# Friday, August 18 :::{.exercise title="?"} Let $V \da \spec \CC[x_1, x_2]/\gens{x_2-x_1^2}$ and show $V\cong \AA^1\slice \CC$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that there are varieties $V_1, V_2$ with coordinate rings that are isomorphic as rings but not as $\CC\dash$algebras, and thus $V_1\not\cong V_2$. > Hint: see Serre, *Exemples de variétés projectives conjuguées non homéomorphes*. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Check that $(\cstar)^n \injects \CC$ is a variety via the presentation $V(\prod_{i=1}^{n+1} - 1)$, defining it as a variety. ::: :::{.remark} A character of a torus $T \da (\cstar)^n$ is a morphism $\chi: T\to \cstar$. For any $m = (a_1,\cdots, a_n) \in \ZZ^n$, there is a character $\chi^m$ given by $(t_1,\cdots, t_n) \mapsto \prod t_i^{a_i}$. Define $M$ to be the set of all characters of $T$. ::: :::{.remark} If $T$ acts linearly on a vector space $W$, there is an eigenspace decomposition $W = \bigoplus_{m\in M} W_m$ where $W_m \da \ts{w\in W \st t.w = \chi^m(t) w\, \forall t\in T}$ is the weight space of weight $m$. ::: :::{.remark} A cocharacter is a group morphism $\lambda: \CC^* \to T$ and any $u=(b_1,\cdots, b_n) \in \ZZ^n$ where \( \lambda^u(t) \da (t^{b_1}, \cdots, t^{b_n}) \). All cocharacters are of this form, and we define $N$ to be the set of all cocharacters of $T$. Note that $M$ and $N$ are dual lattices under the pairing \[ \inp{\wait}{\wait}: M\times N &\to \ZZ \\ ( \chi, \lambda) &\mapsto \ell \] where $\ell$ is a unique integer determined in the following way: note that \( \chi \circ \lambda \) is a map $\cstar\to\cstar$ and thus of the form $z\mapsto z^\ell$. ::: :::{.definition title="Affine toric varieties"} An **affine toric variety** is an irreducible variety[^normality] $V$ containing an open dense torus $T\da (\cstar)^n$ such that the action of $T$ on itself extends to an action on $V$. [^normality]: Note that Fulton imposes the condition of normality, which we'll not impose here yet. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that $(\cstar)^n$ and $\CC^n$ are affine toric varieties. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Show that $V(x^3-y^2) \subseteq \CC^2$ is an affine toric variety with an embedding \[ \cstar &\embeds \CC^2 \\ t &\mapsto (t^2, t^3) .\] Show that the action $\cstar \selfmap$ extends to an action on $V$. > Hint: look at the following map, \[ \cstar \times V &\to V \\ t.x &\da t^2 x \\ t.y &\da t^3 y .\] ::: :::{.remark} Note that since $T \subseteq V$ for a toric variety $V$, we have $\CC[V] \subseteq \CC[T] \cong \CC[x_1,\cdots, x_{n+1}]/\gens{\prod x_i - 1} \cong \CC[x_1^{\pm 1}, \cdots, x_n^{\pm 1}]$ which admits a decomposition $\CC[T] \cong \oplus _{m\in M} \CC \chi^m$. I.e., any Laurent polynomial can be written as a sum of monomials of the form $\prod x_i^{a_i}$ for $m = (a_1,\cdots, a_n)$. To any $V$ there is an associated monoid $S \subseteq M$ such that $\CC[V] \cong \oplus _{m\in S} \CC \chi^m$. Conversely, for each finitely generated monoid $S \embeds M$, there is an associated toric variety $M$. One can write a monoid algebra \[ \CC[S] \da \ts{ \sum _{m\in S} c_m \chi^m \st c_m \in \CC, c_m =0 \text{ for all but finitely many }m} .\] ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Set $S = M = \ZZ^n$, then $\spec \CC[M] \cong (\cstar)^n$. Similarly, if $S = \NN^n \subseteq M$ then $\spec \CC[S] \cong \CC^n$. Check that if $S = \gens{2e_1, 3e_2}$ then $\spec \CC[S] \cong V(x^3-y^2)$. :::