f = \del(z d\bar{z}) = dz \wedge d\zbar = -2i (dx \wedge dy)$. - $d = \del + \delbar$ Practicing this type of change of variables is important! ::: :::{.definition title="Levi forms and plurisubharmonicity"} Let $\phi: X\to \RR$ for $X$ a complex manifold, then the **Levi form** of $\phi$ is \[ \mcl \phi = \del\delbar \phi = \sum_{i, j} {\del^2 \over \del z_j \delbar \bar{z}_k} dz_j \wedge d\bar{z}_k ,\] generalizing the Hessian. The function $\phi$ is **plurisubharmonic** if $\mcl \phi$ is positive semidefinite at every point. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Consider $\phi: \CC\to \RR$, then \[ \mcl \phi &= \del\delbar \phi \\ &= 2\qty{{1\over 2}\qty{\phi_x + i\phi_y}}\\ &= {1\over 2}\qty{ {1\over 2}\qty{\phi_{xx} - \phi_{xy}} + {1\over 2}\qty{ \phi_{yx} - i \phi_{yy}}} \\ &= {1\over 4}\qty{\phi_{xx} + \phi_{yy}}\\ &= {1\over 4}\laplacian \phi ,\] so plurisubharmonic implies positive Laplacian. Note that in 1 dimension, $\laplacian f = 0 \implies f'' = 0$, so $(x, f(x))$ is a straight line. In higher dimensions, $f''>0$ forces convexity, so secant lines are under the straight lines, hence the "sub" in subharmonic. ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} If $\phi: X\to \RR$ is plurisubharmonic and $0$ is a regular value, then $(\phi\inv(0), \xi)$ (where $\xi$ is its complex tangencies) forms a contact structure and the sub-level set $\phi\inv(-\infty, 0]$ is a Stein filling. ::: :::{.example title="A basic example of a plurisubharmonic function"} The radical function $\phi: \CC^3\to \RR$ where $\phi(z_1,z_2,z_3) = \sum \abs{z_i}^2$ is plurisubharmonic, as is its restriction to any submanifold of $\CC^3$, including any filling of $\Sigma_{p,q,r}$. Hard theorem: any Stein manifold and any Stein filling essentially comes from this construction. :::