# Tuesday, January 11 :::{.remark} This course: solving $Lf=g$ for $L$ a linear operator, in analogy to solving $Ax=b$ in matrices. References: - Hutson-Pym-Cloud, *Applications of Functional Analysis and Operator Theory* - Reed-Simon, *Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics* - Brezis, *Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and PDEs* ::: :::{.remark} The issue when passing to infinite-dimensional vector spaces: the topology matters. E.g. the closure of the unit ball is closed and bounded and thus compact in finite dimensions, but this may no longer be true in $\RR^\infty$ or $\CC^\infty$. Recall that a Banach space is a complete normed space, and is further a Hilbert space if the norm is induced by an inner product. See the textbook for a review of vector spaces, metric spaces, norms, and inner products. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Our first example of infinite dimensional vector spaces: sequence spaces $\ell$ with elements $f \da (f_1, f_2, \cdots )$ with each $f_i\in \RR$. ::: :::{.remark} Linear subspaces are subspaces that contain zero, as opposed to affine subspaces. An example is $C_0([0, L]; \RR) \leq C([0, L]; \RR)$, the subspace of bounded continuous functionals on $[0, L]$ which vanish at the endpoints. For any subset $S \subseteq V$, write $[S]$ or $\spanof S$ for the linear span of $S$: all finite linear combinations of elements in $S$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Let $V = C([-1, 1])$ and $x_1\neq x_2\in [-1, 1]$, and set $M_i \da \ts{f\in V \st f(x_i) = 0}$. Then $M_i \leq V$ is a linear subspace, and in fact $V = M_1 + M_2$ but $V\neq M_1 \oplus M_2$ since the zero function is in both subspaces. ::: :::{.remark} Limits of finite operators are compact. The classical example: set $(A_N)_{i, i} = {1\over i}$, so $A_N = \diag\qty{{1}, {1\over 2}, {1\over 3}, \cdots, {1\over N}}$. Then $\spec A_N = \ts{1\over n}_{n\leq N}$, but $A\da \lim_N A_N$ is an operator with $0\in \bar{\spec(A)}$ as an accumulation point. Exercise: what is $\ker A$? Is it nontrivial? ::: :::{.definition title="Convexity"} A subset $S \subseteq V$ is **convex** iff \[ tf + (1-t)g \in S \qquad \forall f, g\in S,\quad \forall t\in (0, 1] .\] Equivalently, \[ {af+bg\over a+b}\in S \qquad \forall f, g\in S,\quad \forall a,b\geq 0 \] where not both of $a$ and $b$ are zero. The **convex hull** of $S$ is the smallest convex set containing $S$. ::: :::{.remark} Recall Holder's inequality: \[ \norm{fg}_1 \leq \norm{f}_p \cdot \norm{g}_q ,\] Schwarz's inequality \[ \abs{\inner{f}{g}} \leq \norm{f} \norm{g} \qquad \norm{f} \da \sqrt{\inner{f}{f}} ,\] and Minkowski's inequality \[ \norm{f+g}_p \leq \norm{f}_p + \norm{g}_p .\] A nice proof of Cauchy-Schwarz: ![](figures/2022-01-11_15-43-17.png) ![](figures/2022-01-11_15-43-24.png) :::